Here is how I solved this problem (though this is not the only nor the best way by any means) for an assignment where it was also requisite to determine if a string was a reverse prefix of the other.
Obviously a palindrome is a reverse prefix of itself so if you can determine a reverse prefix then you can determine a palindrome.
I would love some feedback on my code as well as any thoughts on my implementation/solution.
int main()
char string1[50];
char string2[50];
printf("Please enter a string: ");
if (strlen(string1) == 1)
printf("Please enter a second string: ");
printf("\nString 1 = %s", string1);
printf("\nString 2 = %s\n", string2);
if (isReversePrefix(string1, string2))
printf("String 2 is a reversed prefix of string 1\n");
if (isPalindrome(string1))
printf("String 1 is a palindrome\n");
printf("String 1 is not a palindrome\n");
if (isPalindrome(string2))
printf("String 2 is a palindrome\n");
printf("String 2 is not a palindrome\n");
return 0;
isReversePrefix - Receives two string pointers
and determines if the second is a reverse
prefix of the first. Returns either true or
The word 'HIM' has the following prefixes 'H', 'HI',
'HIM'. All of these can be reversed to 'H', 'IH', 'MIH'
int isReversePrefix(char *str1, char *str2)
char *temp1 = str1;
char *temp2 = str2;
if (strlen(str2) > strlen(str1))
return 0;
while ((*temp1 == *temp2) && (*temp2 != '\0'))
if (*temp2 == '\0')
return 1;
return 0;
isPalindrome - receives one string parameter and
checks if it is a palindrome or not. Returns
true if it is and false if not.
int isPalindrome(char *str1)
char *start = str1;
char *end = str1 + strlen(str1) - 1;
if (isReversePrefix(start, end))
return 1;
return 0;
??? what kind of C code is this? I'm having a hard time believing this compiles... \$\endgroup\$temp2.strrev();
. \$\endgroup\$