This script uses the Red Hat Satellite v5.4 API to delete servers which are read in from a file. The servers are listed in the file by hostname but the Satellite API deletes servers by ID number. The script runs the getId
call using the hostname and stores the ID ( val[0]["id"]
) in the system_ids
array (assuming it is not empty). It then deletes the servers in bulk.
The script assumes the server name is in the host.sub-domain.domain
format. One improvement that I can make is to check each hostname and kick it out if the format is not correct. This would make the need to test for an empty system_ids
array prior to attempting to delete the servers.
I could also add some error handling, but that is low on my list of priorities.
It works as designed. I'm just hoping to get some tips on streamlining or improving the code.
require "xmlrpc/client"
require "io/console"
print "Username: "
user = STDIN.gets.chomp
print "Password: "
pass = STDIN.noecho(&:gets).chomp
# These are the parameters we use to create our XMLRPC client
params = {
host: "tcecapm1r6cm01.ecap.cciio",
path: "/rpc/api",
use_ssl: "false",
user: user,
pass: pass
# Get the file we are reading from the command line and
# initialize the array that is used for storing system IDs
server_list = ARGV[0]
system_ids =
# Create our client using the parameters above
client =[:host],params[:path])
# Create our Satellite API session
session ="auth.login",params[:user],params[:pass])
# Open the file containing the servers to be deleted and build
# an array of their system IDs for further processing, "r") do |file|
file.each_line do |line|
val ="system.getId", session, line)
if val.nil?
system_ids.push(val[0]["id"]) unless val.empty?
end"system.deleteSystems", session, system_ids)