I'm writing an application that needs to verify that an Active Directory user is in a certain OU or group. This allows me to tell if the user is a Field Agent or a Home Office User. However, I didn't want to fixate on one OU and one group, so I allow the OU names and group names to be comma separate values in the web.config file. I also added a feature where I can whitelist specific usernames, as well, for testing and/or programmer access.
This is untested as I'm just starting on the project. The method is kind of long and feels like it can be optimized. Should I add a helper method to check the lists or try a Linq expression or something else? Let me know if the Active Directory code can be improved, as well.
private LpaUserType VerifyUserAccess(string Username)
// Load whitelist values
// Load list of OU names
var fieldOrgUnits = new List<string>(Settings.Default.AllowedFieldOrganizationUnits.Split(','));
var homeOfficeOrgUnits = new List<string>(Settings.Default.AllowedHomeOfficeOrganizationUnits.Split(','));
// Load list of Group names
var fieldGroups = new List<string>(Settings.Default.AllowedFieldGroups.Split(','));
var homeOfficeGroups = new List<string>(Settings.Default.AllowedHomeOfficeGroups.Split(','));
// Load list of User names
var fieldUsers = new List<string>(Settings.Default.AllowedFieldUsers.Split(','));
var homeOfficeUsers = new List<string>(Settings.Default.AllowedHomeOfficeUsers.Split(','));
// Create context object for the configured AD Domain
var pc = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, Settings.Default.ActiveDirectoryDomainName);
// Check username first; saves on loading more objects
if (fieldUsers.Contains(Username))
return LpaUserType.FieldAgent;
if (homeOfficeUsers.Contains(Username))
return LpaUserType.HomeOffice;
// No match found by username, fetch user security object
var user = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(pc, Username);
// Get list of user's groups
var userGroups = user.GetGroups();
// Check all of the user's groups and see if one matches a whitelist group
foreach (var group in userGroups)
if (fieldGroups.Contains(group.Name))
return LpaUserType.FieldAgent;
// Checking again for Home Office users; don't want to do this check inside same loop
// In the unlikely event that a user is in a field group and home office group
// I want the field one to return first, as it is more limited
foreach (var group in userGroups)
if (homeOfficeGroups.Contains(group.Name))
return LpaUserType.HomeOffice;
// Finally, we will check for Organization Unit
DirectoryEntry deUser = user.GetUnderlyingObject() as DirectoryEntry;
DirectoryEntry deUserContainer = deUser.Parent;
// Sample value: OU=Users,OU=BusinessTechnology,OU=HOWOW,DC=hoad,DC=local
var props = deUserContainer.Properties["distinguishedName"].Value as string;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(props))
// If we got this far and the props variable is empty, we have a problem
return LpaUserType.Unknown;
// Check for Field OU
foreach (var fieldOrgUnit in fieldOrgUnits)
if (props.Contains("OU=" + fieldOrgUnit))
return LpaUserType.FieldAgent;
// Check for Home Office OU
foreach (var homeOfficeOrgUnit in homeOfficeOrgUnits)
if (props.Contains("OU=" + homeOfficeOrgUnit))
return LpaUserType.HomeOffice;
// If we get to here, we found nothing...
return LpaUserType.Unknown;
catch (Exception ex)
//TODO: Log exception
return LpaUserType.Unknown;