I want to improve efficiency of this search engine. It works in about 10 seconds for a search depth of 1, but 4 minutes at 2 etc.
I tried to give straightforward comments and variable names, any suggestions for improved clarity or style/form would also be welcome.
import urllib2
import collections
def get_page(url):
#return page html from url
return [url,urllib2.urlopen(url).read()]
return [url,""]
def get_next_url(page):
#goes through page html from a starting position and finds the next url
start_link = page[1].find('<a href="http')
if start_link == -1:
return None, 0
end_link = page[1].find('"', start_link + len('<a href="'))
url = page[1][start_link + len('<a href="'): end_link]
return url, end_link
def get_all_links(page):
#returns all urls from a page
links = []
while True:
url,end_link = get_next_url(page)
if url:
page[1] = page[1][end_link:]
return links
def crawl_web(seed, to_crawl, crawled):
#calls get_all_links to crawl webpage, updates crawled and to_crawl.
if seed not in crawled:
new_links = set(link for link in get_all_links(get_page(seed)))
to_crawl = to_crawl.union(new_links)
return crawled, to_crawl, new_links
def track_depth(url, maxdepth):
#sets depth of webcrawl, feeds seed url to webcrawler
depth = 0
tier = [[url]]
to_crawl = set([url])
crawled = set()
while depth < maxdepth:
next_tier = []
for next_url in tier[depth]:
crawled, to_crawl, new_links = crawl_web(next_url, to_crawl,
next_tier += list(new_links)
depth += 1
return tier, crawled, to_crawl
def get_next_string(page):
#finds string in html of page using paragraph markers
start_string = page[1].find('<p>')
if start_string == -1:
return None, 0
end_string = page[1].find('</p>', start_string + len('<p>'))
string = page[1][start_string + len('<p>'): end_string]
return string, end_string
def get_page_words(page):
#gets all strings on page and converts to word list
page_string = ''
to_remove = '#$%^&*._,1234567890+=<>/\()":;!?'
while True:
string, end_string = get_next_string(page)
if string:
page_string += " " + string
page[1] = page[1][end_string:]
for i in to_remove:
page_string = page_string.replace(i, '').lower()
page_words = page_string.split()
return page_words
def word_bank(crawled):
#creates word index mapping url values to word keys
crawled = list(crawled)
word_count = {}
for url in crawled:
for word in get_page_words(get_page(url)):
if word in word_count:
if url in word_count[word]:
word_count[word][url] += 1
word_count[word][url] = 1
elif len(word) < 15:
word_count[word] = {url: 1}
return word_count
def search_engine(target_string, word_count):
#searches word_bank for words in string, returns urls words are found at
targets = list(set(target_string.split()))
result =[]
for word in targets:
if word in word_count:
result += word_count[word].keys()
ans = collections.Counter(result).most_common()
return ans[0][0], ans[1][0], ans[2][0]
crawled = track_depth("http://xkcd.com/1427/", 2)[1]
print "crawling done"
word_count = word_bank(crawled)
print "word_count done"
#print word_count
print search_engine('starting blogs about', word_count)