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My first vba-selenium code

I have been obtaining financial information on an annuity I have which is invested in multiple funds which are proprietary to the insurance company. The asset value is not available other than on ...
Ron Rosenfeld's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

WaitFor method for website automation testing with Selenium WebDriver

I am trying to use Selenium for website automation testing tasks and I am new to Selenium testing framework. The the situation I faced is to wait the website components loading and then do the related ...
JimmyHu's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Extract flight arrival data from web

I'm trying to scrape arrival data from Flight Radar 24 My script takes extremely long time to scrape the data. Is there any way I can speed up the scraping process? Here's my script: ...
lockey's user avatar
  • 51
2 votes
0 answers

A thread-safe WebDriver pool to submit browsing jobs to

For a project, I need to make use of Selenium WebDrivers, and since they're so expensive to start, I decided to write a pool to manage them. ...
Carcigenicate's user avatar
4 votes
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Python Selenium First Project - loop through pages and check/uncheck tick boxes

New to Python/Selenium and learning on the fly with my first basic selenium script. Request user input - activate or deactivate. Open's website, loops through shop URL as well as activate/deactivate ...
Richard Lee's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Automating TypeRacer using selenium

This is a personal project which I created solely to torture my friends ;) I'm pretty sure you've heard about typeracer. And if you have friends like mine who are faster than you, you'd surely be ...
Sriv's user avatar
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3 votes
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Project : My Anime Finder

This is a project that finds a specific anime (show) and checks to see if there is a new episode of it . this is also the first time that i used def like this and ...
bliboy's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Finding solutions on GitHub and Stack Overflow

The first part of the code opens Chrome and navigates to GitHub. If I don't find my solution, I open a new tab with ctrlt. Then my code goes to Stack Overflow and searches there for solutions. ...
bliboy's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Reusable webdriver framework using SOLID design principles

I am trying to design some classes which I intent to use as a framework. I would like them to be compliant to SOLID design principles. I had a basic structure and then I implemented Strategy design ...
niklodeon's user avatar
  • 193
2 votes
1 answer

Program to automate skipping users on a chat website until the username meets certain conditions (v.2.0)

This is a python program that automates skipping through users on a chat website called talkwithstrangers using the Selenium Webdriver and BeautifulSoup modules of Python. The first part uses ...
Daniel Sam's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Program to automate clicking on the new button on a chat website until the username matches certain conditions

This is a python program that automates skipping through users on a chat website called talkwithstrangers using the Selenium Webdriver and ...
Daniel Sam's user avatar
4 votes
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UI testing for a web application, with variant scenarios

I'm pretty new to software testing and am currently working on a cloud-based web application. Briefly, the application uses: Ext JS as a framework Bryntum's Siesta framework for testing Currently, ...
Nuri Engin's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Find DivTag element in list and click when innerHTML matches account name

I need to click on a "account" button from a table of buttons. If this "account" button is not present, then I will need to click a different "UseAnotherAccount" button. How I do it at the moment is:...
Yu Zhang's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Beating the queue

Inspired by this question on CodeReview, and because I'm never able to beat the queue. I'm just too slow I guess.. :( I made a little python utility that reads the queue's information every 30 ...
Ludisposed's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Page Object Model class structure in Selenium

I am automating a webform, and this is what I've coded so far. I am curious if you find the code good and readable. But most important to me is to get some feedback for learning purposes. The remove ...
Bedirhan's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Fill out webform with Selenium

I am automating a webform on a webpage. I am still learning Selenium on the road. I know a few bad/good practices but a code review is always a good thing to do. What should I improve on in my code? ...
Bedirhan's user avatar
1 vote
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Navigate a WebBrowser control asynchronously

I wrote a little method to navigate a WebBrowser control asynchronously and returns DocumentResult, yet i wanna know if this is ...
Ricky Spanish's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

is it good practice to use relative path in xpath more than once [closed]

I am using Selenium Webdriver-Java to automate a web application. Suppose the html is somewhat like below: ...
user2048204's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Email finding bot

I'm working on a lead generation bot that helps you find the emails of people you want to reach out to. The bot grabs your spreadsheet from gdrive, logs into several email finding tools, and collect ...
Tommy Adey's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Safely open a list of links in Firefox

I receive a list of links via http and I want to open them all in a new Firefox (or default browser) window as tabs; that is my script must not touch existing windows. This is the best solution I ...
Baum mit Augen's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Recursively checking the css class of an iFrame Element

I am writing some tests in selenium webdriver (on node.js). and have made a custom function to check the css value of an iFrame Element. I'm a coding beginner. The script tests an app where the user ...
codemon's user avatar
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2 answers

Webdriver-based test that uses configuration parameters from a database [closed]

I am writing automated functional tests for my application. To interact with the application, I use the SQL database to retrieve data and validate data. One of the challenges that I'm facing is that ...
Nikolay Advolodkin's user avatar
0 votes
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Using enum to reduce page object method

I had written following page object class which represents user profile page. The profile contains department, teams, email and login labels and corresponding values. Initially I wrote a page object ...
Tarun's user avatar
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4 votes
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Selenium WebDriver test for Slack

I submitted this script as part of a interview process. It was rejected and no reasons were given. I'm wondering what parts of my script were unacceptable. The script works, and satisfies the question,...
shteinn's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Error-testing be with cucumber/capybaraweb

I'm working on writing tests for a rails application using cucumber and capybara. I have a scenario for a user editing a post, and making it invalid. The scenario looks like this: ...
user2367593's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Select fields from a form by ID or Xpath and fill its value

I'm writing a program/tests in C# using Selenium and Chrome web driver. Everything works well, however I would like to simplify the code and make it object-oriented. I thought about extracting some ...
AutDev's user avatar
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Implement PageObjects using TestNg in selenium

I am trying to implement page objects with Page factory using TestNg and selenium. Please advice improvements in it. Classes: ...
user2214872's user avatar
5 votes
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Newest Reddit submissions grabber

My program does exactly what I want it to do and it works well. However, I feel like it's very clunky. I'd like my code to be more efficient. By that I mean, I'd like it to accomplish what it already ...
Owen's user avatar
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Selecting filter checkboxes using Selenium

I am using Selenium Webdriver via Java. My method clicks on a filter check box (eg. make, model, etc.), that is passed in, from a modal. When running my method in my test class, via ChromeDriver, it ...
Robben's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Checking if text is NOT displayed

I'm currently writing unit tests in Selenium (C#). I need to do two things in this particular test: Check if 2 errors (with html container) are displayed and check if another (given) error is not ...
Tomek's user avatar
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3 votes
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Submitting forms on pages linked from a main page

In this scenario, the main page contains a list of links to the subpages. The requirement is to navigate to each page (if a condition passes) and perform some actions. I have written the loop using ...
dgun's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Press any login button on any site

I'm working on a script that will be able to press the login button on any site for an app I'm working on. I have it working (still a few edge cases to work out such as multiple submit buttons and ...
Levi Fuller's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Mixing Watir::Browser into RSpec

In my previous Watir question I was making a module with session_FF accepting a block. Now I want to make the same but via RSpec. Here is my try: ...
Nakilon's user avatar
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Improving Watir::Browser for my needs

I want to: use Watir::Browser methods without browser. instance prefix expand abilities of ...
Nakilon's user avatar
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Sencha touch with XML

Could you please review the following? My concern is XML parsing is hardcoded: ...
Jackie Chan's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Opening TV episodes in a web browser

I put this together and it seems to work. -breakingbad 1 The Output (1-10): (1) - Currently 3.80/5 (2) - Currently 3.50/5 (1 opens the link in ...
Joe_Bonanno's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Ext JS: Avoid duplication

I have ext_scaffold (question.js). When I row click I get answers on this question, so ...
leeroygenehax's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

ExtJS Grid Plugin

The code below is a plugin I wrote for Ext.grid.GridPanel, which basically allows you to have a bit more control over how rows are striped in the grid. By default ...
Mchl's user avatar
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