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CSV Data Plotting Program using CsvHelper in C#

This is a follow-up question for CSV Data Plotting Program in C#. I am trying to use CsvHelper to build an application for plotting CSV Data in this post. In the ...
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CSV Data Plotting Program in C#

I am trying to implement a CSV data plotting program in C#. In the plotting part, I use ScottPlot.NET to perform plotting operation. There are five column in the given CSV file, therefore, I use ...
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Plot ROC, PR, and PRI curves in C# using pre-calculated coordinates

I have written a small program in C# to plot ROC, PR (equal to AP) and ...
Aalawlx's user avatar
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Generating data for Highcharts

I have written a code to generate chart data for the Highcharts library and need to know if there are any improvements possible. I have applied generics but think it could be fine tuned further. Could ...
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