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Fetching data from endpoint, retrieving coordinates, then merging into an output

I'm in no way a skilled developer (or even a developer at that!) but I did want to take a go at writing a script that fetched one endpoint's data, extracted some data, sent if off to be geocoded, then ...
markb's user avatar
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Node JS | From Excel to Json

Intro -> I have to convert an excel file, which comes usually in this way: to a Json file that must looks like this: ...
Matteo's user avatar
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Fetch JSON from several URLs

The exercise is Write a JavaScript package that is able to: fetch an array of URLs which contain JSON data return their contents in a promise I have already made a solution to this exercise, but I ...
Zubair97's user avatar
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JSON flattening with object duplication on array property for CSV generation

I am looking for a way to transform JSON data into a flat "csv-like" data object. In some way, I am looking to "sqlirize" a mongodb collection. I have already check some json flat libraries in NPM ...
Alfredo's user avatar
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Testing whether pages can be fetched from two ports

I have an endpoint in my API which does a port test on 4455 and 4456 once a client GET's it. This is accomplished by requesting two web pages. The result will respond to the client with a JSON object: ...
Harvey's user avatar
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Redact specific elements from JSON (for logging)

We need to implement a simple redaction function to redact (set to undefined) certain JSON elements when logging the JSON. The requirements are: We can't modify the current JSON object, as that ...
lincolnadym's user avatar
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Cache for slow API

I work with an API which answers really slowly. I created a module which constantly asks the API and update some cached value. The code is degraded for study purposes: ...
kharandziuk's user avatar
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Extracting data for a tag cloud using Lazy.js

I've just started using Lazy.js, which is my first exposure to a "functional style" javascript library. I'm still utterly lost as to which of the hundred different functional javascript libraries to ...
Toadfish's user avatar
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Optimizing D3 Stream Graph Code

I have two javascript functions that generate a D3 Stream graph. I feel I may be excessively and unnecessarily iterating over my dataset to get it into the desired form. How might I optimize or ...
Colin's user avatar
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