I have written a small program in C# to plot ROC
, PR
(equal to AP
) and PRI
(equal to API
) curves using the plot_curve()
method. (The program also calculates the approximate AUC of the curves using the area_under_curve_trapz()
method, but that isn't the main point. The main point and purpose is to plot the curves.)
Plotting ROC
and PR
curves in C# appears to be a task which has not yet been done effectively. Therefore, this algorithm is written from scratch. I also hope this algorithm will be useful for those interested in data science and machine learning, especially those using C#.
Please review and suggest any improvements in the algorithm. (In particular, I am curious about better methods of averaging the x,y coordinates for the outer-cross-validation results (i.e. nested-cross-validation), considering the variable decision boundary thresholds, i.e. the input of x,y can never be pre-determined, and using the standard 11 point averaging does not give accurate results; rather a very poor approximation. Still, it is supported by the method.)
The whole (working) algorithm is in the following file - plot.cs.
It can be tested using the static plot.test_plot()
method which contains some real sample data. The generated bmp images will be loaded in the default program after execution.
Note that this was written using Visual Studio 2017, C# 7.3 and .NET 4.7.2. It may be incompatible with some lower C# or .NET versions. Please also note that this algorithm purposely ignores standard C# naming conventions.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Drawing.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
namespace svm_compute
public static class plot
public static void test_plot()
// this function plots sample ROC, PR and PRI (approximated interpolated) curves, using all thresholds and 11 point thresholds.
var encoded_roc = @"
var encoded_pr = @"
var p11 = false;
var average_for_closest_points = true;
var open_bmp = true;
plot_curve(perf_curve_types.roc, encoded_roc, $@"c:\svm_compute\charts\{nameof(perf_curve_types.roc)}.bmp", p11, average_for_closest_points, open_bmp);
plot_curve(perf_curve_types.pr, encoded_pr, $@"c:\svm_compute\charts\{nameof(perf_curve_types.pr)}.bmp", p11, average_for_closest_points, open_bmp);
plot_curve(perf_curve_types.pri_from_pr, encoded_pr, $@"c:\svm_compute\charts\{nameof(perf_curve_types.pri_from_pr)}.bmp", p11, average_for_closest_points, open_bmp);
p11 = true;
plot_curve(perf_curve_types.roc, encoded_roc, $@"c:\svm_compute\charts\{nameof(perf_curve_types.roc)}{(p11 ? "_p11" : "")}.bmp", p11, average_for_closest_points, open_bmp);
plot_curve(perf_curve_types.pr, encoded_pr, $@"c:\svm_compute\charts\{nameof(perf_curve_types.pr)}{(p11 ? "_p11" : "")}.bmp", p11, average_for_closest_points, open_bmp);
plot_curve(perf_curve_types.pri_from_pr, encoded_pr, $@"c:\svm_compute\charts\{nameof(perf_curve_types.pri_from_pr)}{(p11 ? "_p11" : "")}.bmp", p11, average_for_closest_points, open_bmp);
public enum perf_curve_types : int
pr = 1,
pri = 2,
pri_from_pr = 3,
roc = 4
public static double scale(double value, double min, double max, double min_scale, double max_scale)
return (max_scale - min_scale) * ((value - min) / (max - min)) + min_scale;
public static double area_under_curve_trapz(List<(double x, double y)> coordinate_list)
coordinate_list = coordinate_list.Distinct().ToList();
coordinate_list = coordinate_list.OrderBy(a => a.x).ThenBy(a => a.y).ToList();
var auc = coordinate_list.Select((c, i) => i >= coordinate_list.Count - 1 ? 0 : (coordinate_list[i + 1].x - coordinate_list[i].x) * ((coordinate_list[i].y + coordinate_list[i + 1].y) / 2)).Sum();
return auc;
public static void plot_curve(perf_curve_types perf_curve_type, string encoded_plot_data, string save_filename, bool convert_to_p11 = false, bool average_for_closest_points = true, bool open_bmp = true)
// the data is in the format of x_title;y_title/x;y/x;y/x;y/...
// each line represents a different curve. usually from outer-cross-validation, there would be 5 or 10 curves (although it could be any number >= 2). if the input the average value from cross-validation, there would only be one curve.
// note, it is not necessary that the number of values is equal per curve. however, they should all be x,y values of either ROC or PR curves - other types of curves are not necessarily supported as there is code here specific to ROC and PR.
if (perf_curve_type == 0)
throw new ArgumentException("Invalid performance curve type specified.", nameof(perf_curve_type));
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(save_filename))
throw new ArgumentException("BMP filename required to save curve.", nameof(save_filename));
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(encoded_plot_data))
throw new ArgumentException("Plot x,y coordinate data is missing.", nameof(encoded_plot_data));
List<(string x_title, string y_title, List<(double x, double y)> xy)> parsed_xy = encoded_plot_data.Split(new char[] { '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
.Select(line =>
var headers = line.Trim().Split('/').First().Split(';');
var r = (x_title: headers[0], y_title: headers[1], xy: line.Trim().Split('/').Skip(1).Select(b => (x: double.Parse("" + b.Split(';')[0]), y: double.Parse("" + b.Split(';')[1]))).ToList());
r.xy = r.xy.OrderBy(a => a.x).ThenBy(a => perf_curve_type == perf_curve_types.roc ? a.y : 1 - a.y).ToList();
return r;
if (convert_to_p11)
// convert the x,y coordinate to the 11 point thresholds (useful for comparison of different classification models, where thresholds are unlikely to be meaningful)
var points11 = new[] { 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0 };
for (var index = 0; index < parsed_xy.Count; index++)
if (perf_curve_type == perf_curve_types.roc)
parsed_xy[index] = (parsed_xy[index].x_title, parsed_xy[index].y_title, points11.Select(t => (t, parsed_xy[index].xy.Where(a => a.x <= t).Max(a => a.y))).ToList());
parsed_xy[index] = (parsed_xy[index].x_title, parsed_xy[index].y_title, points11.Select(t => (t, parsed_xy[index].xy.Where(a => a.x >= t).Max(a => a.y))).ToList());
if (perf_curve_type == perf_curve_types.pri_from_pr)
// interpolate the x,y values (also for comparison of classifiation models)
var last_y = 0d;
parsed_xy = parsed_xy.Select(a => (x_title: a.x_title, y_title: a.y_title, xy: a.xy.Select((b, i) =>
//x = TPR; y = PPV
var max_ppv = a.xy.Where(c => c.x >= b.x).Max(c => c.y);
if (double.IsNaN(max_ppv)) max_ppv = last_y;
last_y = max_ppv;
return (x: b.x, y: max_ppv);
(string x_title, string y_title, List<(double x, double y)> xy) average_xy2 = (parsed_xy.First().x_title, parsed_xy.First().y_title, new List<(double x, double y)>());
if (average_for_closest_points)
// make average curve for all outer-cv curves
var all_xy = parsed_xy.SelectMany(a => a.xy).OrderBy(a => a.x).ThenBy(a => perf_curve_type == perf_curve_types.roc ? a.y : 1 - a.y).Distinct().ToList();
var closest_to_all_xy = all_xy.Select(z => parsed_xy.Select(a => a.xy.OrderBy(b => Math.Abs(b.x - z.x) + Math.Abs(b.y - z.y)).First()).ToList()).ToList();
average_xy2.xy = closest_to_all_xy.Select(a => (x: a.Average(b => b.x), y: a.Average(b => b.y))).Distinct().OrderBy(a => a.x).ThenBy(a => perf_curve_type == perf_curve_types.roc ? a.y : 1 - a.y).ToList();
average_xy2.xy = average_xy2.xy.Distinct().OrderBy(a => a.x).ThenBy(a => perf_curve_type == perf_curve_types.roc ? a.y : 1 - a.y).ToList();
List<(string x_title, string y_title, List<(double x, double y)> xy)> data = parsed_xy;
var average_curves = 0;
if (average_xy2.xy != null && average_xy2.xy.Count > 0) { data.Add(average_xy2); average_curves++; }
var graph_title = perf_curve_type.ToString().Replace("_", " ").ToUpperInvariant() + " " + string.Join(" ", string.Join("|", data.Select(a => a.x_title + "/" + a.y_title).Distinct().ToList()), "Curve");
var axis_x_title = string.Join(" ", string.Join("|", data.Select(a => a.x_title).Distinct().ToList()), "(X)");
var axis_y_title = string.Join(" ", string.Join("|", data.Select(a => a.y_title).Distinct().ToList()), "(Y)");
var width_x = 2000; // could be specified as a parameter
var height_y = 2000; // could be specified as a parameter
var bg_color = Color.Transparent;
var fg_color = Color.White; // not in use - using transparent instead
var grid_color = Color.LightSlateGray;
var title_color = Color.White;
var axis_start_color = Color.Blue;
var axis_end_color = Color.Red;
var bmp = new Bitmap(width_x, height_y);
var graph_width_x = (double)bmp.Width * 0.8; // could be specified as a parameter
var graph_height_y = (double)bmp.Height * 0.8; // could be specified as a parameter
var graph_start_x = ((double)width_x - (double)graph_width_x) / (double)2;
var graph_end_x = (double)graph_start_x + (double)graph_width_x;
var graph_start_y = ((double)height_y - (double)graph_height_y) / (double)2;
var graph_end_y = (double)graph_start_y + (double)graph_height_y;
program.WriteLine($@"{nameof(graph_start_x)}={graph_start_x}, {nameof(graph_start_y)}={graph_start_y}, {nameof(graph_end_x)}={graph_end_x}, {nameof(graph_end_y)}={graph_end_y}");
using (var bmp_gfx = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
// set bg colour, and other gfx parameters
bmp_gfx.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
bmp_gfx.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
bmp_gfx.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
bmp_gfx.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit;
StringFormat format = new StringFormat()
Alignment = StringAlignment.Center,
LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center,
// draw title
var title_font = new Font("Tahoma", (int)graph_start_y / 4, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
var title_brush = new SolidBrush(title_color);
bmp_gfx.DrawString(graph_title, title_font, title_brush, new RectangleF(0, 0, bmp.Width, (int)graph_start_y), format);
// draw diagonal graph grid lines
bmp_gfx.DrawLine(new Pen(grid_color, 2), (float)graph_start_x, (float)graph_start_y, (float)graph_end_x, (float)graph_end_y);
bmp_gfx.DrawLine(new Pen(grid_color, 2), (float)graph_start_x, (float)graph_end_y, (float)graph_end_x, (float)graph_start_y);
// draw x axis title
var axis_x_font = new Font("Tahoma", (int)((height_y - graph_end_y) / 4), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
var axis_x_title_size = bmp_gfx.MeasureString(axis_x_title, axis_x_font);
var axis_x_title_start_x = (float)(((double)width_x / (double)2) - ((double)axis_x_title_size.Width / (double)2));
var axis_x_title_start_y = (float)((double)height_y - ((double)axis_x_title_size.Height));
var axis_x_brush = new LinearGradientBrush(new RectangleF(axis_x_title_start_x, axis_x_title_start_y, axis_x_title_size.Width, axis_x_title_size.Height), axis_start_color, axis_end_color, LinearGradientMode.Horizontal);
bmp_gfx.DrawString(axis_x_title, axis_x_font, axis_x_brush, axis_x_title_start_x, axis_x_title_start_y);
// draw y axis title
var axis_y_font = new Font("Tahoma", (int)graph_start_x / 4, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
var axis_y_title_size = bmp_gfx.MeasureString(axis_y_title, axis_y_font); //, new StringFormat(StringFormatFlags.DirectionVertical));
var axis_y_title_start_x = (float)0; // (axis_y_title_size.Height/2);
var axis_y_title_start_y = (float)((bmp.Height / 2) + (axis_y_title_size.Width / 2));
var axis_y_title_end_x = axis_y_title_start_x + axis_y_title_size.Height;
var axis_y_title_end_y = axis_y_title_start_y + axis_y_title_size.Width;
bmp_gfx.TranslateTransform(axis_y_title_start_x, axis_y_title_start_y);
bmp_gfx.RotateTransform(90 * 3);
var axis_y_brush = new LinearGradientBrush(new RectangleF(0, 0, axis_y_title_size.Width, axis_y_title_size.Height), axis_start_color, axis_end_color, LinearGradientMode.Horizontal);
bmp_gfx.DrawString(axis_y_title, axis_y_font, (Brush)axis_y_brush, 0, 0);
// draw grid lines horizonal (x changes, y in min to max)
var ticks_axis_x_brush = new LinearGradientBrush(new Rectangle((int)0, (int)0, (int)bmp.Width, bmp.Height), axis_start_color, axis_end_color, LinearGradientMode.Horizontal);
var ticks_axis_x_font = new Font("Tahoma", (int)((height_y - graph_end_y) / 4), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
for (var x = 0.0; x <= 1.0; x += 0.1)
var x1 = scale(x, 0.0, 1.0, graph_start_x, graph_end_x);
var x2 = scale(x, 0.0, 1.0, graph_start_x, graph_end_x);
var y1 = scale(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, graph_start_y, graph_end_y);
var y2 = scale(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, graph_start_y, graph_end_y);
program.WriteLine($@"{nameof(x1)}={x1}, {nameof(y1)}={y1}, {nameof(x2)}={x2}, {nameof(y2)}={y2}");
bmp_gfx.DrawLine(new Pen(grid_color, 2), (float)x1, (float)y1, (float)x2, (float)y2);
var tick_text_size = bmp_gfx.MeasureString(x.ToString("0.0"), ticks_axis_x_font); // swap width and height, since it is rotated to side
bmp_gfx.TranslateTransform((float)x1 - (tick_text_size.Height / 2), (float)(graph_end_y + (tick_text_size.Width * 1.1)));
bmp_gfx.RotateTransform(90 * 3);
bmp_gfx.DrawString(x.ToString("0.0"), ticks_axis_x_font, ticks_axis_x_brush, 0, 0); // tick_text_size.Height);//, new StringFormat(StringFormatFlags.DirectionVertical));
// draw grid lines vertical (y changes, x is min to max)
var ticks_axis_y_brush = new LinearGradientBrush(new Rectangle((int)0, (int)0, (int)bmp.Width, bmp.Height), axis_start_color, axis_end_color, LinearGradientMode.Horizontal);
var ticks_axis_y_font = new Font("Tahoma", (int)((graph_start_x) / 4), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
for (var y = 0.0; y <= 1.0; y += 0.1)
var x1 = scale(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, graph_start_x, graph_end_x);
var x2 = scale(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, graph_start_x, graph_end_x);
var y1 = scale(y, 0.0, 1.0, graph_start_y, graph_end_y);
var y2 = scale(y, 0.0, 1.0, graph_start_y, graph_end_y);
program.WriteLine($@"{nameof(x1)}={x1}, {nameof(y1)}={y1}, {nameof(x2)}={x2}, {nameof(y2)}={y2}");
bmp_gfx.DrawLine(new Pen(grid_color, 2), (float)x1, (float)y1, (float)x2, (float)y2);
var tick_text_size = bmp_gfx.MeasureString((1 - y).ToString("0.0"), ticks_axis_y_font);
bmp_gfx.DrawString((1 - y).ToString("0.0"), ticks_axis_y_font, ticks_axis_y_brush, (float)(graph_start_x - (tick_text_size.Width * 1.0)), (float)(y2 - (tick_text_size.Height / 2)));
// draw data
var color_rnd = new Random(2);
for (var i = 0; i < data.Count; i++)
var is_average_curve = i >= data.Count - average_curves;
var c = is_average_curve ? Color.White : Color.FromArgb(color_rnd.Next(0, 255), color_rnd.Next(0, 255), color_rnd.Next(0, 255));
var auc = area_under_curve_trapz(data[i].xy);
auc = Math.Round(auc, 2);
var auc_str = "AUC " + auc.ToString("0.00");
var auc_str_font = new Font("Tahoma", (int)((graph_start_x) / 4), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
var auc_str_size = bmp_gfx.MeasureString(auc_str, auc_str_font);
bmp_gfx.DrawString(auc_str, auc_str_font, new SolidBrush(c), (int)(width_x - auc_str_size.Width), (int)(graph_start_y + (auc_str_size.Height * i)));
for (var a = 1; a < data[i].xy.Count; a++)
var xy1 = data[i].xy[a - 1];
var xy2 = data[i].xy[a];
var x1 = scale(xy1.x, 0.0, 1.0, graph_start_x, graph_end_x);
var y1 = scale((1 - xy1.y), 0.0, 1.0, graph_start_y, graph_end_y);
var x2 = scale(xy2.x, 0.0, 1.0, graph_start_x, graph_end_x);
var y2 = scale((1 - xy2.y), 0.0, 1.0, graph_start_y, graph_end_y);
var point_size = 20;
var pen_size = 4;
bmp_gfx.DrawLine(new Pen(c, pen_size), (float)x1, (float)y1, (float)x2, (float)y2);
if (a == 1)
bmp_gfx.DrawEllipse(new Pen(c, pen_size), (int)x1 - (point_size / 2), (int)y1 - (point_size / 2), point_size, point_size);
bmp_gfx.DrawEllipse(new Pen(c, pen_size), (int)x2 - (point_size / 2), (int)y2 - (point_size / 2), point_size, point_size);
bmp.Save(save_filename, ImageFormat.Bmp);
if (open_bmp)