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bromanmn's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than 10 years ago
Classes for acquiring employee information
In response to #2, your comments made me look back at the assignment and I now notice that it only calls for me to put in the hours for the week, not for each day. Thanks. In response to #5, I have to stick with the UML diagram that was provided in the class and cannot add any additional methods to the classes.
Classes for acquiring employee information
Thanks very much for all the suggestions. I have implemented most of what you indicated.
Classes for acquiring employee information
Thanks for your feedback. Very helpful. id = Integer.valueOf(initialId); was a leftover that from earlier work that I forgot to simplify. The overuse of comments is because the instructor for the courst that I am taking indicates that he would like everything commented. As for creating a separate IdGenerator, I am not allowed to as it is not part of the spec.