I've started to write a Generalized Suffix Tree implementation. The overall code is still in an experimental state, though I think it's mature enough to ask for a little review.
I'd like to know how I can make it better, especially on the use of the standard library, the consistency of the code and the design.
A quick example can be found running Live on Coliru.
#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <list>
#include <utility>
#include <limits>
template <typename S, typename C=int>
class SuffixTree {
// Forward declarations of inner classes
struct Node;
typedef S string;
typedef C character;
typedef std::pair<Node*, std::pair<int, int>> ReferencePoint;
// Node class:
// Contains the suffix link to another Node
// The Transitions "g(s,(k,i)) = s'" to children nodes
// Note:
// Transitions are stored in a hashtable indexed by the first substring
// character. A given character can only have at most one Transition in a
// node.
// A Generalized Suffix Tree can contain more than one string at a time
// Each string is labeled with an int. Thus each substring is related to
// an appropriate reference string:
// (ref string id, left ptr, right ptr)
struct MappedSubstring {
int ref_str;
// A substring is a pair of integer (left ptr, right ptr)
// To denote an empty substring, set right ptr < left ptr.
int l;
int r;
MappedSubstring() : ref_str(0), l(0), r(0) {}
MappedSubstring(int ref, int left, int right) :
bool empty() {
return (this->l > this->r);
struct Transition {
MappedSubstring sub;
Node *tgt;
Transition() : sub(), tgt(nullptr) {}
Transition(MappedSubstring s, Node *t) : sub(s), tgt(t) {}
struct Node {
std::unordered_map<C, Transition> g;
Node *suffix_link;
virtual Transition find_alpha_transition(C alpha) {
auto it = g.find(alpha);
if (g.end() == it) {
return Transition(MappedSubstring(0, 0, -1), nullptr);
return it->second;
Node() : suffix_link(nullptr) {}
virtual ~Node() {}
// Simple workaround for the specific sink node
// This node must have a transition for every char of the input alphabet.
// Instead of creating such transitions, we just make them up through
// an override of `find_alpha_transition`
struct SinkNode : public Node {
virtual Transition find_alpha_transition(C alpha) override {
return Transition(MappedSubstring(0, 0, 0), this->suffix_link);
// Leaf nodes:
// Leaves must contain an explicit reference to the suffix they represent
// Some strings might have common suffixes, hence the map.
// The suffix link **remains** UNIQUE nonetheless.
struct Leaf : public Node {
// Base - A tree nested base class
// This clase is here to hide implementation details
// And to handle destruction properly.
// The processing (insertion, deletion of strings) is done by SuffixTree,
// Base handles the cleanup.
struct Base {
SinkNode sink;
Node root;
Base() {
root.suffix_link = &sink;
sink.suffix_link = &root;
virtual ~Base() {
void clean() {
std::list<Node*> del_list {&root};
while (!del_list.empty()) {
Node *current = del_list.front();
for (auto it : current->g) {
if (&root != current) {
delete current;
Base tree;
C end_token;
std::unordered_map<int, S> haystack;
std::unordered_map<int, Node*> borderpath_map;
int last_index;
// Given a Node n, a substring kp and a character t,
// test_and_split must return if (n, kp) is the end point.
// If not, and we are in an implicit state, a new state is created.
bool test_and_split(Node *n, MappedSubstring kp, C t, const S& w, Node **r) {
C tk = w[kp.l];
int delta = kp.r - kp.l;
if (0 <= delta) {
Transition tk_trans = n->find_alpha_transition(tk);
MappedSubstring kp_prime = tk_trans.sub;
auto str_prime = haystack.find(kp_prime.ref_str);
if (str_prime->second[kp_prime.l + delta + 1] == t) {
*r = n;
return true;
*r = new Node();
Transition new_t = tk_trans;
new_t.sub.l += delta+1;
(*r)->g.insert(std::pair<C, Transition>(
str_prime->second[new_t.sub.l], new_t));
tk_trans.sub.r = tk_trans.sub.l + delta;
tk_trans.tgt = *r;
n->g[tk] = tk_trans;
return false;
} else {
// kp represents an empty substring
Transition t_Transition = n->find_alpha_transition(t);
*r = n;
return (t_Transition.tgt != nullptr);
// update performs the heart of an iteration:
// It walks the border path from the active point to the end point
// and adds the required Transitions brought by the insertion of
// the string's i-th character.
// It returns the end point.
ReferencePoint update(Node *s, MappedSubstring ki) {
Node *oldr = &tree.root;
Node *r = nullptr;
bool is_endpoint = false;
MappedSubstring ki1 = ki;
auto ref_str_it = haystack.find(ki.ref_str);
S w = ref_str_it->second;
ReferencePoint sk(s, std::pair<int,int>(ki.ref_str, ki.l));
ki1.r = ki.r-1;
is_endpoint = test_and_split(s, ki1, w[ki.r], w, &r);
while (!is_endpoint) {
Leaf *r_prime = new Leaf();
w[ki.r], Transition(MappedSubstring(
ki.ref_str, ki.r, std::numeric_limits<int>::max()), r_prime)));
if (&tree.root != oldr) {
oldr->suffix_link = r;
oldr = r;
sk = canonize(sk.first->suffix_link, ki1);
ki1.l = ki.l = sk.second.second;
is_endpoint = test_and_split(sk.first, ki1, w[ki.r], w, &r);
if (&tree.root != oldr) {
oldr->suffix_link = sk.first;
return sk;
// canonize - Get canonical pair
// Given a Node and a substring,
// This returns the canonical pair for this particular combination
ReferencePoint canonize(Node *s, MappedSubstring kp) {
if (kp.r < kp.l)
return ReferencePoint(s, std::pair<int,int>(kp.ref_str, kp.l));
auto kp_ref_str = haystack.find(kp.ref_str);
int delta;
Transition tk_trans = s->find_alpha_transition(kp_ref_str->second[kp.l]);
while ((delta = tk_trans.sub.r - tk_trans.sub.l) <= kp.r - kp.l) {
kp.l += 1 + delta;
s = tk_trans.tgt;
if (kp.l <= kp.r)
tk_trans = s->find_alpha_transition(kp_ref_str->second[kp.l]);
return ReferencePoint(s, std::pair<int,int>(kp.ref_str, kp.l));
// get_starting_node - Find the starting node
// @s[in]: The string to insert
// @r[in/out]: The walk starting/ending point
// get_starting_node walks down the tree until s does not match anymore
// character.
// @r is updated through this process and contains the reference pair of the
// diverging point between @s and the tree.
// The result '(s,k)' of this function may then be used to resume the Ukkonen's
// algorithm.
int get_starting_node(const S& s, ReferencePoint *r) {
int k = r->second.second;
int s_len = s.length();
bool s_runout = false;
while (!s_runout) {
Transition t = r->first->find_alpha_transition(s[k]);
if (nullptr != t.tgt) {
int i;
auto ref_str = haystack.find(t.sub.ref_str);
for (i=1; (i <= t.sub.r - t.sub.l); ++i) {
if (k+i >= s_len) {
s_runout = true;
if (s[k+i] != ref_str->second[t.sub.l+i]) {
r->second.second = k;
return k+i;
if (!s_runout) {
r->first = t.tgt;
k += i;
} else {
return k;
r->second.second = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
return std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
// deploy_suffixes - Deploy suffixes
// @s[in]: The string to insert in the tree
// @sindex[in]: The index id of @s
// deploy_suffixes performs the Ukkonen's algorithm to inser @s into the
// tree.
int deploy_suffixes(const S& s, int sindex) {
ReferencePoint active_point(&tree.root, std::pair<int,int>(sindex, 0));
int i = get_starting_node(s, &active_point);
if (std::numeric_limits<int>::max() == i) {
return -1;
for (; i < s.length(); ++i) {
MappedSubstring ki(sindex, active_point.second.second, i);
active_point = update(active_point.first, ki);
ki.l = active_point.second.second;
active_point = canonize(active_point.first, ki);
return sindex;
void dump_node(Node *n, bool same_line, int padding, MappedSubstring orig) {
int delta = 0;
if (!same_line) {
for (int i = 0; i < padding; ++i) {
std::cout << " ";
if (!orig.empty()) {
auto s = haystack.find(orig.ref_str);
for (int i = orig.l; i <= orig.r && i <= s->second.length(); ++i) {
std::cout << s->second[i];
std::cout << "-";
delta = orig.r - orig.l + 2;
if (orig.r == std::numeric_limits<int>::max()) {
delta = s->second.length() - orig.l + 2;
same_line = true;
for (auto t_it : n->g) {
dump_node(t_it.second.tgt, same_line, padding + delta, t_it.second.sub);
same_line = false;
if (same_line) {
std::cout << "##" << std::endl;
SuffixTree() : end_token('$'), last_index(0) {
int add_string(const S new_string) {
haystack.insert(std::pair<int, S>(last_index, new_string));
if (0 > deploy_suffixes(new_string, last_index)) {
return -1;
return last_index;
virtual ~SuffixTree() {
void dump_tree() {
dump_node(&tree.root, true, 0, MappedSubstring(0,0,-1));