I have apparently correct code that still runs for weeks on my data (tens of millions of rows). I show the entire code for reference (and maybe other gains to be made), but the key operation is in the loop between lines 66 and 79. Basically, if a spell (spent in hospital) extended over a single calendar month, I wanted to have separate lines counting the number of days spent in hospital for each of those calendar months.
I thought things won't be this bad iterating over rows if I allocate space for all the new rows in a single step (the concatenation before the loop) and only reset values row by row in the loop.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
all_treatments = list()
filelist = ['slutenvard1997','slutenvard2011','slutenvard2012','slutenvard19982004','slutenvard20052010']
tobacco_codes = '|'.join(["C{}".format(i) for i in range(30, 40)] + ["F17"])
nutrition_codes = '|'.join(["D{}".format(i) for i in range(50, 54)] + ["E{}".format(i) for i in range(10, 15)] + ["E{}".format(i) for i in range(40, 47)] + ["E{}".format(i) for i in range(50, 69)])
mental_codes = 'F'
alcohol_codes = '|'.join(["K70"] + ["F0"])
circulatory_codes = 'I'
dental_codes = '|'.join(["K0{}".format(i) for i in range(2, 4)])
accident_codes = '|'.join(["X{}".format(i) for i in range(10, 60)] + ["V"] + ["X0"])
selfharm_codes = '|'.join(["X{}".format(i) for i in range(60, 85)])
cancer_codes = 'C'
endonutrimetab_codes = 'E'
pregnancy_codes = 'O'
other_stress_codes = '|'.join(["J{}".format(i) for i in range(11, 48)] + ["L{}".format(i) for i in range(20, 66)] + ["K{}".format(i) for i in range(20, 60)] + ["X{}".format(i) for i in range(86, 99)] + ["Z{}".format(i) for i in range(10, 77)] + ["R"] + ["J0"] + ["Z0"])
items = {}
conds = ['tobacco','nutrition','mental','alcohol','circulatory','dental','accident','selfharm','cancer','endonutrimetab','pregnancy','other_stress']
for c in conds:
items[c] = eval(c + '_codes')
treatment_summaries = {item: list() for item in items.keys()}
for file in filelist:
filename = '/PATH/' + file +'.txt'
treatments = pd.read_table(filename,usecols=[0,8,9,11])
if file == 'slutenvard20052010':
treatments.loc[treatments['INDATUMA']==20060230,'INDATUMA'] = 20060203
treatments.loc[treatments['INDATUMA']==20108024,'INDATUMA'] = 20100824
if file == 'slutenvard19982004':
treatments.loc[treatments['UTDATUMA']==2003071,'UTDATUMA'] = 20030701
treatments.loc[treatments['UTDATUMA']==2003091,'UTDATUMA'] = 20030901
treatments = treatments[(treatments['INDATUMA'] !='.') & (treatments['UTDATUMA'] > 19971231)]
treatments['INDATUMA'] = treatments['INDATUMA'].astype(float)
del treatments
all_treatments = pd.concat(all_treatments, ignore_index=True)
print "Remember datatypes for future use:"
print all_treatments.dtypes
all_treatments['indate'] = pd.to_datetime(all_treatments['INDATUMA'], errors='coerce',format='%Y%m%d')
all_treatments['outdate'] = pd.to_datetime(all_treatments['UTDATUMA'], errors='coerce',format='%Y%m%d')
# Separating months:
all_treatments['monthlyindate'] = all_treatments['indate']
all_treatments['monthlyoutdate'] = all_treatments['outdate']
micolix = all_treatments.columns.get_loc('monthlyindate')
mocolix = all_treatments.columns.get_loc('monthlyoutdate')
ocolix = all_treatments.columns.get_loc('outdate')
all_treatments['extramonths'] = 12*(all_treatments['outdate'].dt.year-all_treatments['indate'].dt.year)+(all_treatments['outdate'].dt.month-all_treatments['indate'].dt.month)
emcolix = all_treatments.columns.get_loc('extramonths')
originalN = len(all_treatments)
newrowcount = int(all_treatments['extramonths'].sum())
newN = int(originalN+newrowcount)
all_treatments = pd.concat([all_treatments,all_treatments.iloc[:newrowcount,:]],ignore_index=True)
# this fills the new rows with the wrong data instead of NaNs, but will be overwritten
BOMoffset = pd.tseries.offsets.MonthBegin()
newrowix = originalN
for i in range(0,originalN):
monthstoadd = all_treatments.iloc[i,emcolix].astype('int')
for x in range(0,monthstoadd):
all_treatments.iloc[newrowix,:] = all_treatments.iloc[i,:]
if x==0:
all_treatments.iloc[i,mocolix] = BOMoffset.rollforward(all_treatments.iloc[i,micolix])
all_treatments.iloc[newrowix,micolix] = BOMoffset.rollforward(all_treatments.iloc[i,micolix] + pd.tseries.offsets.DateOffset(months = x))
if x < monthstoadd-1:
all_treatments.iloc[newrowix,mocolix] = BOMoffset.rollforward(all_treatments.iloc[newrowix,micolix]+ pd.tseries.offsets.DateOffset(months = 1))
all_treatments.iloc[newrowix,mocolix] = all_treatments.iloc[newrowix,ocolix]
newrowix += 1
all_treatments['monthlyyear'] = all_treatments['monthlyindate'].dt.year
all_treatments['monthlymonth'] = all_treatments['monthlyindate'].dt.month
all_treatments['monthlystay'] = (all_treatments['monthlyoutdate']-all_treatments['monthlyindate']).astype('timedelta64[D]')
# Cleaning up:
all_treatments = all_treatments.drop(['INDATUMA','indate','UTDATUMA','outdate','extramonths'], axis=1)
print "Non-missing values across columns (missing will be dropped):"
print all_treatments.count(axis=0)
all_treatments = all_treatments.dropna()
treatment_summaries = {name: all_treatments[(all_treatments.DIAGNOS.str.contains('{0}'.format(code)))].groupby(by=['LopNr','monthlyyear','monthlymonth'],as_index=False,sort=False).sum().astype(int, copy=False,raise_on_error=False) for name, code in items.iteritems()}
del all_treatments
# Finally, save the aggregated results to files.
[treatment_summaries[name].to_csv('PATH/inpatient_treatments_monthly_sliced_{0}.csv'.format(name)) for name in items.keys()]
I haven't done extensive profiling of where the memory or processing bottlenecks are with the current model.