I actually had a real life need (outside work, no less) to come up with every single permutation
of N elements (the N in my case being 12, so a total of 12! = 479,001,600
) and run each one against a simple evaluation to produce some metric in order to determine which permutation is the most optimal.
Since I have some background in combinatorics
, in addition to software development, I thought this would be relatively simple but it proved not to be if I am to avoid recursion
, which seems elegant for low Ns but grows monstrously memory heavy and inefficient at higher Ns, even as low as 10.
In addition, recursion and generally combining set elements with index positions by brute force of cartesian product seems like a memory intensive and sort of crude and less sophisticated way of doing it. By observing manually assembled permutations of smaller sets (notably 3 elements), I noticed there must be a pattern to perform a simple swap of elements from the last permutation to come up with the next without ever needing to consider any previous permutation, which effectively reduces the memory footprint of this operation to only two lists of N elements while the recursion based approach linked above was storing a huge amounts of permutated subsets in memory data structures. As an aside, I like my approach better because it is easier to read and follow the code than the recursive approach.
The algorithm my Java
method follows is exactly as laid out in the accepted answer:
static void getPermutations(int size) {
TreeSet<Integer> origSet = new TreeSet<Integer>();
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
List<Integer> activePerm = new ArrayList<Integer>(origSet);
System.out.println(">>> Permutation generation start:\n");
int permCntr = 0;
boolean hasMore = true;
long timeMilliStart = (new Date()).getTime();
while(hasMore) {
System.out.println(permCntr + ". " + activePerm);
TreeSet<Integer> activeSet = new TreeSet<Integer>(origSet);
for(int i = size; i > 0;) {
Integer elem = activePerm.get(i);
if(i > 0) {
int prevIndx = i - 1;
Integer prevElem = activePerm.get(prevIndx);
if(prevElem < elem) {
List<Integer> newPerm = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for(int j = 0; j < prevIndx; j++) {
Integer keeper = activePerm.get(j);
Integer incr = prevElem + 1;
while(!activeSet.contains(incr)) {
activePerm = newPerm;
i = 0;
} else {
hasMore = false;
long timeMilliEnd = (new Date()).getTime();
long procMillis = timeMilliEnd - timeMilliStart;
float procSecs = (float)procMillis / 1000f;
System.out.println("\n>>> Process time (secs): " + procSecs);
The key to sparing memory is that my approach relies on not needing to store the generated permutations in some data structure for post processing but to use each permutation in the loop iteration when it is generated and then have it garbage collected, which is what I was using for the optimization evaluation described in the first paragraph, which is not included in the code above because it is not germane to the core problem of permutations.
Difference in performance can be seen if you try to run my method against a set of 10 elements. At 11 elements (39,916,800 permutations), his program causes an out of memory exception on my laptop, which has a duo CPU at 2.54GHz and 6G of RAM, while mine runs smoothly in several minutes.