This is an addition to Caridorc's answer.
The usual reason for using itertools
is that you don't want to construct lists when you don't need to. For example, in Python 2, you'd write for i in xrange(100)
instead of for i in range(100)
so that you don't have to construct a whole list of 100 numbers when you don't need it. If this doesn't make sense to you, familiarize yourself with the difference between generator expressions (genexprs) and list types.
In your case, however, there's a much more serious problem. You've got a Shlemiel the painter's algorithm!
When you write reduce(list.__add__, list_of_lists)
, you're essentially writing list_1 + ... + list_n
. Python will evaluate this as follows:
- Take
and list_2
. Create a new list object of the proper size, and copy the elements from lists 1 and 2 into this new list. Call it intermediate_1
- Take
and list_3
. Create a new list of the proper size, and copy the elements from these two lists into the new list. Call it intermediate_2
- …
- Take
and list_n
. Create a new list of the proper size, and copy the elements from these two lists into the new list. This is the final result.
Do you see the problem? This code is quadratic in both runtime and memory usage.
Here's some hard data. Consider the following function:
def fn(n):
lists = [[0] * 10000 for i in xrange(n)]
combined = reduce(list.__add__, lists)
I ran this for values of n
of 1, 10, 100, 200, 250, 300, 400, and 500 (using IPython's %timeit fn(100)
, which does proper timing), and got the following results:
This definitely looks quadratic, and the coefficient of determination is R2 = 0.99655, which indicates an extremely strong correlation.
When we instead use
def fast(n):
combined = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(
[0] * 10000 for i in xrange(n)))
the time for fast(500)
is just 65.8 ms instead of 7.42 s. (This shows that it is indeed the Shlemiel factor and not just large lists that's causing the slowdown.)
So, tl;dr, yes, use iterators—but make sure you know why!
So when use reduce
Just a review of what reduce
does for binary operators:
reduce(int.__add__, [x1, x2, x3], x0) = (((x0 + x1) + x2) + x3)
This is extended to general functions as follows:
reduce(f, [x1, x2, x3], x0) = f(f(f(x0, x1), x2), x3)
You should use reduce
when you want to write code that looks like either of the above examples. Basically, reduce
just saves you a loop.
Conceptually, you use reduce when you want to collapse a bunch of things into one value.
It may help to think of reduce
in comparison with its other core functional operations:
- Use
when you want to transform a bunch of values to other things (like "reverse all these strings"). You use map
in list comprehensions when you write [s[::-1] for s in strings]
- Use
when you want to take a bunch of values and keep just some of them (like "take just the strings that are palindromes"). You use reduce
in list comprehensions when you write [s for s in strings if s == s[::-1]]
- Use
when you want to collapse a bunch of things into one value (like "concatenate all these strings"). You can't use reduce
in list comprehensions, because you're not creating a new list (just a value).
- The problem in your case is that the version with
list_1 + ... + list_n
is just as bad in terms of efficiency. reduce
wasn't your problem; it was what reduce
expanded to.
- With
, you can omit the third argument x0
, and reduce
will use the first element of the sequence, or raise a TypeError
if the sequence is empty.
Before noting some examples, it may be helpful to realize that some operations from __builtins__
are just reduce
under the hood. For example:
sum(ints) = reduce(int.__add__, ints, 0)
all(bools) = reduce(lambda x, y: x and y, bools, True)
, and, similarly;
any(bools) = reduce(lambda x, y: x or y, bools, False)
is like reduce(lambda x, y: x if x < y else y, ints)
(it's actually a bit smarter), and, similarly;
is like reduce(lambda x, y: x if x > y else y, ints)
A few quick examples:
def factorial(n):
return reduce(int.__mul__, xrange(1, n + 1), 1)
def replay_chess_game(moves):
return reduce(lambda board, move: board.then(move),
def perform_git_rebase(commits):
return reduce(lambda head, commit: head.cherry_pick(commit),
I don't use reduce all that much in Python, but you should definitely know when to use it.