As nobody has provided input, I have updated the question. (The next one is coming soon)
Coding to this interface:
namespace ThorsAnvil
namespace Serialization
class ParserInterface
enum class ParserToken {Error, DocStart, DocEnd, MapStart, MapEnd, ArrayStart, ArrayEnd, Key, Value};
std::istream& input;
ParserToken pushBack;
ParserInterface(std::istream& input)
: input(input)
, pushBack(ParserToken::Error)
virtual ~ParserInterface() {}
ParserToken getToken();
void pushBackToken(ParserToken token);
virtual ParserToken getNextToken() = 0;
virtual std::string getKey() = 0;
virtual void getValue(short int&) = 0;
virtual void getValue(int&) = 0;
virtual void getValue(long int&) = 0;
virtual void getValue(long long int&) = 0;
virtual void getValue(unsigned short int&) = 0;
virtual void getValue(unsigned int&) = 0;
virtual void getValue(unsigned long int&) = 0;
virtual void getValue(unsigned long long int&)= 0;
virtual void getValue(float&) = 0;
virtual void getValue(double&) = 0;
virtual void getValue(long double&) = 0;
virtual void getValue(bool&) = 0;
virtual void getValue(std::string&) = 0;
The Json Implementation is:
#include "Serialize.h"
#include "JsonLexer.h"
#include <istream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace ThorsAnvil
namespace Serialization
class JsonParser: public ParserInterface
enum State {Error, Init, OpenM, Key, Colon, ValueM, CommaM, CloseM, OpenA, ValueA, CommaA, CloseA, Done};
JsonLexerFlexLexer lexer;
std::vector<State> parrentState;
State currentEnd;
State currentState;
bool started;
std::string getString();
template<typename T>
T scan();
JsonParser(std::istream& stream);
virtual ParserToken getNextToken() override;
virtual std::string getKey() override;
virtual void getValue(short int& value) override;
virtual void getValue(int& value) override;
virtual void getValue(long int& value) override;
virtual void getValue(long long int& value) override;
virtual void getValue(unsigned short int& value) override;
virtual void getValue(unsigned int& value) override;
virtual void getValue(unsigned long int& value) override;
virtual void getValue(unsigned long long int& value) override;
virtual void getValue(float& value) override;
virtual void getValue(double& value) override;
virtual void getValue(long double& value) override;
virtual void getValue(bool& value) override;
virtual void getValue(std::string& value) override;
#include "JsonParser.h"
#include "JsonLexemes.h"
#include "UnicodeIterator.h"
#include <map>
#include <cstdlib>
// enum class ParserToken {Error, MapStart, MapEnd, ArrayStart, ArrayEnd, Key, Value};
using namespace ThorsAnvil::Serialization;
using ParserToken = ParserInterface::ParserToken;
JsonParser::JsonParser(std::istream& stream)
: ParserInterface(stream)
, lexer(&stream)
, currentEnd(Done)
, currentState(Init)
, started(false)
ParserToken JsonParser::getNextToken()
/* Handle States were we are not going to read any more */
if (!started)
started = true;
return ParserToken::DocStart;
if (currentState == Done)
currentState = Error;
return ParserToken::DocEnd;
if (currentState == Error)
return ParserToken::Error;
// Convert Lexer tokens into smaller range 0-12
static std::map<int, int> tokenIndex =
{0, 0},
{'{', 1},
{'}', 2},
{'[', 3},
{']', 4},
{',', 5},
{':', 6},
{ThorsAnvil::Serialize::JSON_TRUE, 7},
{ThorsAnvil::Serialize::JSON_FALSE, 8},
{ThorsAnvil::Serialize::JSON_NULL, 9},
{ThorsAnvil::Serialize::JSON_STRING, 10},
{ThorsAnvil::Serialize::JSON_INTEGER, 11},
{ThorsAnvil::Serialize::JSON_FLOAT, 12}
// State transition table;
static State stateTable[][13] =
/* Token -> 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 */
/* Error */ { Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error },
/* Init */ { Error, OpenM, Error, OpenA, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error },
/* OpenM */ { Error, Error, CloseM, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Key, Error, Error },
/* Key */ { Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Colon, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error },
/* Colon */ { Error, OpenM, Error, OpenA, Error, Error, Error, ValueM, ValueM, ValueM, ValueM, ValueM, ValueM },
/* ValueM*/ { Error, Error, CloseM, Error, Error, CommaM, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error },
/* CommaM*/ { Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Key, Error, Error },
/* CloseM*/ { Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error },
/* OpenA */ { Error, OpenM, Error, OpenA, CloseA, Error, Error, ValueA, ValueA, ValueA, ValueA, ValueA, ValueA },
/* ValueA*/ { Error, Error, Error, Error, CloseA, CommaA, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error },
/* CommaA*/ { Error, OpenM, Error, OpenA, Error, Error, Error, ValueA, ValueA, ValueA, ValueA, ValueA, ValueA },
/* CloseA*/ { Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error },
/* Done */ { Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error, Error },
// Read the next token and update the state.
int token = lexer.yylex();
int index = tokenIndex[token];
currentState = stateTable[currentState][index];
// These states should be impossible to get too
case Init: throw std::runtime_error("ThorsAnvil::Serialize::JsonParser: Got into Init State");
case Done: throw std::runtime_error("ThorsAnvil::Serialize::JsonParser: Got into Done State");
// The states that we actually want to return
case Error: return ParserToken::Error;
case Key: return ParserToken::Key;
case ValueM: return ParserToken::Value;
case ValueA: return ParserToken::Value;
// Punctuation.
// Parse it but it is not the actual result
// So try and get the next token.
case Colon: return getNextToken();
case CommaM: return getNextToken();
case CommaA: return getNextToken();
// We are going into a containing object.
// Push the state we want when the containing
// object is complete then set the state we will
// need if we open another container.
case OpenM:
currentEnd = ValueM;
return ParserToken::MapStart;
case OpenA:
currentEnd = ValueA;
return ParserToken::ArrayStart;
// We are leaving the containing object.
// Pop the state we previously saved.
case CloseM:
currentEnd = currentState = parrentState.back();
return ParserToken::MapEnd;
case CloseA:
currentEnd = currentState = parrentState.back();
return ParserToken::ArrayEnd;
// Anything else just break.
// If we hit anything else there was a serious problem in the
// parser itself.
throw std::runtime_error("ThorsAnvil::Serialize::JsonParser: Reached an Unnamed State");
std::string JsonParser::getString()
if (lexer.YYLeng() < 2 || lexer.YYText()[0] != '"' || lexer.YYText()[lexer.YYLeng()-1] != '"')
throw std::runtime_error("ThorsAnvil::Serialize::JsonParser: Not a String value");
// Remember to drop the quotes
return std::string(make_UnicodeWrapperIterator(lexer.YYText() + 1),
make_UnicodeWrapperIterator(lexer.YYText() + lexer.YYLeng() - 1));
std::string JsonParser::getKey()
return getString();
template<typename T>
inline T JsonParser::scan()
char* end;
T value = scanValue<T>(lexer.YYText(), &end);
if (lexer.YYText() + lexer.YYLeng() != end)
throw std::runtime_error("ThorsAnvil::Serialize::JsonParser: Not an integer");
return value;
void JsonParser::getValue(short& value) {value = scan<short>();}
void JsonParser::getValue(int& value) {value = scan<int>();}
void JsonParser::getValue(long& value) {value = scan<long>();}
void JsonParser::getValue(long long& value) {value = scan<long long>();}
void JsonParser::getValue(unsigned short& value) {value = scan<unsigned short>();}
void JsonParser::getValue(unsigned int& value) {value = scan<unsigned int>();}
void JsonParser::getValue(unsigned long& value) {value = scan<unsigned long>();}
void JsonParser::getValue(unsigned long long& value) {value = scan<unsigned long long>();}
void JsonParser::getValue(float& value) {value = scan<float>();}
void JsonParser::getValue(double& value) {value = scan<double>();}
void JsonParser::getValue(long double& value) {value = scan<long double>();}
void JsonParser::getValue(bool& value)
if (lexer.YYLeng() == 4 && strncmp(lexer.YYText(), "true", 4) == 0)
value = true;
else if (lexer.YYLeng() == 5 && strncmp(lexer.YYText(), "false", 5) == 0)
value = false;
throw std::runtime_error("ThorsAnvil::Serialize::JsonParser: Not a bool");
void JsonParser::getValue(std::string& value)
value = getString();
constants. \$\endgroup\$