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13 votes
2 answers

A classy DNA nucleobase counter

This question is part of a series solving the Rosalind challenges. For the previous question in this series, see Counting nucleobases in a nucleotide c. The repository with all my up-to-date solutions ...
Mast's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Create two vehicles, move them on a grid based on user input

I have a grid and a class Vehicle, which will have starting point(X, Y on the grid) and direction(one of N,E,S,W) taken from user and there will be commands, ...
Brandon Bishop's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

User ranking system

I have written my first code of object oriented Python. Prior to this I have spent a week on learning the concepts and understanding the technique. I would appreciate it somebody reviews this and give ...
Susmita Ghosh's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

"Time Conversion" Python implementation

Problem Statement You are given time in AM/PM format. Convert this into a 24 hour format. Note Midnight is \$ 12:00:00AM \$ or \$ 00:00:00 \$ and 12 Noon is \$ 12:00:00PM. \$ Input Format ...
CodeYogi's user avatar
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