#ifndef ANY_H
#define ANY_H

#include <typeinfo>

namespace _notYourNp
    struct BaseHolder

        virtual ~BaseHolder()

        virtual BaseHolder* clone() = 0;

    template <class T>
    struct Holder : BaseHolder
        Holder(const T& type)
            : m_Content(type)


        BaseHolder* clone()
            BaseHolder* tmpHolder = new Holder<T>(m_Content);

            return tmpHolder;

        T m_Content;

namespace exception
    class bad_cast_any

 class Any

        : m_Content(0), m_Type(const_cast<std::type_info*>(&typeid(int)))

         if (0 != m_Content)
             delete m_Content;

    template <class T>
    operator T()
        if (const_cast<std::type_info*>(&typeid(T)) != m_Type)
            throw exception::bad_cast_any();

        return static_cast<_notYourNp::Holder<T>*>(m_Content)->m_Content;

    template<class T>
    Any(const T& value)
        : m_Content(0), m_Type(const_cast<std::type_info*>(&typeid(T)))
        if(0 == m_Content)
            m_Content = new _notYourNp::Holder<T>(value);

        if (const_cast<std::type_info*>(&typeid(T)) != m_Type)
            m_Type = const_cast<std::type_info*>(&typeid(T));

            if (0 != m_Content)
                delete m_Content;

            m_Content = new _notYourNp::Holder<T>(value);
            static_cast<_notYourNp::Holder<T>*>(m_Content)->m_Content = value;

    Any(const Any& A)
        : m_Content(0), m_Type(0)
        if (0 != m_Content)
            delete m_Content;
        m_Content = A.m_Content->clone();
        m_Type = A.m_Type;

     template<class T>
     T& operator = (const T& value)
        if(0 == m_Content)
            m_Content = new _notYourNp::Holder<T>(value);

        if (const_cast<std::type_info*>(&typeid(T)) != m_Type)
            m_Type = const_cast<std::type_info*>(&typeid(T));

            if (0 != m_Content)
                delete m_Content;

            m_Content = new _notYourNp::Holder<T>(value);
            static_cast<_notYourNp::Holder<T>*>(m_Content)->m_Content = value;

        return static_cast<_notYourNp::Holder<T>*>(m_Content)->m_Content;

    Any& operator = (const Any& value)
        if (0 != m_Content && value.m_Type != m_Type)
            delete m_Content;

        m_Content = value.m_Content->clone();
        m_Type = value.m_Type;

        return *this;

     template<class T>
     T& get()
        if (const_cast<std::type_info*>(&typeid(T)) != m_Type)
            throw exception::bad_cast_any();

        return static_cast<_notYourNp::Holder<T>*>(m_Content)->m_Content;


    std::type_info* m_Type;
     _notYourNp::BaseHolder* m_Content;

 template<class T>
 T any_get(Any& any)
     return any.get<T>();

template<class from, class to>
to any_cast(Any& any)
    return static_cast<to>(static_cast<from>(any));


This is my try of an Any class. I would like to have some opinions about it.

Maybe I can answer one questions about the _notYourNp namespace before:

I just used it to hide the holder structs from the user and I didn't wanted them in my any class itself (so the name makes no sense --> not your namespace private). I know it's not the best idea I'm working on a better one, and yes I took some ideas from any (Like the name any and the naming any_cast<>).

I hope for some ideas, opinions (also bad ones if there are some), but please, if you bring criticism, then only constructive (and yes throw it away is also constructive criticism).

I tried it on vc10, 13 and the cpp droid compiler for Android.

As accurate as I can measure it (by using int = time start //Code\ time stop) it is surprising fast compared to boost::any, I don't know why maybe there is a mistake anywhere.

Usage example:

int main()
    Any var;
    var = 5;

    int i = var;
    double d = any_cast<int, double>(var);

    std::vector<Any> v;
    int z = v.at(0);

    return 0;

EDIT***** Additional here is how I measured the speed for assigning and reading from my any (not very accurate how I already wrote, but enough to get a relation)

    int placeholder;
    double otherPlaceholder;

    clock_t start, end;
    double cpu_time_used;

    start = clock();
    for (unsigned int i = 0; RUNTIMES > i; ++i)
        placeholder = any; //bzw for boost: placeholder = boost::any_cast<int>(any);
        //and for boost::variant: boost::get<int(variant);

    //measuring the speed for getting the value from any
    //for (unsigned int i = 0; RUNTIMES > i; ++i)
    //  any = placeholder;
    //  any = otherPlaceholder;

    end = clock();
    cpu_time_used = ((double)(end - start)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

    //the 3000000 or 6000000 to get a 0.xx value
    double timing = (cpu_time_used / RUNTIMES) / 3000000
    //double timing = (cpu_time_used / RUNTIMES) / 6000000 for reading speed

The performance testing code is not written by me! So no questions about it to me please (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/795827/testing-the-performance-of-a-c-app).

And this are the results saved in a log.txt

mango::Any assign reference timing: 0.8075 x 10 power( - 6 ) seconds
mango::Any get value reference timing: 0.0466667 x 10 power( - 6 ) seconds
boost::any assign reference timing: 0.931667 x 10 power( - 6 ) seconds
boost::any get value reference timing: 0.353333 x 10 power( - 6 ) seconds
boost::variant assign reference timing: 2.0225 x 10 power( - 6 ) seconds
boost::variant get value reference timing: 0.465 x 10 power( - 6 ) seconds

And here is my newer version of Any

#ifndef ANY_H
#define ANY_H

#include <typeinfo>

namespace mango
    namespace exception
        class bad_cast

namespace detail
    template <class T> void killContent(void* target);
    template <class T> void reproduceAny(void* target, void*& pool);

class Any

        : m_Content(new int), m_ContentType(const_cast<std::type_info*>(&typeid(int))), kill(&detail::killContent<int>), reproduceAnyContent(&detail::reproduceAny<int>)

        if (nullptr != m_Content)

    template<class T>
    operator T&()
        if (const_cast<std::type_info*>(&typeid(T)) != m_ContentType)
            throw exception::bad_cast_any();

        return *static_cast<T*>(m_Content);

    template<class T>
    Any(const T& value)
        : m_Content(new T(value)), m_ContentType(const_cast<std::type_info*>(&typeid(T))), kill(&detail::killContent<T>), reproduceAnyContent(&detail::reproduceAny<T>)
        if (nullptr == m_Content)
            m_Content = new T(value);

            kill = &detail::killContent<T>;
            reproduceAnyContent = &detail::reproduceAny<T>;

        if (const_cast<std::type_info*>(&typeid(T)) != m_ContentType)
            m_ContentType = const_cast<std::type_info*>(&typeid(T));

            if (nullptr != m_Content)

            m_Content = new T(value);

            kill = &detail::killContent<T>;
            reproduceAnyContent = &detail::reproduceAny<T>;
            *static_cast<T*>(m_Content) = value;

    Any(const Any& C)
        : m_Content(nullptr), m_ContentType(nullptr), kill(nullptr), reproduceAnyContent(nullptr)
        if (nullptr != m_Content)

        reproduceAnyContent(C.m_Content, m_Content);

        kill = C.kill;
        reproduceAnyContent = C.reproduceAnyContent;

        m_ContentType = C.m_ContentType;

    template<class T>
    T& operator = (const T& value)
        if (nullptr == m_Content)
            m_Content = new T(value);

            kill = &detail::killContent<T>;
            reproduceAnyContent = &detail::reproduceAny<T>;

        if (const_cast<std::type_info*>(&typeid(T)) != m_ContentType)
            m_ContentType = const_cast<std::type_info*>(&typeid(T));

            if (nullptr != m_Content)

            m_Content = new T(value);

            kill = &detail::killContent<T>;
            reproduceAnyContent = &detail::reproduceAny<T>;
            *static_cast<T*>(m_Content) = value;

        return *static_cast<T*>(m_Content);

    Any& operator = (const Any& value)
        if (nullptr != m_Content)

        reproduceAnyContent(value.m_Content, m_Content);

        kill = value.kill;
        reproduceAnyContent = value.reproduceAnyContent;

        m_ContentType = value.m_ContentType;

        return *this;

    template<class T>
    T& get()
        if (const_cast<std::type_info*>(&typeid(T)) != m_ContentType)
            throw exception::bad_cast_any();

        return *static_cast<T*>(m_Content);

    void* m_Content;
    std::type_info* m_ContentType;

    void(*kill)(void* target);
    void(*reproduceAnyContent)(void* target, void*& pool);

template<class T>
T any_get(Any& any)
    return any.get<T>();

template<class from, class to>
to any_cast(Any& any)
    return static_cast<to>(static_cast<from>(any));

namespace detail
    template <class T>
    void killContent(void* target)
        delete static_cast<T*>(target);

    template <class T>
    void reproduceAny(void* target, void*& pool)
        pool = new T(*static_cast<T*>(target));

#endif //Any_H

1 Answer 1

  • Your class Any class should be in a namespace. Don't pollute the global namespace.
  • Your struct Holder and struct BaseHolder should be private internal classes of Any. Don't deliberately confuse people.
  • I note that your Holder::clone() does a shallow copy. Is this your intention?
  • Use NULL or (better) nullptr instead of 0. The C++ standard does not guarantee that 0 is a synonym of NULL. This makes it clear that you mean a null pointer instead of a number, gets rid of a possible "magic number", doesn't involve any typecasting (implicit or explicit).
  • \$\begingroup\$ Okay, the namespace around the any class is a good idea you are right but I would like to have a better solution than pack everything else inside the object. If i don't find any other possibilities I'm going to do what you said. The Holder::clone() function makes a deep copy of the value Holder::m_Content, it's not necessary to make a copy of m_Type, because typeinfo objects are unique so i just changed the pointer. Last but not least, I think NULL is good I'm going to change it. Thanks for your comment. \$\endgroup\$
    – Mango
    Commented May 4, 2015 at 14:47
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ "The C++ standard does not guarantee that 0 is a synonym of NULL." It does. C doesn't and could be 0 or (void*)0. \$\endgroup\$
    – edmz
    Commented May 20, 2015 at 15:21
  • \$\begingroup\$ In the newer version I choose nullptr but there is a little problem which I don't like on it, I think older compiler wich don't know C++11 won't compile it (my smartphone with CppDroid for example), so what would be an alternativ for older compiler? \$\endgroup\$
    – Mango
    Commented May 21, 2015 at 6:28
  • \$\begingroup\$ By the way, boost::any solved this with 0 \$\endgroup\$
    – Mango
    Commented May 21, 2015 at 6:56
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Mango #if __cplusplus >= 201103L #define nullptr nullptr #else #define nullptr 0 #endif . They've to be on separate lines though. \$\endgroup\$
    – edmz
    Commented May 31, 2015 at 10:16

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