I wrote this script to add some config to a Juniper device. It works well but the whole user input validation section (yes or no section) seems a little messy.
Is there a better way I could have done it?
from jnpr.junos import Device
from jnpr.junos.utils.config import Config
import getpass
#Grab credentials
username = raw_input("Enter your username:")
password = getpass.getpass("Enter your password:")
#Confirmation of commands
commands = open("commands" , "r")
commands_to_commit = commands.read()
print ""
print "The commands you are about to commit are: "
print commands_to_commit
print ""
print "Do you want to continue to run these commands?"
confirm = raw_input("Y or N: ")
if confirm in ['n','no','N','NO','No']:
print "Exiting..."
while confirm not in ['y','Y','yes',"Yes",'YES','n','N','NO','No','no']:
print "Invalid Choice, Try again"
confirm = raw_input("Y or N: ")
if confirm in ['n','no','N','NO','No']:
print "Exiting..."
elif confirm in ['y','Y','yes',"Yes",'YES']:
#Open a file called swichlist which has a list of devices to modify
with open('switchlist') as infile:
for host in infile:
print "Working on:", host,
#Connect to devices in switchlist
dev = Device(host=host.strip(), user=username, password=password)
cu = Config(dev)
#Looks for a file named commands with the list of commands to run
incmd = open('commands')
set_cmd = incmd.read()
cu.load(set_cmd, format="set")
print "Completed:", host
except Exception,e: print "Error:", e