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2 votes
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Conversion of ZX81 BASIC Game to Pygame

I got the idea for this code from an article on converting ZX81 BASIC to Pygame. Although some code was provided in the article, I implemented this myself. I'm pretty dubious about the approach of ...
Robin Andrews's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

Python reimplementation of Lost In Space by Tim Hartnell

In a university library, there was copy of "Making The Most Of Your ZX 81" by Tim Hartnell. I flipped to an interesting page from the index and found this program in BASIC, and thought it interesting ...
JohnnyApplesauce's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Monty Hall in BBC BASIC and Python

How would I be able to improve the speed of this Monty Hall program? Interestingly, the same code written using BBC BASIC for Windows completes the task in half the time of the Python code. Python: ...
Edster's user avatar
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