First, some basics of your implementation:
- Type-hint your arguments; I had to read and investigate a bunch to deduce that
is a positive integer
(y-x) <= tau
does not need parens
- save
math.sqrt( n1 * n2 )
to a variable instead of repeating it
Full matrix implementation
This is an n**2 operation, which is on the order of 64,000,000 elements if your arrays are 8,000 elements long. That's beyond the point where I would have given up and used C and something like BLAS. If you actually care about performance, now is the time.
Your solution scales according to event density, being slower as event density increases. There is a solution that is constant-time in density:
- Don't call
- Don't use set intersection; use vectorized comparison
- Recognize that you can represent your
summation as the sum over a partial triangular matrix (ij
upper, ji
lower) stopping at the diagonal set by tau
- The matrix itself is formed by the broadcast of the two event vectors, and receives a mask for the upper and lower halves
- The initial values for
are the halved trace (diagonal sum) of this broadcast matrix
- For a given
and vector lengths, you could save time by pre-calculating the masks (not shown in the reference code). This is very important and can reduce execution time of this method by about two thirds. Many kinds of datasets in the wild have constant dimensions and can benefit from this.
Somewhere in around 85% ones-density, this method has equivalent performance to the original (for the test vector length of 2000) if you don't pre-calculate the mask.
Sparse approach
A library that supports sparse matrices should do better than the above. Scipy has them. Things to note about this approach:
- The input data need to be inverted - 1 for events, 0 everywhere else
- Be careful not to call
methods; exclusively use sparse methods
- Rather than forming the triangular bands and then summing at the end, it's faster to perform a difference-of-sums using
- This scales with density, unlike the full-matrix approach, and uses less memory
Sorted logarithmic traversal
Riffing on @vpn's idea a little:
- This doesn't need to be n**2 if you tell Numpy to correctly apply a binary search
- This binary search can be vectorized via
- Rather than your Python-native set intersection, you can use
For very high ones-densities, this method remains the fastest; but has poorer scaling characteristics than the full-matrix trace-only method for lower ones-densities (higher event densities).
Full or sparse matrix, traces only
(Yet another) approach is:
- For either sparse or full matrix
- non-masked
- based on diagonal trace sum only, with no calls to the triangular methods
- constant time in density
Particularly for the full matrix, this method is very fast: always faster than sparse, masked broadcast and original; and faster than logarithmic traversal for densities below ~70%.
Cumulative sum
For completeness the reference source below includes @KellyBundy's cumulative sum approach, which is competitive for all but very high densities.
All method durations (ms)
d% trace sorted cumsum old bcast sparse sparsetr
50.0 0.70 4.12 0.21 491.82 41.73 80.62 21.62
55.0 0.64 3.27 0.18 411.49 40.09 65.46 18.25
60.0 0.58 2.69 0.18 311.74 40.69 50.05 14.60
65.0 0.58 2.27 0.23 250.12 41.50 35.52 13.45
70.0 1.03 1.84 0.18 182.37 41.84 24.03 10.20
75.0 1.34 1.40 0.18 113.49 42.36 16.37 7.31
80.0 0.61 1.06 0.18 77.04 40.99 11.78 6.11
85.0 0.81 0.69 0.17 44.68 52.77 10.30 5.95
90.0 1.56 0.56 0.22 24.50 46.26 6.32 3.94
95.0 1.50 0.26 0.18 6.27 40.60 4.80 3.48
96.0 1.77 0.21 0.18 3.71 41.01 4.25 3.31
96.5 1.79 0.17 0.18 1.89 40.69 4.16 3.24
97.0 1.79 0.16 0.18 1.75 43.89 4.69 3.30
97.5 1.87 0.14 0.18 1.16 43.34 4.31 3.22
98.0 2.10 0.15 0.19 1.22 41.16 4.10 3.33
98.5 1.75 0.10 0.18 0.42 40.75 3.94 3.15
99.0 1.73 0.09 0.22 0.16 40.71 3.97 3.11
99.5 1.78 0.08 0.18 0.09 41.29 4.09 3.42
Fast method durations (us)
d% trace sorted cumsum
50.0 604 3993 124
55.0 556 3504 124
60.0 577 2895 125
65.0 569 2440 130
70.0 556 2041 126
75.0 574 1372 125
80.0 556 1078 123
85.0 562 686 126
90.0 563 477 128
95.0 561 238 126
96.0 558 176 126
96.5 569 139 124
97.0 557 137 131
97.5 568 104 124
98.0 601 116 128
98.5 565 61 128
99.0 567 51 129
99.5 566 43 127
Reference source
import math
from numbers import Real
from timeit import timeit
from typing import Tuple
import numpy as np
from itertools import product
import scipy.sparse
from scipy.sparse import spmatrix
def old_eps(ts_1, ts_2, tau):
Q_tau = 0
q_tau = 0
event_index1, = np.where(np.array(ts_1) == 0)
n1 = event_index1.shape[0]
event_index2, = np.where(np.array(ts_2) == 0)
n2 = event_index2.shape[0]
if (n1 != 0 and n2 != 0):
matching_idx = set(event_index1).intersection(event_index2)
c_ij = c_ji = 0.5 *len(matching_idx)
for x,y in product(event_index1,event_index2):
if x-y > 0 and (x-y)<= tau:
c_ij += 1
elif y-x > 0 and (y-x) <= tau:
c_ji += 1
Q_tau = (c_ij+c_ji)/math.sqrt( n1 * n2 )
q_tau = (c_ij - c_ji)/math.sqrt( n1 * n2 )
return Q_tau, q_tau
def bcast_eps(ts_1: np.ndarray, ts_2: np.ndarray, tau: int) -> Tuple[Real, Real]:
if ts_1.shape != ts_2.shape or len(ts_1.shape) != 1:
raise ValueError('Vectors must be flat and of the same length')
N, = ts_1.shape
events_1 = ts_1 == 0
events_2 = ts_2 == 0
n1 = np.sum(events_1)
n2 = np.sum(events_2)
if n1 == 0 or n2 == 0:
return 0, 0
all_true = np.ones((N, N), dtype=bool)
upper_mask = np.logical_or(np.tril(all_true), np.triu(all_true, k=+1+tau))
lower_mask = np.logical_or(np.triu(all_true), np.tril(all_true, k=-1-tau))
matches = np.logical_and(events_1[np.newaxis, :], events_2[:, np.newaxis])
matches_u =, mask=upper_mask)
matches_l =, mask=lower_mask)
n_matches = np.trace(matches)
c_ij = c_ji = n_matches / 2
c_ij += np.sum(matches_u)
c_ji += np.sum(matches_l)
den = math.sqrt(n1 * n2)
Q_tau = (c_ij + c_ji) / den
q_tau = (c_ij - c_ji) / den
return Q_tau, q_tau
def trace_eps(ts_1: np.ndarray, ts_2: np.ndarray, tau: int) -> Tuple[Real, Real]:
if ts_1.shape != ts_2.shape or len(ts_1.shape) != 1:
raise ValueError('Vectors must be flat and of the same length')
events_1 = ts_1 == 0
events_2 = ts_2 == 0
n1 = np.sum(events_1)
n2 = np.sum(events_2)
if n1 == 0 or n2 == 0:
return 0, 0
matches = np.logical_and(events_1[np.newaxis, :], events_2[:, np.newaxis])
n_matches = np.trace(matches)
c_ij = c_ji = n_matches / 2
for k in range(1, tau+1):
c_ij += np.trace(matches, k)
c_ji += np.trace(matches, -k)
den = math.sqrt(n1 * n2)
Q_tau = (c_ij + c_ji) / den
q_tau = (c_ij - c_ji) / den
return Q_tau, q_tau
def sorted_eps(ts_1: np.ndarray, ts_2: np.ndarray, tau: int) -> Tuple[Real, Real]:
if ts_1.shape != ts_2.shape or len(ts_1.shape) != 1:
raise ValueError('Vectors must be flat and of the same length')
event_index1, = np.where(np.array(ts_1) == 0)
event_index2, = np.where(np.array(ts_2) == 0)
n1, = event_index1.shape
n2, = event_index2.shape
if n1 == 0 or n2 == 0:
return 0, 0
n_matches, = np.intersect1d(
event_index1, event_index2, assume_unique=True,
c_ij = c_ji = n_matches/2
insertions = np.searchsorted(
a=event_index1, # array to pretend insertion into
v=event_index2, # values to insert
for insertion, y in zip(insertions, event_index2):
i1 = insertion
if i1 < n1:
if y == event_index1[i1]:
i1 += 1
for x in event_index1[i1:]:
if x - y > tau:
c_ij += 1
i2 = insertion - 1
if i2 >= 0:
for x in event_index1[i2::-1]:
if y - x > tau:
c_ji += 1
den = math.sqrt(n1 * n2)
Q_tau = (c_ij + c_ji) / den
q_tau = (c_ij - c_ji) / den
return Q_tau, q_tau
def sparse_eps(ts_1: spmatrix, ts_2: spmatrix, tau: int) -> Tuple[Real, Real]:
if ts_1.shape != ts_2.shape or len(ts_1.shape) != 2 or ts_1.shape[0] != 1:
raise ValueError('Vectors must be flat and of the same length')
n1 = ts_1.sum()
n2 = ts_2.sum()
if n1 == 0 or n2 == 0:
return 0, 0
matches = ts_2.T * ts_1
matches_u = scipy.sparse.triu(matches, +1).sum() - scipy.sparse.triu(matches, k=+1+tau).sum()
matches_l = scipy.sparse.tril(matches, -1).sum() - scipy.sparse.tril(matches, k=-1-tau).sum()
n_matches = matches.diagonal().sum()
c_ij = c_ji = n_matches / 2
c_ij += matches_u
c_ji += matches_l
den = math.sqrt(n1 * n2)
Q_tau = (c_ij + c_ji) / den
q_tau = (c_ij - c_ji) / den
return Q_tau, q_tau
def sparsetr_eps(ts_1: spmatrix, ts_2: spmatrix, tau: int) -> Tuple[Real, Real]:
if ts_1.shape != ts_2.shape or len(ts_1.shape) != 2 or ts_1.shape[0] != 1:
raise ValueError('Vectors must be flat and of the same length')
n1 = ts_1.sum()
n2 = ts_2.sum()
if n1 == 0 or n2 == 0:
return 0, 0
matches = ts_2.T * ts_1
n_matches = matches.diagonal().sum()
c_ij = c_ji = n_matches / 2
for k in range(1, tau+1):
c_ij += matches.diagonal(+k).sum()
c_ji += matches.diagonal(-k).sum()
den = math.sqrt(n1 * n2)
Q_tau = (c_ij + c_ji) / den
q_tau = (c_ij - c_ji) / den
return Q_tau, q_tau
def cumsum_eps(ts_1: spmatrix, ts_2: spmatrix, tau: int) -> Tuple[Real, Real]:
ts_1 = 1 - ts_1
ts_2 = 1 - ts_2
n1 = ts_1.sum()
n2 = ts_2.sum()
if n1 == 0 or n2 == 0:
return 0, 0
cs1 = np.pad(ts_1.cumsum(), (0, tau), 'edge')
cs2 = np.pad(ts_2.cumsum(), (0, tau), 'edge')
c_ij = c_ji = 0.5 * (ts_1 * ts_2).sum()
c_ij += ((cs1[tau:] - cs1[:-tau]) * ts_2).sum()
c_ji += ((cs2[tau:] - cs2[:-tau]) * ts_1).sum()
sqrt = math.sqrt(n1 * n2)
Q_tau = (c_ij + c_ji) / sqrt
q_tau = (c_ij - c_ji) / sqrt
return Q_tau, q_tau
def test() -> None:
shape = 2, 2000
full_ts = np.ones(shape, dtype=np.uint8)
sparse_ts = scipy.sparse.lil_matrix(shape, dtype=np.uint8)
density = 0.9
rand = np.random.default_rng(seed=0).random
events = rand(shape) > density
full_ts[events] = 0
sparse_ts[events] = 1
# Add some interesting values to test boundary conditions: on the diagonal
full_ts[:, 5] = 0
sparse_ts[:, 5] = 1
Q_exp = 1.9446638724075895
q_exp = 0.026566446344365977
methods = (
(old_eps, full_ts),
(bcast_eps, full_ts),
(trace_eps, full_ts),
(sorted_eps, full_ts),
(sparse_eps, sparse_ts),
(sparsetr_eps, sparse_ts),
(cumsum_eps, full_ts),
for eps, ts in methods:
Q_tau, q_tau = eps(*ts, tau=10)
assert math.isclose(Q_tau, Q_exp, abs_tol=1e-12, rel_tol=0)
assert math.isclose(q_tau, q_exp, abs_tol=1e-12, rel_tol=0)
def compare(fast: bool) -> None:
shape = 2, 2000
rand = np.random.default_rng(seed=0).random
n = 400 if fast else 1
methods = (
if fast:
print('Fast method durations (us)')
factor = 1e6
fmt = '{:8.0f}'
print('All method durations (ms)')
factor = 1e3
fmt = '{:8.2f}'
methods += (
print(' d%', ' '.join(
for method in methods
densities = np.hstack((
np.linspace(0.50, 0.95, 10),
np.linspace(0.960, 0.995, 8),
for density in densities:
print(f'{100*density:4.1f}', end=' ')
full_ts = np.ones(shape, dtype=np.uint8)
sparse_ts = scipy.sparse.lil_matrix(shape, dtype=np.uint8)
events = rand(shape) > density
full_ts[events] = 0
sparse_ts[events] = 1
inputs = (
if not fast:
inputs += (
for eps, ts in zip(methods, inputs):
t = timeit(lambda: eps(*ts, tau=10), number=n)
print(fmt.format(t/n*factor), end=' ')
if __name__ == '__main__':