As many of you may know I have a library that allows C++ objects to be converted into JSON/YAML/BSON automatically with a single declaration (see previous code reviews).
I am now (trying) using this to connect and send data to Mongo without the developer having to write any specific code to convert their C++ objects into BSON.
I also have a wrapper around a Socket that makes it behave like a std::iostream
so it can simply be used with operator<<
and operator>>
. This Socket
wrapper, when used in my Service Library (Nissa
), allows thread (Co-Routine) switching when a read/write would block, thus making it very efficient.
Usage Pattern
I want to insert objects into Mongo like this:
struct Person
std::string name;
int age;
ThorsAnvil_MakeTraits(Person, name, age);
int main()
MongoConnection connection(DB, USER, PASSWORD); // Creates a connection
// It wraps a Socket stream described
// above but also sends all the
// handshaking and authentication required
// by Mongo.
// But you can think of it like a stream.
Person person{"Loki", 12};
using ThorsAnvil::DB::Mongo::make_CmdDB_Insert;
// This line below is what I am interested in.
// I will show you more usage below and how I though about implementing it
// with the code. Hoping for
connection << make_CmdDB_Insert(DB, "Collection", QueryOptions{}, person);
CmdDB_Reply reply;
connection >> reply;
Usage of Insert
I am using Insert
as an example here. But there are several commands each with their own unique options. So I want to get some feedback on this idea before I go an implement everything for all the commands.
The Insert has the following extra optional parameters: Full Details
Default: True
Inserts are ordered.
=> turns this offwriteConcern
An object that defines how the object is written.
Method:setWriteConcern(int w = 1, bool j = false, std::time_t wtimeout = 0)
Default: false
Validates the object being written to the connection.
=> turn off validation (i.e. set param to true)comment
A string that will be written to different places in Mongo.
Method:setComment(std::string&& c)
add a comment
Normally the default values are fine, but I do want the user to be able to modify them if required. The thing is that if they are not explicitly set, then I don't want to send the value over the wire (as there is a cost to convert them and write them to the socket). So I thought I could set it up like this:
If I try putting all the options in the constructor then it will lead to a proliferation of constructor methods. Which seems hard. So I want to try using option methods that return a reference to the object so they can be chained; like this:
connection << make_CmdDB_Insert(DB, "Collection", QueryOptions{}, person)
.setComment("Hi there");
// etc Just add a call for each option you want to set.
// You should be able to use any combination of options
// in any order.
// The reason to do this is to avoid an explosion in constructors
// with different parameters in different orders.
// With Only 4 options there are 8 different constructors needed.
// With other commands (like Find) the number of options is 16
// Which would lead to thousands of constructors.
Since this is code review. Here is my implementation.
Note: There is an underlying layer that is not provided here (for brevity). I will be positing all the code for a full review when it is done.
#include "CmdDB.h"
namespace ThorsAnvil::DB::Mongo
template<typename Document>
struct Insert
Insert(std::string const& collection, Document const& doc);
void unordered();
void byPass();
void setWrieConcern(int w = 1, bool j = false, std::time_t wtimeout = 0);
void setComment(std::string&& c);
// Allow Serialization code access to private members.
friend class ThorsAnvil::Serialize::Traits<Insert>;
friend class ThorsAnvil::Serialize::Filter<Insert>;
// What fields will not be serialized.
// Serialized if not in the filter or in the filter and value is true.
std::map<std::string, bool> filter = {{"ordered", false}, {"writeConcern", false}, {"bypassDocumentValidation", false}, {"comment", false}};
// Members that will be sent on the wire in BSON to mongo server.
std::string insert;
std::vector<Document> documents;
bool ordered = true;
WriteConcern writeConcern;
bool bypassDocumentValidation = false;
std::string comment;
// Wrapper around the CmdDB_Query object.
// This inherits from Op_Query:
// This handles the low level OP_QUERY object that contains the header and query flags.
// The CmdDB_Query
// This handles writing to the underlying connection object.
// Insert is the command it is writing (as defined above)
// Document: Is the user defined object that we are writing.
template<typename Document>
using CmdDB_Insert = CmdDB_Query<Insert<Document>>;
template<typename Document>
make_CmdDB_Insert(std::string const& db, std::string const& collection, QueryOptions&& options, Document const& doc)
using Document = typename std::iterator_traits<I>::value_type;
return CmdDB_Insert<Document>(db, collection, std::move(options), doc);
// Tells the serializing code to filter the member based on the member filter.
ThorsAnvil_Template_MakeFilter(1, ThorsAnvil::DB::Mongo::Insert, filter);
// Tells the serialization code what to send across the wire in BSON.
ThorsAnvil_Template_MakeTrait(1, ThorsAnvil::DB::Mongo::Insert, insert, documents, ordered, writeConcern, bypassDocumentValidation, comment);
#include "CmdDB_Insert.tpp"
#error "This should only be included from CmdDB_Insert.h"
namespace ThorsAnvil::DB::Mongo
template<typename Document>
Insert<Document>::Insert(std::string const& collection, Document const& doc)
: insert(collection)
, documents(1, doc)
template<typename Document>
void Insert<Document>::unordered()
ordered = false;
filter["ordered"] = true;
template<typename Document>
void Insert<Document>::byPass()
bypassDocumentValidation = false;
filter["bypassDocumentValidation"] = true;
template<typename Document>
void Insert<Document>::setWrieConcern(int w, bool j, std::time_t wtimeout)
writeConcern = WriteConcern{w, j, wtimeout};
filter["writeConcern"] = true;
template<typename Document>
void Insert<Document>::setComment(std::string&& c)
comment = c;
filter["comment"] = true;
#include "Op_Query.h"
#include "Op_Reply.h"
#include "ThorSerialize/SerUtil.h"
namespace ThorsAnvil::DB::Mongo
enum class ReadConcernLevel {local, available, majority, linearizable};
struct Collation
std::string locale;
bool caseLevel;
std::string caseFirst;
int strength;
bool numericOrdering;
std::string alternate;
std::string maxVariable;
bool backwards;
struct WriteErrors
std::size_t index;
int code;
std::string errmsg;
struct WriteConcernError
int code;
std::string errmsg;
struct CmdReply
double ok;
std::size_t n;
std::string errmsg;
std::string codeName;
int code;
std::vector<WriteErrors> writeErrors;
class CmdDB_Reply: public Op_Reply<CmdReply>
bool replyCount() const;
virtual bool isOk() const override;
virtual std::string getHRErrorMessage() const override;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, HumanReadable<CmdDB_Reply> const& reply);
std::ostream& printHR(std::ostream& stream) const {return Op_Reply::printHR(stream);}
struct WriteConcern
WriteConcern(int w = 1, bool j = false, std::time_t wtimeout = 0);
int w;
bool j;
std::time_t wtimeout;
template<typename Action>
class CmdDB_Query: public Op_Query<Action>
template<typename... Args>
CmdDB_Query(std::string const& db, std::string const& collection, QueryOptions&& options, Args&&... args);
// Insert
CmdDB_Query& byPass();
// Options
// All these options are implemented for this object
// in the CmdDB.tpp file.
// But if you make a call to a method that is not implemented
// in your action object then you will get a compile time error.
// i.e. If you used .addHint("A hint") on an Insert Action
// this will fail to compile as this will call .addHint()
// on the actio but this is not implements on Insert
// but is implemented on Find document.
// Insert & Delete
CmdDB_Query& unordered();
CmdDB_Query& setWrieConcern(int w = 1, bool j = false, std::time_t wtimeout = 0);
// Insert & Find
CmdDB_Query& setComment(std::string&& c);
// Find
CmdDB_Query& addFileds(std::initializer_list<std::string> const& fieldNames);
CmdDB_Query& addHint(std::string&& hint);
CmdDB_Query& setSkip(std::size_t val);
CmdDB_Query& setLimit(std::size_t val);
CmdDB_Query& setBatchSize(std::size_t val);
CmdDB_Query& singleBatch();
CmdDB_Query& setMaxTimeout(std::size_t val);
CmdDB_Query& addReadConcern(ReadConcernLevel val);
CmdDB_Query& addMax(std::string const& field, int val);
CmdDB_Query& addMin(std::string const& field, int val);
CmdDB_Query& justKeys();
CmdDB_Query& showId();
CmdDB_Query& tailableCursor();
CmdDB_Query& tailedCursorAwait();
CmdDB_Query& setNoCursorTimeout();
CmdDB_Query& setAllowPartialResults();
CmdDB_Query& useDisk();
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, HumanReadable<CmdDB_Query> const& data);
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, CmdDB_Query const& data) {return data.print(stream);}
ThorsAnvil_MakeEnum(ThorsAnvil::DB::Mongo::ReadConcernLevel, local, available, majority, linearizable);
ThorsAnvil_MakeTrait(ThorsAnvil::DB::Mongo::Collation, locale, caseLevel, strength, numericOrdering, alternate, maxVariable, backwards);
ThorsAnvil_MakeTrait(ThorsAnvil::DB::Mongo::WriteConcern, w, j, wtimeout);
ThorsAnvil_MakeTrait(ThorsAnvil::DB::Mongo::WriteErrors, index, code, errmsg);
ThorsAnvil_MakeTrait(ThorsAnvil::DB::Mongo::WriteConcernError, code, errmsg);
ThorsAnvil_MakeTrait(ThorsAnvil::DB::Mongo::CmdReply, ok, n, writeErrors, writeConcernError, errmsg, codeName, code);
#include "CmdDB.tpp"
#error "This should only be included from CmdDB.h"
namespace ThorsAnvil::DB::Mongo
template<typename Action>
template<typename... Args>
CmdDB_Query<Action>::CmdDB_Query(std::string const& db, std::string const& collection, QueryOptions&& options, Args&&... args)
: Op_Query<Action>(db + ".$cmd", std::forward<QueryOptions>(options), 1, 0, collection, std::forward<Args>(args)...)
template<typename Action>
CmdDB_Query<Action>& CmdDB_Query<Action>::unordered()
return *this;
template<typename Action>
CmdDB_Query<Action>& CmdDB_Query<Action>::byPass()
return *this;
template<typename Action>
CmdDB_Query<Action>& CmdDB_Query<Action>::setComment(std::string&& val)
return *this;
// etc.
// These all look like
// 1: Call getQuery() which gets the `Insert` object.
// 2: Call the setComment() or appropriate option method on action object.
// 3: return *this to allow chaining.
If you are interested:
- ThorsSerializer : Serialization of C++ objects without writting code
- ThorsCrypto : Crypto to Authenticate
- ThorsDB SQL Mongo : DB Accesses
- ThorsNisse : Server to provide non blocking reads/writes