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2 votes

Proof that two lines intersect each other at precisely one point in Idris

It still may be far from perfect, but I asked a question on Stackoverflow related to this, and received an excellent answer from xash. I have attempted to cure my Boolean blindness. If I understand ...
Dair's user avatar
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Proving that merging two sorted lists produces a sorted list

and welcome to Code Review. I'll be perfectly upfront here: your post 8 days ago was the first I had ever heard of idris. I was hoping that someone who knew it, or even knew a bit more Haskell, might ...
Josiah's user avatar
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1 vote

Vending Machine in Idris

You can index your Machine type by a (type-level) state to statically disallow certain operations. For example, suppose you only want to allow filling the machine ...
Cactus's user avatar
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