This is a problem from a Coursera class:
Write a data type to represent a set of points in the unit square (all points have x- and y-coordinates between 0 and 1) using a 2D tree to support efficient nearest neighbor search (find a closest point to a query point).
I implemented the class with pre-setup API. The problem for me was to efficiently realize the pruning rule:
To find a closest point to a given query point, start at the root and recursively search in both subtrees using the following pruning rule: if the closest point discovered so far is closer than the distance between the query point and the rectangle corresponding to a node, there is no need to explore that node (or its subtrees).
So I need to store statically best tuple (closest point, minimum distance) so far. For this purpose I think static variable of class is not the best choice (it is needed only for one this method). I also don't like my solution for this: I made nested static class, pointDist
, with static variables. What is a more optimal/elegant decision?
public class KdTree {
private Node root;
private int size;
public KdTree() {
root = null;
size = 0;
// ... other class methods
private static final class pointDist {
private static Point2D p; // closest point
private static double d; // min distance
private static void begin() {
p = null;
private void nearest(Point2D p, Node x) {
if (x == null) return;
// code with p, x, pointDist.p and pointDist.d variables
// ...
public Point2D nearest(Point2D p) {
assert size() > 0;
nearest(p, root);
return pointDist.p;
private static class Node {
private Point2D p; // the point
private RectHV rect; // the axis-aligned rectangle corresponding to this node
private Node lb; // the left/bottom subtree
private Node rt; // the right/top subtree
public Node(Point2D pp, Node prevN, int caseCut) {
p = pp;
lb = null;
rt = null;
// root case
if (caseCut == -1) rect = new RectHV(0, 0, 1, 1);
else {
RectHV prevR = prevN.rect;
// the rest of the code here is to define rect based on values of
// caseCut variable: 0,1,2,4 - cuts from left, right, bottom and top
// ...