Given the Free Monad
, and my Eq
, Show
, and Functor
instances, I attempted to verify the first Functor
law using QuickCheck:
data Free f a = Var a
| Node (f (Free f a))
I defined the following Eq
and Show
instances (credit to duplode for helping me out on the Eq
instance (Eq (f (Free f a)), Eq a) => Eq (Free f a) where
(==) (Var x) (Var y) = x == y
(==) (Node fu1) (Node fu2) = fu1 == fu2
(==) _ _ = False
instance (Show (f (Free f a)), Show a) => Show (Free f a) where
show (Var x) = "Var " ++ (show x)
show (Node x) = "Node " ++ (show x)
Then, I implemented a Functor
instance Functor f => Functor (Free f) where
fmap g (Var x) = Var (g x)
fmap g (Node x) = Node $ fmap (\y -> fmap g y) x
And now the QuickCheck work:
instance Arbitrary (Free Maybe Int) where
arbitrary = do
x <- arbitrary :: Gen Int
y <- arbitrary :: Gen Int
elements [Var x, Var y, Node (Nothing), Node (Just (Var y))]
--fmap id = id
functor_id_law :: Free Maybe Int -> Bool
functor_id_law x = (fmap id x) == (id x)
Finally, run it in QuickCheck:
ghci> quickCheck functor_id_law
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
However, I haven't included other Functor
's, such as []
, etc. Nor have I used other types, i.e. Char
, String
, etc.
What's a more rigorous approach to verifying that my definition of the Free Monad
's Functor
instance obeys the first Functor Law?