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4 votes
1 answer

Indian Numbering System - converting into the Official and Common-Use Numbering Systems Words/Strings

I have developed the following short JavaScript function to convert numbers to the Indian Numbering System formats; both the Official Numbering System and the Common-Use System (i.e. using the Lakh-...
Mohsen Alyafei's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Simple Pretty-Bytes Size (SI System)

This is a simple and short "Pretty Bytes" javascript function using the SI Decimal System for quantifying bytes. The code does not use complex maths such as ...
Mohsen Alyafei's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

JavaScript -- Convert decimal to another base

The Source code is maintained on GitHub and may be cloned via the following commands. A Live demo is hosted online, thanks to GitHub Pages. ...
S0AndS0's user avatar
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Large Number Scales Names Generator

This JavaScript code generates the full name of the numeral scales for large numbers under the "Short Scale Numeral System" using the Conway-Guy system for forming number prefixes. Some very ...
Mohsen Alyafei's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Convert Exponential (e-Notation) Numbers to Decimals

I have the following short function code that converts Exponential (e-Notation) Numbers to Decimals, allowing the output of large number of decimal places. I needed to cover all the e-notation ...
Mohsen Alyafei's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Simple Number to Words using a Single Loop String Triplets in JavaScript

I have extensively reviewed 2 old articles on the subject: and
Mohsen Alyafei's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Convert numbers from base X to base Y

I recently wrote a piece of code to convert between two bases of X, (Where 26 > X > 0). I was mighty proud that I did this. And then I started wondering, am I using modern coding conventions/practices?...
FreezePhoenix's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Base Conversion in Node.js

I am doing a program for my APCS class in Node.js to practice node, but I am unsure if I did everything the best way possible. The assignment is to take the number and base as user input and then ...
Zach Hilman's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Convert Persian and Arabic digits to English

I use the following utility method to convert Persian and Arabic digits to English using regex: ...
Ali Sherafat's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Is this an efficient implementation of the Roman Numeral Converter?

Is this an efficient way to implement the Roman Numeral Converter ? So first, I put all the digits of the parameter number into an array. Then I loop through this array, and multiply a 10 power ...
user141605's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Binary to decimal converter in JavaScript

This exercise with a test suite is from here. I did not intend to use ES6 features, it's plain old JavaScript. That's why I seek advice more on the good practices, performance side, than modern syntax....
Antonin Cezard's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Subtraction in a spreadsheet column numbering scheme

The idea of the algorithm is to decrease a number from a word. Is there a better way to write this algorithm? limitiation: it is important to decrease with a limit, if BB is the word we decrease ...
Adam's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Decimal number to binary number conversion in JavaScript

I made this decimal to binary conversion as an exercise for myself and because it is obviously often asked during job interviews / tests. Any hints concerning possible improvements welcomed. <...
michael.zech's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

JavaScript function to convert decimal number to binary

I was recently asked this in an interview for a front-end position and I came up with something like the code below, which seems to work but is clunky. (...
WinchenzoMagnifico's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

Arabic to Greek numeral converter, 1 - 10

One of the things that's straight-forward in JavaScript is Unicode support. If you want to return ϝ (lowercase digamma, not a simple ...
Mast's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Excel-like column numbering

I have a working code (below) to convert a number to Excel-like (A...Z AA...AZ BA...BZ ...ZA-ZZ) column codes (headers). For ...
PM 77-1's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Implement numbering scheme like A,B,C... AA,AB,... AAA..., similar to converting a number to radix26

I want to implement numbering scheme like Microsoft Word uses for numbering. first one gets = A,next is B, next is C, .... then AA, then AB,....and so on. as shown below ...
sbr's user avatar
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