This is from one of those online test sites, so the result had to be contained in a single class.
The problem was stated as follows:
Your java method will be given a 2-D array
of strings, representing a travel log for a group of people. For each 'n',trip[n][0]
is the name of the person and travel [n][1] is the name of the city visited by the person in the respective trip. More than one person can visit the same city, and an individual can visit the same city more than once.Your java method will output a string, containing the name of the biggest traveler. The biggest traveler will be determined like this:
Who made the most trips?
Tie breaker: who visited the most cities?
Tie breaker of tie breaker: who' s travel is most distributed? (fewest trips to their most visited city)
So you can test your algorithm, you can try it with data formatted like this:
12 Person A, City 1 Person A, City 2 Person B, City 1 Person B, City 3 Person B, City 3 Person B, City 4 Person B, City 4 Person C, City 1 Person C, City 2 Person C, City 2 Person C, City 2 Person C, City 4
Note: the 12 at the top indicates how many trip there are in the data set
Note: Order of the lines may be jumbled in an actual exampleIn the above example:
Person B and person C each made 5 trips...Tie
Person B and person C each visited 3 cities...Tie
Person C visited the same city 3 times; Person B's most visited is 2.
Correct return value: "Person B"
And my solution was as included below. I added a main method to test the example problem, but in practice the input would be handled by the default code provided in the web site:
import java.util.*;
public class BiggestTraveler {
public static class TravelerInfo {
//map that contains the cities a person has visited and how times they have visited it
String name; //not including setters just because they make no sense in this context (and data isn't changing)
int totalTrips = 0;
int maxVisitedCity = 0;
Map<String, Integer> cityVisits = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
public TravelerInfo( String name ){ = name;
public String getName() {
return name;
public Map< String, Integer > getCityVisits() {
return cityVisits;
public void setCityVisits( final Map< String, Integer > cityVisits ) {
this.cityVisits = cityVisits;
public void addVisit(String city){
int numVisits = 1;
if( cityVisits.containsKey( city ) ){
numVisits += cityVisits.get( city );
if( numVisits > maxVisitedCity ){
maxVisitedCity = numVisits;
cityVisits.put( city, numVisits );
public int getTotalTrips() {
return totalTrips;
public int getDistinctCityCount(){
return cityVisits.keySet().size();
public int getMaxVisitedCity() {
return maxVisitedCity;
public static class TravelsComparator implements Comparator<TravelerInfo> {
public int compare( final TravelerInfo o1, final TravelerInfo o2 ) {
if( o1.getTotalTrips() < o2.getTotalTrips() ){
return 1;
}else if( o1.getTotalTrips() > o2.getTotalTrips() ){
return -1;
return 0;
public static class DistinctCitiesComparator implements Comparator<TravelerInfo>{
public int compare( final TravelerInfo o1, final TravelerInfo o2 ) {
if( o1.getDistinctCityCount() < o2.getDistinctCityCount() ){
return 1;
}else if( o1.getDistinctCityCount() > o2.getDistinctCityCount() ){
return -1;
return 0;
public static class DistributedTravelsComparator implements Comparator<TravelerInfo>{
public int compare( final TravelerInfo o1, final TravelerInfo o2 ) {
if( o1.getMaxVisitedCity() < o2.getMaxVisitedCity() ){
return -1;
}else if( o1.getMaxVisitedCity() > o2.getMaxVisitedCity() ){
return 1;
return 0;
static String pickBiggestTraveler(String[][] trips) {
BiggestTraveler bt = new BiggestTraveler();
Map<String, TravelerInfo > travelRecords = new HashMap<String, TravelerInfo >();
for(int i=0; i < trips.length; i++){
if( travelRecords.containsKey( trips[ i ][ 0 ] ) ){
//if we've dealt with this traveler just add a new visited city
travelRecords.get( trips[ i ][ 0 ] ).addVisit( trips[i][1] );
//we've found a new traveler so let's add him
TravelerInfo info = new TravelerInfo( trips[i][0] );
info.addVisit( trips[i][1] );
travelRecords.put( info.getName(), info );
List<Comparator> comparators = new ArrayList< Comparator >( 3 );
comparators.add( new TravelsComparator() );
comparators.add( new DistinctCitiesComparator() );
comparators.add( new DistributedTravelsComparator() );
List<TravelerInfo> travelInfo = new ArrayList<TravelerInfo>( travelRecords.values() );
TravelerInfo currentMax = null;
for(Comparator comparator : comparators ){
//if we're not down to a single winner then continue
if( travelInfo.size() > 1 ){
Collections.sort( travelInfo, comparator );
currentMax = travelInfo.get( 0 );
int lastIndex = travelInfo.size();
//find the last traveler that is tied with the current max
for(int i = 0; i < travelInfo.size(); i++ ){
if( currentMax, travelInfo.get(i) ) < 0 ){
lastIndex = i;
//remove values lower than the highest
travelInfo = travelInfo.subList( 0, lastIndex );
//if we've found a winner no need to continue iterating over comparators
if( travelInfo.size() > 1 ){
return "Tie";
return travelInfo.get(0).getName();
public static void main(String args[] ) {
String[][] trips = new String[12][2];
trips[0][0] = "Person A";
trips[0][1] = "City 1";
trips[1][0] = "Person A";
trips[1][1] = "City 2";
trips[2][0] = "Person B";
trips[2][1] = "City 1";
trips[3][0] = "Person B";
trips[3][1] = "City 3";
trips[4][0] = "Person B";
trips[4][1] = "City 3";
trips[5][0] = "Person B";
trips[5][1] = "City 4";
trips[6][0] = "Person B";
trips[6][1] = "City 4";
trips[7][0] = "Person C";
trips[7][1] = "City 1";
trips[8][0] = "Person C";
trips[8][1] = "City 2";
trips[9][0] = "Person C";
trips[9][1] = "City 2";
trips[10][0] = "Person C";
trips[10][1] = "City 2";
trips[11][0] = "Person C";
trips[11][1] = "City 4";
pickBiggestTraveler( trips );