
I have apparently correct code that still runs for weeks on my data (tens of millions of rows). I show the entire code for reference (and maybe other gains to be made), but the key operation is in the loop between lines 66 and 79. Basically, if a spell (spent in hospital) extended over a single calendar month, I wanted to have separate lines counting the number of days spent in hospital for each of those calendar months.

I thought things won't be this bad iterating over rows if I allocate space for all the new rows in a single step (the concatenation before the loop) and only reset values row by row in the loop.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

all_treatments = list()
filelist = ['slutenvard1997','slutenvard2011','slutenvard2012','slutenvard19982004','slutenvard20052010']

tobacco_codes = '|'.join(["C{}".format(i) for i in range(30, 40)] + ["F17"])
nutrition_codes = '|'.join(["D{}".format(i) for i in range(50, 54)] +  ["E{}".format(i) for i in range(10, 15)] + ["E{}".format(i) for i in range(40, 47)] +  ["E{}".format(i) for i in range(50, 69)])
mental_codes = 'F'
alcohol_codes = '|'.join(["K70"] + ["F0"])
circulatory_codes = 'I'
dental_codes = '|'.join(["K0{}".format(i) for i in range(2, 4)])
accident_codes = '|'.join(["X{}".format(i) for i in range(10, 60)] + ["V"] + ["X0"])
selfharm_codes = '|'.join(["X{}".format(i) for i in range(60, 85)])
cancer_codes = 'C'
endonutrimetab_codes = 'E'
pregnancy_codes = 'O'
other_stress_codes = '|'.join(["J{}".format(i) for i in range(11, 48)] + ["L{}".format(i) for i in range(20, 66)] + ["K{}".format(i) for i in range(20, 60)] + ["X{}".format(i) for i in range(86, 99)] + ["Z{}".format(i) for i in range(10, 77)] + ["R"] + ["J0"] + ["Z0"])

items = {}
conds = ['tobacco','nutrition','mental','alcohol','circulatory','dental','accident','selfharm','cancer','endonutrimetab','pregnancy','other_stress']
for c in conds:
    items[c] = eval(c + '_codes')

treatment_summaries = {item: list() for item in items.keys()}

for file in filelist:
    filename = '/PATH/' + file +'.txt'
    treatments = pd.read_table(filename,usecols=[0,8,9,11])
    if file == 'slutenvard20052010':
        treatments.loc[treatments['INDATUMA']==20060230,'INDATUMA'] = 20060203
        treatments.loc[treatments['INDATUMA']==20108024,'INDATUMA'] = 20100824
    if file == 'slutenvard19982004':
        treatments.loc[treatments['UTDATUMA']==2003071,'UTDATUMA'] = 20030701
        treatments.loc[treatments['UTDATUMA']==2003091,'UTDATUMA'] = 20030901        
        treatments = treatments[(treatments['INDATUMA'] !='.') & (treatments['UTDATUMA'] > 19971231)]
        treatments['INDATUMA'] = treatments['INDATUMA'].astype(float)
    del treatments

all_treatments = pd.concat(all_treatments, ignore_index=True)
print "Remember datatypes for future use:"
print all_treatments.dtypes
all_treatments['indate'] = pd.to_datetime(all_treatments['INDATUMA'], errors='coerce',format='%Y%m%d')
all_treatments['outdate'] = pd.to_datetime(all_treatments['UTDATUMA'], errors='coerce',format='%Y%m%d')

# Separating months:
all_treatments['monthlyindate'] = all_treatments['indate']
all_treatments['monthlyoutdate'] = all_treatments['outdate']

micolix     = all_treatments.columns.get_loc('monthlyindate')
mocolix     = all_treatments.columns.get_loc('monthlyoutdate')
ocolix      = all_treatments.columns.get_loc('outdate')

all_treatments['extramonths'] = 12*(all_treatments['outdate'].dt.year-all_treatments['indate'].dt.year)+(all_treatments['outdate'].dt.month-all_treatments['indate'].dt.month)
emcolix     = all_treatments.columns.get_loc('extramonths')

originalN   = len(all_treatments)
newrowcount = int(all_treatments['extramonths'].sum())
newN        = int(originalN+newrowcount)
all_treatments  = pd.concat([all_treatments,all_treatments.iloc[:newrowcount,:]],ignore_index=True)
 # this fills the new rows with the wrong data instead of NaNs, but will be overwritten

BOMoffset = pd.tseries.offsets.MonthBegin()

newrowix    = originalN
for i in range(0,originalN):
    monthstoadd = all_treatments.iloc[i,emcolix].astype('int')
    for x in range(0,monthstoadd):
        all_treatments.iloc[newrowix,:] = all_treatments.iloc[i,:]
        if x==0:
            all_treatments.iloc[i,mocolix] = BOMoffset.rollforward(all_treatments.iloc[i,micolix])
        all_treatments.iloc[newrowix,micolix] = BOMoffset.rollforward(all_treatments.iloc[i,micolix] + pd.tseries.offsets.DateOffset(months = x))
        if x < monthstoadd-1:
            all_treatments.iloc[newrowix,mocolix] = BOMoffset.rollforward(all_treatments.iloc[newrowix,micolix]+ pd.tseries.offsets.DateOffset(months = 1))
            all_treatments.iloc[newrowix,mocolix] = all_treatments.iloc[newrowix,ocolix]
        newrowix += 1

all_treatments['monthlyyear'] = all_treatments['monthlyindate'].dt.year
all_treatments['monthlymonth'] = all_treatments['monthlyindate'].dt.month
all_treatments['monthlystay'] = (all_treatments['monthlyoutdate']-all_treatments['monthlyindate']).astype('timedelta64[D]')

# Cleaning up:
all_treatments = all_treatments.drop(['INDATUMA','indate','UTDATUMA','outdate','extramonths'], axis=1)
print "Non-missing values across columns (missing will be dropped):"
print all_treatments.count(axis=0)
all_treatments = all_treatments.dropna()
treatment_summaries = {name: all_treatments[(all_treatments.DIAGNOS.str.contains('{0}'.format(code)))].groupby(by=['LopNr','monthlyyear','monthlymonth'],as_index=False,sort=False).sum().astype(int, copy=False,raise_on_error=False) for name, code in items.iteritems()}
del all_treatments
# Finally, save the aggregated results to files.
[treatment_summaries[name].to_csv('PATH/inpatient_treatments_monthly_sliced_{0}.csv'.format(name)) for name in items.keys()]

I haven't done extensive profiling of where the memory or processing bottlenecks are with the current model.

  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ Welcome to Code Review! I hope you get some helpful answers. \$\endgroup\$
    – SirPython
    Commented Oct 21, 2015 at 23:05

1 Answer 1



Since this was about performance, let's talk about that first.

I'd definitely recommend profiling first. It's hard to say whether it's running slow because of limitations of Pandas (i.e. DataFrame operations), NumPy (because of possible conversion), too much garbage (again, because of copied data), or because the algorithm in the inner loop (for x in range(0, monthstoadd):) is sub-optimal and therefore doesn't perform well enough on millions of rows (from the outer loop), especially without any test cases.

To hazard a guess, see if the date calculations can't be cached, i.e. BOMoffset.rollforward should be pure(?), so the results can be reused for the same input values, which could make a difference.

Also, try to get rid of the inner loop, or at least store the intermediate results somewhere else and only concatenate them to the full data frame at the end of the operation, either after the inner loop, or, even better, after the main loop, using pd.concat or so.

The all_treatments.DIAGNOS.str.contains is probably also quite slow. It might be better to filter out unwanted rows earlier, that is, before actually processing them, or trying to not to regex matching, instead transforming the DIAGNOS column into an integer code that can be matched against much faster.

Btw. with millions of rows, grouping and selecting this almost sounds more like a job for a full database instead, just saying. Especially if it needs to be run more often.


Take a look at PEP8 for more style hints, I'm only mentioning the most important ones and reformat even if I don't mention the specific rule.

There is a section at the bottom marked "Cleaning up:", with a del and there's also a del in the filelist loop on the variable treatments - I suspect that both of them aren't really needed unless you really want to make sure that they data frames can be garbage collected immediately, but even then it wouldn't force a GC anyway.

For the first del I'd at least move it out of the loop so after the last run the data frame can be GC-ed.

  • Use [] instead of list.
  • Constants should be UPPER_CASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES.
  • For Python 2 use dict.iterkeys if possible, same for xrange.
  • print should be called like a function (print(x)).
  • Using standard names (file, list) as variable or function names is discouraged, though I do that myself as well.
  • The code could use some more comments, especially the parts where data is fixed up (e.g. the special handling for 'slutenvard20052010').
  • Variable names are not very understandable (micolix, mocolix, ocolix?)
  • Aligning variables seems not that usual in Python code and it's not applied consistently.

Also, the initialisation of the codes constants at the start should be handled in a nicer fashion. For starters, I would like to see a function with parameters instead of multiple copied join/format/range statements.

In any case using eval there is unnecessary and should in general be avoided (for numerous reasons, but here it's just much clearer with a different solution). Instead, just use a regular dictionary from the start so the different codes can be accessed by name. So, initially I'd rewrite to this kind of definition, keeping in mind that ITEMS is a very non-descriptive name:

from itertools import chain


def codes_range(prefix, start, stop):
    return ['{}{}'.format(prefix, i) for i in range(start, stop)]

def join_codes(*lists):
    return '|'.join(chain(*lists))

def format_codes(prefix, start, stop):
    return join_codes(codes_range(prefix, start, stop))

    'tobacco': join_codes(codes_range('C', 30, 40), ['F17']),
    'nutrition': join_codes(codes_range('D', 50, 54),
                            codes_range('E', 10, 15),
                            codes_range('E', 40, 47),
                            codes_range('E', 50, 69)),
    'mental': 'F',
  • treatment_summaries is set twice, the first time can be removed as it's not used anywhere.

For the future, I also recommend at least parsing command line arguments instead of hard coding all paths, possibly using the current paths as default values. That way the same script can be run even if external circumstances change, that is, input files, paths, options. For now, I'll add a constant PATH which is reused instead of repeating the same path everywhere:

import os.path




for file in FILELIST:
    filename = os.path.join(PATH, file + '.txt')


for name, summary in treatment_summaries.iteritems():
    treatment_summaries[name].to_csv('{0}/inpatient_treatments_monthly_sliced_{1}.csv'.format(PATH, name))

For reference, I cleaned it up a bit, but it is not at the state where I'd say I'm happy with the readability, but it might illustrate some of the points from above:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os.path

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from itertools import chain

FILELIST = ['slutenvard1997',

def codes_range(prefix, start, stop):
    return ['{}{}'.format(prefix, i) for i in range(start, stop)]

def join_codes(*lists):
    return '|'.join(chain(*lists))

def format_codes(prefix, start, stop):
    return join_codes(codes_range(prefix, start, stop))

    'tobacco': join_codes(codes_range('C', 30, 40), ['F17']),
    'nutrition': join_codes(codes_range('D', 50, 54),
                            codes_range('E', 10, 15),
                            codes_range('E', 40, 47),
                            codes_range('E', 50, 69)),
    'mental': 'F',
    'alcohol': join_codes(['K70', 'F0']),
    'circulatory': 'I',
    'dental': format_codes('K0', 2, 4),
    'accident': join_codes(codes_range('X', 10, 60), ['V', 'X0']),
    'selfharm': format_codes('X', 60, 85),
    'cancer': 'C',
    'endonutrimetab': 'E',
    'pregnancy': 'O',
    'other_stress': join_codes(codes_range('J', 11, 48),
                               codes_range('L', 20, 66),
                               codes_range('K', 20, 60),
                               codes_range('X', 86, 99),
                               codes_range('Z', 10, 77),
                               ['R', 'J0', 'Z0'])

all_treatments = []
for file in FILELIST:
    filename = os.path.join(PATH, file + '.txt')
    treatments = pd.read_table(filename, usecols=[0, 8, 9, 11])
    if file == 'slutenvard20052010':
        treatments.loc[treatments['INDATUMA'] == 20060230, 'INDATUMA'] = 20060203
        treatments.loc[treatments['INDATUMA'] == 20108024, 'INDATUMA'] = 20100824
    elif file == 'slutenvard19982004':
        treatments.loc[treatments['UTDATUMA']==2003071,'UTDATUMA'] = 20030701
        treatments.loc[treatments['UTDATUMA']==2003091,'UTDATUMA'] = 20030901
        treatments = treatments[(treatments['INDATUMA'] != '.') & (treatments['UTDATUMA'] > 19971231)]
        treatments['INDATUMA'] = treatments['INDATUMA'].astype(float)

all_treatments = pd.concat(all_treatments, ignore_index=True)
print("Remember datatypes for future use:")
all_treatments['indate'] = pd.to_datetime(all_treatments['INDATUMA'], errors='coerce', format='%Y%m%d')
all_treatments['outdate'] = pd.to_datetime(all_treatments['UTDATUMA'], errors='coerce', format='%Y%m%d')

# Separating months:
all_treatments['monthlyindate'] = all_treatments['indate']
all_treatments['monthlyoutdate'] = all_treatments['outdate']

columns     = all_treatments.columns
micolix     = columns.get_loc('monthlyindate')
mocolix     = columns.get_loc('monthlyoutdate')
ocolix      = columns.get_loc('outdate')
emcolix     = columns.get_loc('extramonths')

outdate     = all_treatments['outdate'].dt
indate      = all_treatments['indate'].dt

all_treatments['extramonths'] = 12 * (outdate.year - indate.year) + \
                                (outdate.month - indate.month)

originalN       = len(all_treatments)
newrowcount     = int(all_treatments['extramonths'].sum())
all_treatments  = pd.concat([all_treatments, all_treatments.iloc[:newrowcount, :]], ignore_index=True)
 # this fills the new rows with the wrong data instead of NaNs, but will be overwritten

BOMoffset   = pd.tseries.offsets.MonthBegin()
newrowix    = originalN
for i in range(0, originalN):
    monthstoadd = all_treatments.iloc[i, emcolix].astype('int')
    for x in range(0, monthstoadd):
        all_treatments.iloc[newrowix, :] = all_treatments.iloc[i, :]
        if x == 0:
            all_treatments.iloc[i, mocolix] = BOMoffset.rollforward(all_treatments.iloc[i, micolix])

        all_treatments.iloc[newrowix, micolix] = BOMoffset.rollforward(all_treatments.iloc[i, micolix] + pd.tseries.offsets.DateOffset(months = x))

        if x < monthstoadd - 1:
            all_treatments.iloc[newrowix, mocolix] = BOMoffset.rollforward(all_treatments.iloc[newrowix, micolix] + pd.tseries.offsets.DateOffset(months = 1))
            all_treatments.iloc[newrowix, mocolix] = all_treatments.iloc[newrowix, ocolix]
        newrowix += 1

monthlyindate = all_treatments['monthlyindate']
monthlyindate_dt = monthlyindate.dt
all_treatments['monthlyyear'] = monthlyindate_dt.year
all_treatments['monthlymonth'] = monthlyindate_dt.month
all_treatments['monthlystay'] = (all_treatments['monthlyoutdate'] - monthlyindate).astype('timedelta64[D]')

# Cleaning up:
all_treatments = all_treatments.drop(['INDATUMA', 'indate', 'UTDATUMA', 'outdate', 'extramonths'], axis=1)
print("Non-missing values across columns (missing will be dropped):")
all_treatments = all_treatments.dropna()
treatment_summaries = {name: all_treatments[all_treatments.DIAGNOS.str.contains(str(code))].groupby(by=['LopNr', 'monthlyyear', 'monthlymonth'], as_index=False, sort=False).sum().astype(int, copy=False, raise_on_error=False)
                       for name, code in ITEMS.iteritems()}

# Finally, save the aggregated results to files.
for name, summary in treatment_summaries.iteritems():
    treatment_summaries[name].to_csv('{0}/inpatient_treatments_monthly_sliced_{1}.csv'.format(PATH, name))

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