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PHP framework building: initializer and object loader classes

I am building a PHP framework and would like to get some feedback on a few different sections of the project. I consider myself still a neophyte in PHP so I would like to ask if I'm going about ...
andrewnite's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

PHP framework building: System Class (reads configuration .ini file)

I am building a PHP framework and would like to get some feedback on a few different sections of the project so far. I consider myself still a neophyte in PHP so I would like to ask if I'm going about ...
andrewnite's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

PHP framework building: MySQL Connection and query class

I am building a PHP framework and would like to get some feedback on a few different sections of the project so far. I consider myself still a neophyte in PHP so I would like to ask if I'm going about ...
andrewnite's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Is my design achieving Separation of Concerns in this MVC implementation?

I've read lots about getters and setters being evil, unless there is good call for one, but I cannot figure out how to implement that knowledge into my Model layer. Say in my Model layer I have a ...
johnny's user avatar
  • 141
4 votes
1 answer

First attempt at making a user class

I've just begun creating my first user class. First, I need some clarifications. Am I using try and catch correctly? To ...
r3wt's user avatar
  • 472
2 votes
1 answer

"Property Container" design-pattern

I've tried to write my Property Container design-pattern implementation. Could anybody, please, tell me, if this code is really what I intended to write (follows ...
Dmytro Dzyubak's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Validation and Form classes

I have written Validation and Form classes in PHP. Validation class allow you to define the ...
I'll-Be-Back's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Set of classes for generating social plugins, is my design correct?

I've created a set of classes thatwork together to create the html needed to display social plugins like Facebook like, google plus and twitter. At firsti defined an abstract class ...
Nicola Peluchetti's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to convert my classes to Dependency injection?

I am still learning to develop my skills in OOP. It uses a combination of the factory and its real singletons? As I did more research, I have realized this design pattern is bad because of global ...
I'll-Be-Back's user avatar