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Questions tagged [unity-container]

The Unity Application Block (i.e. Unity) is a lightweight, extensible dependency injection container for .NET with support for interception.

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2 votes
0 answers

How to use single child Unity container for OWIN middleware and WebAPI

I am using OWIN to self host a WebAPI service. There is Unity to serve as an IoC container. Within several OWIN middlewares (e.g. authorization layer) as well as in WebAPI I need to access a Unity ...
Ondra Netočný's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Wrapper around Unity

I have written a wrapper around the Microsoft's Unity container and would like this to be cod reviewed please. Here is the interface definition: ...
Yawar Murtaza's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Factory pattern along with DI using Unity container

I am learning design patterns and this is my sample code where I have implemented Factory pattern and instance creation I have delegated to Unity container Framework(DI) to build the loosely coupled ...
Shreekanth Gaanji's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Caching using MS Unity Interception

I wanted to cache methods using unity interception and not have the parameters passed in stay alive for the sake of caching. If the objects would have gone out of scope without caching then the cache ...
CharlesNRice's user avatar
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Unit test Web API controller that uses a static helper class which uses app config setting

I have a situation where I have a static class that reads my application configuration file for some configuration value. When unit testing Web API controllers that make use of this static class I am ...
Sykomaniac's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Repository Pattern with Dapper + Unity

I just finished the Pluralsight courses about Inversion of Control and Mirco-ORMs, and I am struggling with the implementation aspect of some of the concepts. This is my (simplified) repository ...
Xavier Peña's user avatar
2 votes
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Identity repository pattern with UnitOfWork, GenericRepository and Unity

I created an application from 3 layers, DAL, BLL, and Representation layer in ASP.NET Web API. In DAL i have 4 Classes: - DatabaseContext.cs, UnitOfWork.cs, GenericRepository and UserInfo. In BLL i ...
Kob_24's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Repository Pattern universal application

When I started learning Repository Pattern with Unity few days ago I was under impression that the main benefit of this pattern is the separation of data layer from the business layer. In other words,...
Robert J.'s user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Unity Repository Best Practices

I am now developing a product, which will use Unity & Repositories when it comes to data management. I will demonstrate on a simple example. What we want to do, ...
Robert J.'s user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Unit testing with dependency injection and MOQ

I'm just learning how dependency injection and mocking work, but I'd like some feedback on how I'm setting up a couple of tests. I can get them to pass, but I'm not sure this is all I need. This is ...
madvora's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Unity Lazy Resolve Implementation

I have been using Microsoft.Unity as my container and have decided that the approach for a lazy implementation causes too much rework. Each time you decide to swap ...
sQuir3l's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

EF Generic Repository + Unit of Work pattern with support for Async

I'm working on a generic repository using EF 6 code first and trying to following the Unit of Work pattern. Unity is being used to inject my repositories, and I'm trying to get everything supporting ...
jdylanmc's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Unity and an IoC for Settings

After a somewhat lengthily discussion in the chat room, I have set up an IoC container with Unity to store my settings in. This is my static IoC class: ...
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