I'm learning to use HSpec and QuickCheck. As example I was implementing the Pseudocode from Wikipedia:Extended Euclidean Algorithm. You can find the project at github for the implementation of the tested code.
In particular I wonder about two practices:
- selection of test cases - I took two trivial samples, examples from the wikipedia page and took three property tests.
- Generation of cases - the
a>0 && b>0
seems inefficient to me.
I'm most interested what would be a good practice to confirm two algorithms produce the same results.
module EuclidSpec ( spec )
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.Core.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck
import Lib
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "Trivial" $ do
it "trivial example 99 1" $
let trivial = extendedEuclid 99 1
in trivial `shouldBe` (EuclidRes 1 (0) 1)
it "trivial example 99 99" $
let trivial = extendedEuclid 99 99
in trivial `shouldBe` (EuclidRes 99 (0) 1)
describe "Examples" $ do
it "explanation example 99 78" $
let wikiExample = extendedEuclid 99 78
in wikiExample `shouldBe` (EuclidRes 3 (-11) 14)
it "explanation example flipped 78 99" $
let wikiExample = extendedEuclid 78 99
in wikiExample `shouldBe` (EuclidRes 3 14 (-11) )
it "explanation example 99 78" $
let wikiExample = extendedEuclid 240 46
in wikiExample `shouldBe` (EuclidRes 2 (-9) 47)
describe "properties" $ do
it "both numbers divisible a%gcd == 0, b%gcd ==0" $ property $
it "bezout a*s+b*t = gcd" $ property $
it "recursive and iterative algorithm have same result" $ property $
prop_divisible a b = a>0 && b>0 ==> a `mod` d ==0 && b `mod`d == 0
where EuclidRes d s t = extendedEuclid a b
prop_bezout a b = a>0 && b>0 ==> a*s + b*t == d
where EuclidRes d s t = extendedEuclid a b
prop_same_as_recursive a b = a>0 && b>0 ==> extendedEuclid a b == extendedEuclid' a b