
Motivation: Partially for fun / learning, but also so I can roll out a custom JSON-like file format for a fighting game I am writing. There are two caveats: you cannot have repeated keys (requires std::unordered_multimap) and the keys are not in order (requires insertion order std::vector on the side, or some external boost lib probably). I am mainly looking for critique on my level of comments and ability to read my code, but everything else I am of course welcome to hear.

#pragma once

#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>

namespace json {
  class Value;

  // six json data types
  using null_t = std::nullptr_t;
  using bool_t = bool;
  using number_t = std::double_t;
  using string_t = std::string;
  using array_t = std::vector<Value>;
  using object_t = std::map<string_t, Value>;

  using aggregate_t = std::variant<
    null_t,   bool_t,  number_t,
    string_t, array_t, object_t>;

  class Value : protected aggregate_t {
    using aggregate_t::variant;
    // removes spurious E0291
    Value() = default;
    // converts int into double rather than bool
    Value(int integer) : aggregate_t(static_cast<double>(integer)) {}
    // converts c_string (pointer) into string rather than bool
    Value(const char* c_string) : aggregate_t(std::string(c_string)) {}

    auto operator[](const string_t& key) -> Value& {
      // transform into object if null
      if (std::get_if<null_t>(this))
        *this = object_t();
      return std::get<object_t>(*this)[key];

    auto operator[](std::size_t key) -> Value& {
      // transform into array if null
      if (std::get_if<null_t>(this))
        *this = array_t();
      if (key >= std::get<array_t>(*this).size())
        std::get<array_t>(*this).resize(key + 1);
      return std::get<array_t>(*this)[key];

    auto save(std::ostream& stream, std::string prefix = "") -> std::ostream& {
      static const std::string SPACING = "  "; // "\t"; // "    ";

      // depending on the type, write to correct value with format to stream
      std::visit([&stream, &prefix](auto&& value) {
        using namespace std;
        using T = decay_t<decltype(value)>;

        if constexpr (is_same_v<T, nullptr_t>)
          stream << "null";
        if constexpr (is_same_v<T, bool_t>)
          stream << (value ? "true" : "false");
        else if constexpr (is_same_v<T, double_t>)
          stream << value;
        else if constexpr (is_same_v<T, string>)
          stream << '"' << value << '"';
        else if constexpr (is_same_v<T, array_t>) {
          stream << "[\n";
          auto [indent, remaining] = make_tuple(prefix + SPACING, value.size());
          // for every json value, indent and print to stream
          for (auto& json : value)
            json.save(stream << indent, indent)
              // if jsons remaining (not last), append comma
              << (--remaining ? ",\n" : "\n");
          stream << prefix << "]";
        else if constexpr (is_same_v<T, object_t>) {
          stream << "{\n";
          auto [indent, remaining] = make_tuple(prefix + SPACING, value.size());
          // for every json value, indent with key and print to stream
          for (auto& [key, json] : value)
            json.save(stream << indent << '"' << key << "\" : ", indent)
              // if jsons remaining (not last), append comma
              << (--remaining ? ",\n" : "\n");
          stream << prefix << "}";
        }, *static_cast<aggregate_t*>(this));
      return stream;

    auto load(std::istream& stream) -> std::istream& {
      using namespace std;

      switch ((stream >> ws).peek()) {
      case '"': {
        // get word surrounded by "
        stringbuf buffer;
          .get(buffer, '"')
        *this = buffer.str();
      } break;
      case '[': {
        array_t array;
        for (stream.ignore(1); (stream >> ws).peek() != ']';)
          // load child json and consume comma if available
          if ((array.emplace_back().load(stream) >> ws).peek() == ',')
        *this = move(array);
      } break;
      case '{': {
        object_t object;
        for (stream.ignore(1); (stream >> ws).peek() != '}';) {
          // get word surrounded by "
          stringbuf buffer;
          stream.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '"')
            .get(buffer, '"')
            .ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), ':');
          // load child json and consume comma if available
          if ((object[buffer.str()].load(stream) >> ws).peek() == ',')
        *this = move(object);
      } break;
      default: {
        if (isdigit(stream.peek()) || stream.peek() == '.') {
          double_t number;
          stream >> number;
          *this = number;
        else if (isalpha(stream.peek())) {
          // get alphabetic word
          string word;
          for (; isalpha(stream.peek()); stream.ignore())
          // set value to look-up table's value
          static auto keyword_lut = map<string_view, Value>{
            {"true", true}, {"false", false}, {"null", nullptr}};
          *this = keyword_lut[word];
          *this = nullptr;
      } break;

      return stream;

    auto save_to_path(std::string_view file_path) -> void {
      auto file = std::ofstream(std::string(file_path));

    auto load_from_path(std::string_view file_path) -> void {
      auto file = std::ifstream(std::string(file_path));

    static void test() {
      std::stringstream ss;
        json::Value value;

        auto& employee = value["employee"];
        employee["name"] = "bob";
        employee["age"] = 21;
        employee["friends"][0] = "alice";
        employee["friends"][1] = "billy";
        employee["weight"] = 140.0;


      std::cout << ss.str() << "\n\n";

        auto example = std::stringstream(R"(
      "firstName": "John",
      "lastName": "Smith",
      "isAlive": true,
      "age": 27,
      "address": {
        "streetAddress": "21 2nd Street",
        "city": "New York",
        "state": "NY",
        "postalCode": "10021-3100"
      "phoneNumbers": [
          "type": "home",
          "number": "212 555-1234"
          "type": "office",
          "number": "646 555-4567"
          "type": "mobile",
          "number": "123 456-7890"
      "children": [],
      "spouse": null
        json::Value value;


      std::cout << ss.str() << "\n\n";

int main() {
  return getchar();

1 Answer 1


Let's go through the code and see what can be improved.

#pragma once

This shouldn't be in a non-header.

#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>

Sort the include directives in alphabetical order.

namespace json {
    class Value;

    // six json data types
    using null_t = std::nullptr_t;
    using bool_t = bool;
    using number_t = std::double_t;
    using string_t = std::string;
    using array_t = std::vector<Value>;
    using object_t = std::map<string_t, Value>;

    using aggregate_t = std::variant<
        null_t,   bool_t,  number_t,
        string_t, array_t, object_t>;

json is a very common name used by many people, leading to name clashes. Think of a more unique name. Maybe unicorn5838::json?

I don't see a reason to use std::nullptr_t for null_t. std::nullptr_t is a null pointer literal and can implicitly convert to pointers. Is that plausible? You can use std::monostate instead, or just struct null_t { };.

You are mixing std::double_t and double. My advice is to just use double. Also, consistently use number_t after the alias declaration.

class Value : protected aggregate_t {
    using aggregate_t::variant;
    // removes spurious E0291
    Value() = default;
    // converts int into double rather than bool
    Value(int integer) : aggregate_t(static_cast<double>(integer)) {}
    // converts c_string (pointer) into string rather than bool
    Value(const char* c_string) : aggregate_t(std::string(c_string)) {}

Hmm ... Protected inheritance? Why do you need it in this case? (You can address this question with a comment if you have a good reason.)

Inheriting the constructors of std::variant doesn't seem to be a good choice here. I see your effort in fixing the problems, but just providing your own constructors seems easier.

    auto operator[](const string_t& key) -> Value& {
        // transform into object if null
        if (std::get_if<null_t>(this))
            *this = object_t();
        return std::get<object_t>(*this)[key];

    auto operator[](std::size_t key) -> Value& {
        // transform into array if null
        if (std::get_if<null_t>(this))
            *this = array_t();
        if (key >= std::get<array_t>(*this).size())
            std::get<array_t>(*this).resize(key + 1);
        return std::get<array_t>(*this)[key];

Don't use multiple public: labels.

Do not use the trailing return type syntax unless necessary. (Yeah, I know some people advocate always using a trailing return type, but it arguably makes the code more verbose.)

Your operator[] automatically constructs the element if not existent, much like map::operator[] but not vector::operator[]. I'm not sure whether this behavior is intuitive enough to justify itself, but anyway ...

*this = object_t(); should be emplace<object_t>(); to prevent an unnecessary move construction.

You do std::get<array_t>(*this) three times, and the complex code for getting the value will be run three times. Instead, use a reference:

auto& arr = std::get<array_t>(*this);
if (key >= arr.size())
    arr.resize(key + 1);
return arr[key];

Also note that key + 1 may overflow (well, probably not a real problem).

auto save(std::ostream& stream, std::string prefix = "") -> std::ostream& {
    static const std::string SPACING = "  "; // "\t"; // "    ";

    // depending on the type, write to correct value with format to stream
    std::visit([&stream, &prefix](auto&& value) {
            using namespace std;
            using T = decay_t<decltype(value)>;

            if constexpr (is_same_v<T, nullptr_t>)
                             stream << "null";
            if constexpr (is_same_v<T, bool_t>)
                             stream << (value ? "true" : "false");
            else if constexpr (is_same_v<T, double_t>)
                                  stream << value;
            else if constexpr (is_same_v<T, string>)
                                  stream << '"' << value << '"';
            else if constexpr (is_same_v<T, array_t>) {
                    stream << "[\n";
                    auto [indent, remaining] = make_tuple(prefix + SPACING, value.size());
                    // for every json value, indent and print to stream
                    for (auto& json : value)
                        json.save(stream << indent, indent)
                            // if jsons remaining (not last), append comma
                            << (--remaining ? ",\n" : "\n");
                    stream << prefix << "]";
            else if constexpr (is_same_v<T, object_t>) {
                    stream << "{\n";
                    auto [indent, remaining] = make_tuple(prefix + SPACING, value.size());
                    // for every json value, indent with key and print to stream
                    for (auto& [key, json] : value)
                        json.save(stream << indent << '"' << key << "\" : ", indent)
                            // if jsons remaining (not last), append comma
                            << (--remaining ? ",\n" : "\n");
                    stream << prefix << "}";
        }, *static_cast<aggregate_t*>(this));
    return stream;

Use null_t and string_t, not nullptr_t and string. Use const auto& instead of auto&& if you don't need the universal reference semantics. prefix should be std::string_view instead of by-value std::string. The spacing should also be an argument instead of hard coded.

This is a very long function. The long if constexpr chain makes the code much less readable. Use overload resolution to break it down:

// somewhere
struct formatter {
    std::ostream& os;
    std::string_view prefix;
    std::string_view indent;

    void operator()(null_t) const;
    void operator()(bool_t) const;
    // etc.

then you can just do

std::visit(formatter{os, prefix, indent}, static_cast<aggregate_t&>(*this));

The string streaming should use std::quoted to properly handle escaping.

Don't do this:

auto [indent, remaining] = make_tuple(prefix + SPACING, value.size());

It incurs a lot of overhead, both on performance and readability.

auto load(std::istream& stream) -> std::istream& {
    using namespace std;

    switch ((stream >> ws).peek()) {
    case '"': {
        // get word surrounded by "
        stringbuf buffer;
            .get(buffer, '"')
        *this = buffer.str();
    } break;
    case '[': {
        array_t array;
        for (stream.ignore(1); (stream >> ws).peek() != ']';)
            // load child json and consume comma if available
            if ((array.emplace_back().load(stream) >> ws).peek() == ',')
        *this = move(array);
    } break;
    case '{': {
        object_t object;
        for (stream.ignore(1); (stream >> ws).peek() != '}';) {
            // get word surrounded by "
            stringbuf buffer;
            stream.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '"')
                .get(buffer, '"')
                .ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), ':');
            // load child json and consume comma if available
            if ((object[buffer.str()].load(stream) >> ws).peek() == ',')
        *this = move(object);
    } break;
    default: {
        if (isdigit(stream.peek()) || stream.peek() == '.') {
            double_t number;
            stream >> number;
            *this = number;
        else if (isalpha(stream.peek())) {
            // get alphabetic word
            string word;
            for (; isalpha(stream.peek()); stream.ignore())
            // set value to look-up table's value
            static auto keyword_lut = map<string_view, Value>{
                {"true", true}, {"false", false}, {"null", nullptr}};
            *this = keyword_lut[word];
            *this = nullptr;
    } break;

    return stream;

Don't use stringbuf. It's a low level functionality. Use std::quoted instead:

case '"': {
    std::string str;
    stream >> std::quoted(str);

.ignore(1) is slower than .get() without aggressive optimization.

The table should be const, and .at (which looks up existing elements) should be used instead of [] (which creates new elements and cannot be used on const maps). Using a map for three strings is also an overkill and will introduce overhead.

auto save_to_path(std::string_view file_path) -> void {
    auto file = std::ofstream(std::string(file_path));

auto load_from_path(std::string_view file_path) -> void {
    auto file = std::ifstream(std::string(file_path));

Please don't "always use auto". I know it is suggested by Herb Sutter (right?), but it is really unidiomatic and distracting.

  • \$\begingroup\$ I've gone ahead and made all the corrections except the follow (please refute me if I am wrong): #pragma once it is a header file, protected aggregate_t because a json IS-A variant, not HAS-A variant, multiple public: labels separates my ctors / API and trailing returns is my coding style (I would change depending on my org). \$\endgroup\$
    – Saxpy
    Commented Oct 8, 2019 at 19:18
  • \$\begingroup\$ ah two more notes: I can't use std::string_view for prefix because I require append operations to tabify my json -> file operation, second I use a std::map lookup table even if it is overkill because its easy to read and I will be adding my own custom keywords for my fighting game. \$\endgroup\$
    – Saxpy
    Commented Oct 8, 2019 at 19:28
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ @Saxpy "Is-a" should be indicated by private inheritance, not protected inheritance. Don't abuse multiple public: labels, which alter semantics, for separating declaration blocks; using a comment like // constructors instead is much clearer. Always trailing return is a, well, unpopular, and illogical style (coding styles exist to improve readability). string_view provides the operations you want. Keeping the map is understandable though, but at least make it const. \$\endgroup\$
    – L. F.
    Commented Oct 9, 2019 at 9:47
  • \$\begingroup\$ I see, I'll go ahead and change it to private inheritance. Also I'll take note on the public: blocks into // constructors. I'd still like to keep trailing returns at this is my personal project and that's the style I've committed too and prefer on my own. string_view does not offer append operations though, how could I refactor this? The std::map will be const. \$\endgroup\$
    – Saxpy
    Commented Oct 9, 2019 at 16:55
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ @Saxpy Oops, I didn’t realize that the string view ctor is explicit. Sorry, I’ll reconsider the recommendation \$\endgroup\$
    – L. F.
    Commented Oct 12, 2019 at 9:03

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