I have written a function which generates combinations of string by replacing 1 or more characters by the symbol "*".
The code is as follows:
this following code is responsible to generate all possible combiantions of letters from a
word with *
for eg. word = "fin",
wordSet --> {fin, fi*, f**, f*n, **n, ***,*in}
public static void generateCombinations(Set<String> words){
Set<String> wordSet = new HashSet<>();
for (String word : words){
StringBuilder asterisk = new StringBuilder("*");
while (asterisk.length() != word.length()){
int startIndex = 0;
while (startIndex + asterisk.length() < word.length()) {
String tempWord = word.substring(0, startIndex)
+ asterisk.toString()
+ word.substring(startIndex + asterisk.length());
startIndex ++;
wordSet.add(word.substring(0, Math.abs(startIndex - asterisk.length()+1 ))+ asterisk.toString() );
//loop condition incrementor
//all *'s
//no *
However, I think this is a highly inefficient code as I need to do the same operation for all the words in the given Set of words(Set<String> words
Is there any faster way to generate the same result? Any improvements in the current function to enhance speed and readability?
too fromfin
? \$\endgroup\$