To make a long story short, I must revive my Forth. It is rusty; last time I did anything serious in Forth was 30 years ago (man, I am old). As an exercise, I translated an STL-like implementation of qsort
. It works (if you want to test it, install gforth). It performs well comparing to SDCC-compiled native C (I don't have Keil license). I know where my bottlenecks are.
I am mostly interested in how readable the code is; how much did I sin against Forth spirit; if there are modern Forth coding conventions, how does this code fare.
-1 cells constant -cell
: cell- -cell + ;
: xchg ( a0 a1 -- ) 2dup @ >r @ swap ! r> swap ! ;
: unguarded_linear_insert ( last val -- )
begin cell- dup @ dup r@ > while over cell+ ! repeat
drop r> swap cell+ !
: unguarded_insertion_sort ( first last -- )
begin dup r@ <> while dup dup @ unguarded_linear_insert cell+ repeat
drop rdrop
: linear_insert ( first last val -- )
>r over @ r@ swap <
begin 2dup <> while cell- dup @ over cell+ ! repeat
drop r> swap !
r> unguarded_linear_insert drop
: insertion_sort ( first last -- )
2dup <>
dup begin cell+ dup r@ <> while 2dup dup @ linear_insert repeat
: unguarded_partition ( l f p -- cut )
>r swap cell-
begin dup @ r@ > while cell- repeat swap
begin dup @ r@ < while cell+ repeat swap
begin 2dup < while
2dup xchg cell- swap cell+ swap
begin dup @ r@ > while cell- repeat swap
begin dup @ r@ < while cell+ repeat swap
swap drop begin dup @ r@ < while cell+ repeat
: median_of_3 ( n0 n1 n2 -- n )
>r 2dup > if swap then
r> 2dup > if swap then drop
2dup < if swap then drop
: pivot ( l f len -- l f p )
2 / -cell and over + ( l f m )
@ >r over cell- @ over @ r>
: quicksort_loop ( l f t -- )
begin dup >r -rot 2dup - dup r@ > while
>r 2dup r> unguarded_partition
>r 2dup + r@ swap r> 2 * < if
rot over r> recurse swap else
dup -rot swap r> recurse then
rdrop 2drop 2drop
: quicksort ( l f )
2dup 2 cells quicksort_loop
dup 2 cells + dup -rot insertion_sort
swap unguarded_insertion_sort
\ Testing and benchmarking
include random.fs
0 random
: shuffle ( n a -- )
>r dup
begin ?dup while 1- 2dup cells r@ + swap rnd swap mod cells r@ + xchg repeat
rdrop 2drop
: fill-i ( n a -- )
begin ?dup while 1- dup dup cells r@ + ! repeat
: fill-ir ( n a )
begin 2dup ! cell+ swap 1- ?dup while swap repeat drop
1024 1024 * constant total-size
variable data total-size cells allocate throw data !
total-size data @ fill-i
total-size data @ shuffle
variable ssrt total-size cells allocate throw ssrt !
: exetime utime 2>r quicksort execute utime 2r> d- ." dtime " . cr ;
variable size 16 size !
variable logs 4 logs !
: run ( fp )
begin total-size size @ >= while
data @ ssrt @ size @ cells move
ssrt @ size @ cells + ssrt @
size @ . cr
.s cr
r@ hex. cr
r@ exetime
size @ . size @ m*/
size @ 2 * size !
' quicksort run