I want to convert int64
to custom base 64 number string
, with this specification:
0..9 -> 0..9
10..35 -> a..z
36..61 -> A..Z
62 -> _
63 -> -
Is this implementation correct/efficient?
func EncodeLogKey(id int64) string {
str := make([]byte,0,12)
if id == 0 { return "0" }
for id>0 {
var ch rune
mod := rune(id % 64)
if mod <= 10 {
ch = '0' + mod
} else if mod <= 10+26 {
ch = 'a' + (mod - 10)
} else if mod <= 10+26+26 {
ch = 'A' + (mod - 10 - 26)
} else if mod % 2 == 0 {
ch = '_'
} else {
ch = '-'
str = append(str,byte(ch))
id /= 64
return string(str)
func DecodeLogKey(logKey string) (int64, error) {
res := int64(0)
for ch := range logKey {
res *= 64
mod := int64(ch)
if ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' {
res += (mod - '0')
} else if ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z' {
res += 10 + (mod - 'a')
} else if ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z' {
res += 10 + 26 + (mod - 'A')
} else if ch == '_' {
res += 10 + 26 + 26
} else if ch == '-' {
res += 10 + 26 + 26 + 1
} else {
return res, fmt.Errorf("Invalid logKey character: '%c'", res)
return res, nil