I have this type:
type Future<'a> () =
let mutable _value: 'a option = None
member x.Resolve value =
if _value.IsSome then failwith "can only resolve once"
_value <- Some value
member x.IsResolved with get () = _value.IsSome
member x.Value
with get () =
match _value with
| Some v -> v
| None -> failwith "hasn't resolved yet"
And I need something like this because I have something along the lines of:
let testHttpGet response =
let urlFuture = Future<string>()
let get url =
urlFuture.Resolve url
(get, urlFuture)
Call that function and set the return value of the returned function
let get, urlFuture = testHttpGet "resp"
Call the returned func, thus resolving the Future
let response = get "http://test"
In the end we have the result of the function
response |> should equal "resp"
And we have the value with which the func was called
urlFuture.IsResolved |> should be True
urlFuture.Value |> should equal "http://test"
To me this looks like a sound approach but I also have a feeling that something like it must exist in f#
Here's where I use them.
Here is a fiddle.
function doesn't compile. Can you update the code so that we can see what you mean to do? \$\endgroup\$