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3 votes
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Akka actor to calculate a soccer league rank

I am new to Scala / Akka and this is my first attempt at writing an actor. The task that I am trying to accomplish is: given a sequence of soccer matches, generate a ranking based on the usual rules ...
Alberto Venturini's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Line count of each file in a given directory efficiently using akka

This is my first program in akka so I wanted to know if the program is efficient and is using the advantages of actor model. The program's purpose is to scan a given directory for any files and print ...
whokares's user avatar
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Finding the most frequent words in Scala using Akka

I'm new to akka and would like to get some feedback on my first attempt. The code takes text from stdin and finds the top 10 most frequently occurring words. Specifically, I would like to know Is ...
Jason Desrosiers's user avatar