I am on the learning curve of C and its capabilities. Below I have tried to create 4 individual programs where the execution is always in order (program 0,1,2,3).
About the program
Program #0 is always executed (called) first, it also creates semid's
Program #1 can ONLY be executed if Program #0 has ran
Program #2 can ONLY be executed if Program #1 has ran
Program #3 can ONLY be executed if Program #2 has ran
What Do I Need?
Since, I am a beginner I thought an expert's knowledge on creating a better design or code structuring would help me.
Program Call
./prog0 && ./prog1 && ./prog2 && ./prog3
Program #0
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/sem.h>
main ( )
int semid;
key_t key;
union semun arg;
key = ftok("program0.c", 'a');
semid = semget(key, 3, 0666 | IPC_CREAT);
if ( semid < 0 )
perror("Could Not Created The Requested Semaphore");
arg.val = 1;
semctl(semid, 0, SETVAL, arg);
arg.val = 0;
semctl(semid, 1, SETVAL, arg);
semctl(semid, 2, SETVAL, arg);
printf("Executing process #0.\n");
return 0;
Program #1
main ( )
int semid, key;
union semun arg;
key = ftok("program0.c", 'a');
semid = semget(key, 3, 0666 | IPC_CREAT);
if ( semid < 0 )
perror("Could Not Created The Requested Semaphore");
if ( semctl(semid, 0, GETVAL, 0) != 1 )
semctl(semid, 0, IPC_RMID);
printf("Executing process #1.\n");
arg.val = 0;
semctl(semid, 0, SETVAL, arg);
semctl(semid, 1, SETVAL, arg);
return 0;
Program #2
main ( )
int semid, key;
union semun arg;
key = ftok("program0.c", 'a');
semid = semget(key, 3, 0666 | IPC_CREAT);
if ( semid < 0 )
perror("Could Not Created The Requested Semaphore");
if ( semctl(semid, 1, GETVAL, 0) != 1 )
semctl(semid, 0, IPC_RMID);
printf("Executing process #2.\n");
arg.val = 0;
semctl(semid, 1, SETVAL, arg);
semctl(semid, 2, SETVAL, arg);
return 0;
Program #3
main ( )
int semid, key;
key = ftok("program0.c", 'a');
semid = semget(key, 3, 0666 | IPC_CREAT);
if ( semid < 0 )
perror("Could Not Created The Requested Semaphore");
if ( semctl(semid, 2, GETVAL, 0) != 1 )
semctl(semid, 0, IPC_RMID);
printf("Executing process #3.\n");
semctl(semid, 0, IPC_RMID);
return 0;