I am learning to code in the Assembly language for the x86 architecture. I currently know of a few registers and certain arithmetic operations like add, sub, inc, dec, mov and to check for conditionality using certain jump statements. I am using some "ready-baked" code for input and output. The input - call_hex
reads hex from the input and stores it in the eax register and the output - print_eax
just prints whatever is in the eax. I am no programmer per se, my end goal is to understand enough assembly to start picking up other things like exploit development. The code below is an exercise to print prime numbers. I know the code I have below could look downright ugly. But if you were rating the code, how much would I get on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the highest.
; A prime number is an integer that is divisible only by 1 and by itself.
; A program that takes a number n as input, and prints back to the console all the primes that are larger than 1 but not larger than n.
format PE console
entry start
include 'win32a.inc'
; ===============================================
section '.text' code readable executable
; Your program begins here:
; Division Operations -
;eax <- edx:eax/arg
;edx <- edx:eax % arg
call read_hex
dec eax
jz exit
jmp prime_check
; The check for whether 2 is a prime is done separately here
mov ecx, eax
sub ecx, 2
jz is_prime
mov ecx, eax ; eax will be overwritten, hence need to store it someplace else to recover it
mov edx, 0 ; initialing the edx:eax registers
mov ebx, 2
dec eax ; The 3 lines of code are there cause I need a way to exit the program, when eax inside this block is 1.
jz exit ; This seems to be an easy fix. Although downright inelegant
inc eax
div ebx
mov eax, ecx
sub edx, 1
jc lb2 ; The case where number isnt prime
mov eax, ecx ; re-initialing the edx:eax registers
mov edx, 0 ; re-initialing the edx:eax registers
inc ebx
sub ecx, ebx
jz is_prime
mov ecx, eax
jmp lb1
call print_eax
jmp lb2
; Exit the process:
push 0
call [ExitProcess]
include 'training.inc'