1. Analysis
In the general case, the problem of finding the sample of words with the "most even" distribution of letters is NP-hard. Here I'm considering a general instance of this problem to be:
Given an alphabet \$ Σ \$, a set \$ W \$ of 4-letter words over that alphabet, and an integer \$ n ≤ \left|W\right| \$, find the subset \$ W^* ⊆ W \$ with size \$ \left|W^*\right| = n \$ having the smallest variance of letter counts among all subsets of that size.
Here's a proof that this is NP-hard, by a reduction from EXACT COVER BY 3-SETS (that is, EXACT COVER restricted to sets of size 3, also known as "X3C").
Suppose that we have an instance of EXACT COVER BY 3-SETS in the form of a set \$ X \$ and a collection \$ S \$ of 3-element subsets of \$ X \$, and the problem is to determine if there is a subcollection \$ S^* ⊆ S \$ such that each element in \$ X \$ is contained in exactly one subset in \$ S^* \$.
This translates into the word problem as follows. Let \$ Σ = X ∪ S \$; let \$ W \$ be the set of four-letter words \$ abcd \$ such that \$ \{ a, b, c \} = d ∈ S \$, and let \$ n = { \left|X\right| \over 3 } \$. Then solve the word problem to find \$ W^* \$ with the smallest variance of letter counts. There is an exact cover if and only if the variance of the letter counts in \$ W^* \$ is zero. (Because there can only be one instance of any letter from \$ S \$, and so if the variance is zero, there must be exactly one instance of each letter from \$ X \$, and since there are \$ \left|X\right| \over 3 \$ words, each element of \$ X \$ is covered exactly once.)
So there's no efficient (polynomial time) algorithm that solves your problem. Exhaustive search is out, because \$ {250 \choose 100} \approx 6×10^{71} \$. So the best you can do is to use heuristics to find good approximate solutions. I'll describe one possibility in §4 below.
2. Review
Having code at the top-level of a module makes it hard to test from the interactive interpreter, because whenever you reload the module, the code runs. It's best to guard top-level code with if __name__ == '__main__':
The comment for sampl
doesn't explain the most important points about the behaviour of the function, namely: what arguments does it take? and what does it return?
The number 100 is arbitrary, so it ought to be a parameter.
When finding the minimum or maximum, it's best to avoid a starting point like this, but instead to rearrange the code into a generator that can then be passed to min
. That way you can avoid arbitrary starting points like 1000000.
Writing for w in range(r):
is misleading, because w
is not actually used (it's immediately overwritten by the random sample). It's conventional to write _
for unused loop variables.
The code uses NumPy to do the statistics on the sample. But there are at most 400 letters in the sample, so this doesn't really gain much: NumPy only shows a benefit for large volumes of data. I think that using the standard Python functions statistics.pstdev
, max
and min
would be adequate for this amount of data.
Since the standard deviation is only used for comparison, you'd get the same results if you used the variance instead, and this would have the advantage of avoiding the square root.
Instead of Counter("".join(w))
, use itertools.chain.from_iterable
and write Counter(chain.from_iterable(w))
. This avoids concatenating the words. [Improved by Veedrac in comments.]
Instead of:
counts = [v for k, v in Counter("".join(w)).items()]
counts = list(Counter(chain.from_iterable(w)).values())
since you don't use the keys.
I dislike the logic for selecting w_candidate_3
. This is only updated if both scoring functions show an improvement for this sample, and so the "best" sample according to this logic will depend on the order in which samples are examined. This is a bad property for a measure to have. It would be better to find some numeric way to combine the two scores (for example, their sum or product), so that all samples are comparable according to this measure.
The logic in sampl
is complicated because you aren't sure of the right way to score the samples. In this kind of situation a better approach would be for sampl
to take a scoring function as an argument. Then you could easily experiment with different kinds of score.
3. Revised code
from collections import Counter
from itertools import chain
import random
from statistics import pvariance
def letter_counts(words):
"""Generate the letter counts of the words."""
return Counter(chain.from_iterable(words)).values()
def score_variance(words):
"""Score words according to variance of letter counts."""
return pvariance(letter_counts(words))
def score_range(words):
"""Score words according to range of letter counts."""
counts = list(letter_counts(words))
return max(counts) - min(counts)
def best_sample(words, score, n=100, r=100):
"""Generate r (default 100) random samples of n (default 100) elements
from words, and return the sample with the smallest score.
return min((random.sample(words, n) for _ in range(r)), key=score)
4. Hill climbing
A useful search technique in this kind of global optimization problem is hill climbing. The idea is to pick a random sample to start with, explore its neighbourhood by examining "nearby" samples, pick the best of the neighbours, and continue until no further improvement can be made. For example:
def best_sample_2(words, score, n=100, r=100):
"""Return a sample of n (default 100) elements from words, found by
starting with a random sample and repeatedly hill climbing by
generating r (default 100) neighbours and picking the one with
smallest score, until no more progress is made.
words = set(words)
current_sample = set(random.sample(words, n))
current_score = score(current_sample)
# Generate neighbouring samples (one word swapped).
def neighbours():
nonsample = words - current_sample
for _ in range(r):
s = set(current_sample)
s.difference_update(random.sample(current_sample, 1))
s.update(random.sample(nonsample, 1))
yield s
while True:
new_sample = min(neighbours(), key=score)
new_score = score(new_sample)
if current_score <= new_score:
# No neighbour is any better, so stop here.
return current_sample
current_sample, current_score = new_sample, new_score
Here's an example of how effective hill climbing can be in this problem. First, we'll use the original algorithm to pick the best of 10,000 samples.
>>> score_variance(best_sample(WORDS, score_variance, r=10000))
Now, using hill climbing:
>>> score_variance(best_sample_2(WORDS, score_variance))
The hill climbing approach reaches a local optimum. So usually it's a good idea to run it several times with different random starting points. For example, if I run it ten times and pick the best:
>>> f = lambda:best_sample_2(WORDS, score_variance)
>>> score_variance(min((f() for _ in range(10)), key=score_variance))
For further improvement, take a look at simulated annealing.