I'm very new to python and only vaguely remember OOP from doing some Java a few years ago so I don't know what the best way to do this is.
I've build a bunch of classes that represent a crawler that scrapes images from a specific website. e.g: for the website stocksnap I have a class StocksnapCrawler
I have 9 of these crawler classes and it's awful, I know there can be a much better way of representing them, they share a lot in common.
here are three of these crawlers:
class MagdeleineCrawler:
def __init__(self, crawler_db):
self.current_page = crawler_db.current_page
self.crawler_db = crawler_db
def crawl(self):
current_page = self.current_page
print("Starting crawl on page " + str(current_page))
while True:
print("crawling page " + str(current_page))
page_response = requests.get(
page_soup = BeautifulSoup(page_response.text)
image_links = [link["href"]
for link in page_soup.find_all('a', {'class': 'photo-link'})]
for image_link in image_links:
print("scraping image at " + image_link)
response = requests.get(image_link)
image_page_soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text)
print('getting image source link')
image_source_link = image_page_soup.find(
'a', {'class': 'download'})['href']
# Get Tags
print('getting tags')
ul = image_page_soup.find('ul', {'class': 'tags'})
if ul:
tag_links = ul.find_all('a', {'rel': 'tag'})
tag_names = [tag_link.string for tag_link in tag_links]
tag_names.remove('editor\'s pick')
thumbnail_url = image_page_soup.find(
'img', {'id': 'main-img'})['src']
print("storing image in db")
image_source_link, image_link, thumbnail_url, 'MG', tag_names)
self.crawler_db.images_scraped += 1
current_page += 1
self.crawler_db.current_page += 1
class FancycraveCrawler:
def __init__(self, crawler_db):
self.current_page = crawler_db.current_page
self.crawler_db = crawler_db
def crawl(self):
current_page = self.current_page
print("Starting crawl on page " + str(current_page))
while True:
print("crawling page " + str(current_page))
page_response = requests.get(
page_soup = BeautifulSoup(page_response.text)
image_articles = page_soup.find_all(
'article', {'class': 'type-photo'})
for image_article in image_articles:
print("scraping image")
image_source_link = image_article.find(
'a', text='Download')['href']
image_link = image_article.find(
'input', {'class': 'short-url-field'})["value"]
# Get Tags
tag_links = image_article.find(
'div', {'class': 'tags'}).find_all('a')
tag_names = [tag_link.string[1:] for tag_link in tag_links]
thumbnail_url = image_article.find(
'div', {'class': 'photo-data'}).find('img')['src']
print("storing image in db")
image_source_link, image_link, thumbnail_url, 'FC', tag_names)
self.crawler_db.images_scraped += 1
current_page += 1
self.crawler_db.current_page += 1
class StocksnapCrawler:
def __init__(self, crawler_db):
self.current_page = crawler_db.current_page
self.crawler_db = crawler_db
def crawl(self):
current_page = self.current_page
print("Starting crawl on page " + str(current_page))
while True:
print("crawling page " + str(current_page))
page_response = requests.get(
page_soup = BeautifulSoup(page_response.text)
image_links = ['https://stocksnap.io' + link['href']
for link in page_soup.find_all('a', {'class': 'photo-link'})]
for image_link in image_links:
print("scraping image at " + image_link)
response = requests.get(image_link)
image_page_soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text)
print('getting image source link')
image_source_link = image_page_soup.find(
'img', {'class': 'img-photo'})['src']
# Get Tags
print('getting tags')
table = image_page_soup.find('table', {'class': 'img-details'})
if table:
tag_links = table.find_all('a')
tag_names = [tag_link.string for tag_link in tag_links if tag_link.string is not None]
thumbnail_url = image_source_link
print("storing image in db")
image_source_link, image_link, thumbnail_url, 'SS', tag_names)
self.crawler_db.images_scraped += 1
current_page += 1
self.crawler_db.current_page += 1
basically each class has the same two properties and a crawl method. the crawl method follows a pretty standard structure with some variations depending on the html layout for the website it's scraping.
- page number that it is currently scraping
- a list of links each images unique page on the website
- a direct url to the highest quality version of the image
- a url to a smaller version of the image to be downloaded and turned into a thumbnail
- a list of strings, each string is a tag associated with the image
- a two letter uppercase string to represent the origin website of the image, e.g: "SS" for the website stocksnap
while True:
response = get_page(current_page)
page_soup = BeautifulSoup(response)
image_links = get_image_links(page_soup)
for link in image_links:
response = response = requests.get(link)
page_soup = BeautifulSoup(response)
image_source_link = get_image_source_link(page_soup)
thumbnail_url = get_thumbnail_url(page_soup)
tags = get_tags(page_soup)
store_image(image_source_link, image_link, thumbnail_url, origin , tags)
Each website would have to implement these methods differently
Any ideas?