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C++ Enigma Machine - how can I make it better?

As the title above says I'm trying to improve my C++ Enigma Machine either by shortening the code or finding more efficient ways to complete certain things. Be aware I have very basic C++ vocabulairy. Are there any major flaws in my code? Also, would anyone happen to know how I could do decryption properly? I asked on Stack Overflow and it wasn't received too well and one of the comments said code that's pretty much done but still needs some final touches belongs on this site. I would really appreciate some help.

Note: I used the 1998 version of C++ instead of C++ 11 or C++ 14 because I needed access to the auto keyword to store the raw data of a function instead of the output.

//Enigma Machine
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <conio.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <iterator>
#include <array>
using namespace std;
//Global variables
string option;
string choiceforencr;
string chosen_roter_one_s;
string chosen_roter_two_s;
string chosen_roter_three_s;
string currentLetter;
string encrypt_decrypt_output = "";
int chosen_roter_one;
int chosen_roter_two;
int chosen_roter_three;
int rotate_position_one;
int rotate_position_two;
int rotate_position_three;
int error = 0;
bool encrypt_Toggle = true;
int encr_decry_length;
//Function declarations
int enc_Decry_f_string();
int roter_1(){
        string myArray_one[26] = {"a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z"};
        string myArray_one_decrypt[26] = {"z","y","x","w","v","u","t","s","r","q","p","o","n","m","l","k","j","i", "h","g","f","e","d","c","b","a"};
    // rotation to the right by x amount
    if (encrypt_Toggle == true){
                reverse_iterator<string*>(end(myArray_one)) + rotate_position_one,
    else if (encrypt_Toggle == false){
                reverse_iterator<string*>(end(myArray_one_decrypt)) + (rotate_position_one + 26),
    if(currentLetter == "a"){currentLetter = myArray_one[0];}
    else if(currentLetter == "b"){currentLetter = myArray_one[1];}
    else if(currentLetter == "c"){currentLetter = myArray_one[2];}
    else if(currentLetter == "d"){currentLetter = myArray_one[3];}
    else if(currentLetter == "e"){currentLetter = myArray_one[4];}
    else if(currentLetter == "f"){currentLetter = myArray_one[5];}
    else if(currentLetter == "g"){currentLetter = myArray_one[6];}
    else if(currentLetter == "h"){currentLetter = myArray_one[7];}
    else if(currentLetter == "i"){currentLetter = myArray_one[8];}
    else if(currentLetter == "j"){currentLetter = myArray_one[9];}
    else if(currentLetter == "k"){currentLetter = myArray_one[10];}
    else if(currentLetter == "l"){currentLetter = myArray_one[11];}
    else if(currentLetter == "m"){currentLetter = myArray_one[12];}
    else if(currentLetter == "n"){currentLetter = myArray_one[13];}
    else if(currentLetter == "o"){currentLetter = myArray_one[14];}
    else if(currentLetter == "p"){currentLetter = myArray_one[15];}
    else if(currentLetter == "q"){currentLetter = myArray_one[16];}
    else if(currentLetter == "r"){currentLetter = myArray_one[17];}
    else if(currentLetter == "s"){currentLetter = myArray_one[18];}
    else if(currentLetter == "t"){currentLetter = myArray_one[19];}
    else if(currentLetter == "u"){currentLetter = myArray_one[20];}
    else if(currentLetter == "v"){currentLetter = myArray_one[21];}
    else if(currentLetter == "w"){currentLetter = myArray_one[22];}
    else if(currentLetter == "x"){currentLetter = myArray_one[23];}
    else if(currentLetter == "y"){currentLetter = myArray_one[24];}
    else if(currentLetter == "z"){currentLetter = myArray_one[25];}
    else{currentLetter = currentLetter;}
rotate_position_one += 1;
int roter_2(){
        string myArray_one[26] = {"a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z"};
        string myArray_one_decrypt[26] = {"z","y","x","w","v","u","t","s","r","q","p","o","n","m","l","k","j","i", "h","g","f","e","d","c","b","a"};
    // rotation to the right by x amount
    if (encrypt_Toggle == true){
                reverse_iterator<string*>(end(myArray_one)) + rotate_position_one,
    else if (encrypt_Toggle == false){
                reverse_iterator<string*>(end(myArray_one_decrypt)) + (rotate_position_one + 26) ,
    if(currentLetter == "a"){currentLetter = myArray_one[0];}
    else if(currentLetter == "b"){currentLetter = myArray_one[1];}
    else if(currentLetter == "c"){currentLetter = myArray_one[2];}
    else if(currentLetter == "d"){currentLetter = myArray_one[3];}
    else if(currentLetter == "e"){currentLetter = myArray_one[4];}
    else if(currentLetter == "f"){currentLetter = myArray_one[5];}
    else if(currentLetter == "g"){currentLetter = myArray_one[6];}
    else if(currentLetter == "h"){currentLetter = myArray_one[7];}
    else if(currentLetter == "i"){currentLetter = myArray_one[8];}
    else if(currentLetter == "j"){currentLetter = myArray_one[9];}
    else if(currentLetter == "k"){currentLetter = myArray_one[10];}
    else if(currentLetter == "l"){currentLetter = myArray_one[11];}
    else if(currentLetter == "m"){currentLetter = myArray_one[12];}
    else if(currentLetter == "n"){currentLetter = myArray_one[13];}
    else if(currentLetter == "o"){currentLetter = myArray_one[14];}
    else if(currentLetter == "p"){currentLetter = myArray_one[15];}
    else if(currentLetter == "q"){currentLetter = myArray_one[16];}
    else if(currentLetter == "r"){currentLetter = myArray_one[17];}
    else if(currentLetter == "s"){currentLetter = myArray_one[18];}
    else if(currentLetter == "t"){currentLetter = myArray_one[19];}
    else if(currentLetter == "u"){currentLetter = myArray_one[20];}
    else if(currentLetter == "v"){currentLetter = myArray_one[21];}
    else if(currentLetter == "w"){currentLetter = myArray_one[22];}
    else if(currentLetter == "x"){currentLetter = myArray_one[23];}
    else if(currentLetter == "y"){currentLetter = myArray_one[24];}
    else if(currentLetter == "z"){currentLetter = myArray_one[25];}
    else{currentLetter = currentLetter;}
rotate_position_one += 1;
int roter_3(){
        string myArray_one[26] = {"a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z"};
        string myArray_one_decrypt[26] = {"z","y","x","w","v","u","t","s","r","q","p","o","n","m","l","k","j","i", "h","g","f","e","d","c","b","a"};
    // rotation to the right by x amount
    if (encrypt_Toggle == true){
                reverse_iterator<string*>(end(myArray_one)) + rotate_position_one,
    else if (encrypt_Toggle == false){
                reverse_iterator<string*>(end(myArray_one_decrypt)) + (rotate_position_one + 26),
    if(currentLetter == "a"){currentLetter = myArray_one[0];}
    else if(currentLetter == "b"){currentLetter = myArray_one[1];}
    else if(currentLetter == "c"){currentLetter = myArray_one[2];}
    else if(currentLetter == "d"){currentLetter = myArray_one[3];}
    else if(currentLetter == "e"){currentLetter = myArray_one[4];}
    else if(currentLetter == "f"){currentLetter = myArray_one[5];}
    else if(currentLetter == "g"){currentLetter = myArray_one[6];}
    else if(currentLetter == "h"){currentLetter = myArray_one[7];}
    else if(currentLetter == "i"){currentLetter = myArray_one[8];}
    else if(currentLetter == "j"){currentLetter = myArray_one[9];}
    else if(currentLetter == "k"){currentLetter = myArray_one[10];}
    else if(currentLetter == "l"){currentLetter = myArray_one[11];}
    else if(currentLetter == "m"){currentLetter = myArray_one[12];}
    else if(currentLetter == "n"){currentLetter = myArray_one[13];}
    else if(currentLetter == "o"){currentLetter = myArray_one[14];}
    else if(currentLetter == "p"){currentLetter = myArray_one[15];}
    else if(currentLetter == "q"){currentLetter = myArray_one[16];}
    else if(currentLetter == "r"){currentLetter = myArray_one[17];}
    else if(currentLetter == "s"){currentLetter = myArray_one[18];}
    else if(currentLetter == "t"){currentLetter = myArray_one[19];}
    else if(currentLetter == "u"){currentLetter = myArray_one[20];}
    else if(currentLetter == "v"){currentLetter = myArray_one[21];}
    else if(currentLetter == "w"){currentLetter = myArray_one[22];}
    else if(currentLetter == "x"){currentLetter = myArray_one[23];}
    else if(currentLetter == "y"){currentLetter = myArray_one[24];}
    else if(currentLetter == "z"){currentLetter = myArray_one[25];}
    else{currentLetter = currentLetter;}
rotate_position_one += 1;
int roter_4(){
        string myArray_one[26] = {"a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z"};
        string myArray_one_decrypt[26] = {"z","y","x","w","v","u","t","s","r","q","p","o","n","m","l","k","j","i", "h","g","f","e","d","c","b","a"};
    // rotation to the right by x amount
    if (encrypt_Toggle == true){
                reverse_iterator<string*>(end(myArray_one)) + rotate_position_one,
    else if (encrypt_Toggle == false){
                reverse_iterator<string*>(end(myArray_one_decrypt)) + (rotate_position_one + 26),
    if(currentLetter == "a"){currentLetter = myArray_one[0];}
    else if(currentLetter == "b"){currentLetter = myArray_one[1];}
    else if(currentLetter == "c"){currentLetter = myArray_one[2];}
    else if(currentLetter == "d"){currentLetter = myArray_one[3];}
    else if(currentLetter == "e"){currentLetter = myArray_one[4];}
    else if(currentLetter == "f"){currentLetter = myArray_one[5];}
    else if(currentLetter == "g"){currentLetter = myArray_one[6];}
    else if(currentLetter == "h"){currentLetter = myArray_one[7];}
    else if(currentLetter == "i"){currentLetter = myArray_one[8];}
    else if(currentLetter == "j"){currentLetter = myArray_one[9];}
    else if(currentLetter == "k"){currentLetter = myArray_one[10];}
    else if(currentLetter == "l"){currentLetter = myArray_one[11];}
    else if(currentLetter == "m"){currentLetter = myArray_one[12];}
    else if(currentLetter == "n"){currentLetter = myArray_one[13];}
    else if(currentLetter == "o"){currentLetter = myArray_one[14];}
    else if(currentLetter == "p"){currentLetter = myArray_one[15];}
    else if(currentLetter == "q"){currentLetter = myArray_one[16];}
    else if(currentLetter == "r"){currentLetter = myArray_one[17];}
    else if(currentLetter == "s"){currentLetter = myArray_one[18];}
    else if(currentLetter == "t"){currentLetter = myArray_one[19];}
    else if(currentLetter == "u"){currentLetter = myArray_one[20];}
    else if(currentLetter == "v"){currentLetter = myArray_one[21];}
    else if(currentLetter == "w"){currentLetter = myArray_one[22];}
    else if(currentLetter == "x"){currentLetter = myArray_one[23];}
    else if(currentLetter == "y"){currentLetter = myArray_one[24];}
    else if(currentLetter == "z"){currentLetter = myArray_one[25];}
    else{currentLetter = currentLetter;}
rotate_position_one += 1;
int roter_5(){
        string myArray_one[26] = {"a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z"};
        string myArray_one_decrypt[26] = {"z","y","x","w","v","u","t","s","r","q","p","o","n","m","l","k","j","i", "h","g","f","e","d","c","b","a"};
    // rotation to the right by x amount
    if (encrypt_Toggle == true){
                reverse_iterator<string*>(end(myArray_one)) + rotate_position_one,
    else if (encrypt_Toggle == false){
                reverse_iterator<string*>(end(myArray_one_decrypt)) + (rotate_position_one + 26),
    if(currentLetter == "a"){currentLetter = myArray_one[0];}
    else if(currentLetter == "b"){currentLetter = myArray_one[1];}
    else if(currentLetter == "c"){currentLetter = myArray_one[2];}
    else if(currentLetter == "d"){currentLetter = myArray_one[3];}
    else if(currentLetter == "e"){currentLetter = myArray_one[4];}
    else if(currentLetter == "f"){currentLetter = myArray_one[5];}
    else if(currentLetter == "g"){currentLetter = myArray_one[6];}
    else if(currentLetter == "h"){currentLetter = myArray_one[7];}
    else if(currentLetter == "i"){currentLetter = myArray_one[8];}
    else if(currentLetter == "j"){currentLetter = myArray_one[9];}
    else if(currentLetter == "k"){currentLetter = myArray_one[10];}
    else if(currentLetter == "l"){currentLetter = myArray_one[11];}
    else if(currentLetter == "m"){currentLetter = myArray_one[12];}
    else if(currentLetter == "n"){currentLetter = myArray_one[13];}
    else if(currentLetter == "o"){currentLetter = myArray_one[14];}
    else if(currentLetter == "p"){currentLetter = myArray_one[15];}
    else if(currentLetter == "q"){currentLetter = myArray_one[16];}
    else if(currentLetter == "r"){currentLetter = myArray_one[17];}
    else if(currentLetter == "s"){currentLetter = myArray_one[18];}
    else if(currentLetter == "t"){currentLetter = myArray_one[19];}
    else if(currentLetter == "u"){currentLetter = myArray_one[20];}
    else if(currentLetter == "v"){currentLetter = myArray_one[21];}
    else if(currentLetter == "w"){currentLetter = myArray_one[22];}
    else if(currentLetter == "x"){currentLetter = myArray_one[23];}
    else if(currentLetter == "y"){currentLetter = myArray_one[24];}
    else if(currentLetter == "z"){currentLetter = myArray_one[25];}
    else{currentLetter = currentLetter;}
rotate_position_one += 1;
    auto final_Roter_one = roter_1;
    auto final_Roter_two = roter_2;
    auto final_Roter_three = roter_3;
//Other functions
void encrypt_enigma(){
    auto final_Roter_one = roter_1;
    auto final_Roter_two = roter_2;
    auto final_Roter_three = roter_3;
    //chosen roter one
    if(chosen_roter_one == 1){
        final_Roter_one = roter_1;

    else if(chosen_roter_one == 2){
        final_Roter_one = roter_2;

    else if(chosen_roter_one == 3){
        final_Roter_one = roter_3;

    else if(chosen_roter_one == 4){
        final_Roter_one = roter_4;

        final_Roter_one = roter_5;

    //Chosen roter two
    if(chosen_roter_two == 1){
        final_Roter_two = roter_1;

    else if(chosen_roter_two == 2){
        final_Roter_two = roter_2;

    else if(chosen_roter_two == 3){
        final_Roter_two = roter_3;

    else if(chosen_roter_two == 4){
        final_Roter_two = roter_4;

        final_Roter_two = roter_5;

    //chosen roter three
    if(chosen_roter_three == 1){
        final_Roter_three = roter_1;

    else if(chosen_roter_three == 2){
        final_Roter_three = roter_2;

    else if(chosen_roter_three == 3){
        final_Roter_three = roter_3;

    else if(chosen_roter_three == 4){
        final_Roter_three = roter_4;

        final_Roter_three = roter_5;

class EncryDecry

        void updateStrings(string sentence){
            currentLetter = sentence[0];

        int stringLength = sentence.length();
        string wordLetters[stringLength];
        int initializer = 0;

        wordLetters[initializer] = currentLetter;
        currentLetter = sentence[initializer];
        //Do it
        encrypt_decrypt_output += currentLetter;

        }while(initializer != stringLength);

//Change the string
int enc_Decry_f_string(){
    EncryDecry machine;
    encr_decry_length = choiceforencr.length();
    printf("No segmentation fault");
void r_option(){
    cout << "Sorry that is not a valid input please try again(e/d)" << endl;
    cin >> choiceforencr;

void chose_a_roter(int stateof){
        int problem = 0;
        string message;

        if (stateof == 0){message = "What roters(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) would you like to use (You may only use 3):\n";}
        else{message = "Sorry your one of your last choices was not valid please try again\nWhat roters(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) would you like to use (You may only use 3):\n";}
        cout << message;
        cin >> chosen_roter_one_s;
        cin >> chosen_roter_two_s;
        cin >> chosen_roter_three_s;
        cout << "please enter your roter position(1-26)" << endl;
        if (problem >= 1){
            cout << "Sorry one of your last entrys was not valid please try again\nPlease enter your roter position" << endl;
        cin >> rotate_position_one;
        cin >> rotate_position_two;
        cin >> rotate_position_three;

        while(rotate_position_one >= 27 || rotate_position_two >= 27 || rotate_position_three >= 27);

        if (stateof == 1)
            if(chosen_roter_one == chosen_roter_two || chosen_roter_two == chosen_roter_three || chosen_roter_three == chosen_roter_one || chosen_roter_one > 5 || chosen_roter_two > 5 || chosen_roter_three > 5){
                error = 1;
                error = 0;
        }while(error == 1);
void convert(){
//positions for roter one

        int gone_trough = 0;
        int reason = 0;
    //if there was a problem...
        if (error == 1 && gone_trough > 0){

    //Chosen roter one
        if (chosen_roter_one_s == "1" || chosen_roter_one_s == "one"){chosen_roter_one = 1;}
        else if (chosen_roter_one_s == "2" || chosen_roter_one_s == "two"){chosen_roter_one = 2;}
        else if (chosen_roter_one_s == "3" || chosen_roter_one_s == "three"){chosen_roter_one = 3;}
        else if (chosen_roter_one_s == "4" || chosen_roter_one_s == "four"){chosen_roter_one = 4;}
        else if (chosen_roter_one_s == "5" || chosen_roter_one_s == "five"){chosen_roter_one = 5;}
            error = 1;
    //chosen Roter two
        if (chosen_roter_two_s == "1" || chosen_roter_two_s == "one"){chosen_roter_two = 1;}
        else if (chosen_roter_two_s == "2" || chosen_roter_two_s == "two"){chosen_roter_two = 2;}
        else if (chosen_roter_two_s == "3" || chosen_roter_two_s == "three"){chosen_roter_two = 3;}
        else if (chosen_roter_two_s == "4" || chosen_roter_two_s == "four"){chosen_roter_two = 4;}
        else if (chosen_roter_two_s == "5" || chosen_roter_two_s == "five"){chosen_roter_two = 5;}
            error = 1;
    //Chosen Roter three
        if (chosen_roter_three_s == "1" || chosen_roter_three_s == "one"){chosen_roter_three = 1;}
        else if (chosen_roter_three_s == "2" || chosen_roter_three_s == "two"){chosen_roter_three = 2;}
        else if (chosen_roter_three_s == "3" || chosen_roter_three_s == "three"){chosen_roter_three = 3;}
        else if (chosen_roter_three_s == "4" || chosen_roter_three_s == "four"){chosen_roter_three = 4;}
        else if (chosen_roter_three_s == "5" || chosen_roter_three_s == "five"){chosen_roter_three = 5;}
            error = 1;
    }while(error == 1 || chosen_roter_one == chosen_roter_two || chosen_roter_two == chosen_roter_three || chosen_roter_three == chosen_roter_one);


main ()
bool repeat = true;
    option = "";
    choiceforencr = "";
    chosen_roter_one_s = "";
        chosen_roter_two_s = "";
        chosen_roter_three_s = "";
            currentLetter = "";
            encrypt_decrypt_output = "";
                chosen_roter_one = 0;
                chosen_roter_two = 0;
            chosen_roter_three = 0;
            rotate_position_one = 0;
        rotate_position_two = 0;
        rotate_position_three = 0;
    error = 0;
    encr_decry_length = 0;
        error = 0;
        encrypt_Toggle = NULL;
            encrypt_decrypt_output = "";
  cout << "Welcome to the Enigma console. Are you encrypting or decrypting(e/d) or to end the program press Q" << endl;

  cin >> option;
  if (option == "e" || option == "encrypting")
      encrypt_Toggle = true;
      cout << "You are encrypting what would you like to encrypte:\n";
      cin >> choiceforencr;
      convert ();
      cout << "Your encrypted text is <<" << encrypt_decrypt_output << ">>" << endl;
  else if (option == "d" || option == "decrypting")
      encrypt_Toggle = false;
      cout << "You are decrypting what would you like to decrypte:\n";
      cin >> choiceforencr;
      cout << "Your decrypted text is <<" << encrypt_decrypt_output << ">>" << endl;
  else if (option == "q"){
    return 0;

        r_option ();
    }while (option != "e" || option != "d" || option != "decrypting" || option != "encrypting" || option != "q");

Help is very much appreciated.

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