Could you please offer some suggestions about my self learning project?
It is really hard-coded, but I have no idea what to do next. I'm using angular
(only few features for now) and grunt + bower
<table class="table table-bordered">
<th>First form</th>
<th>Second form</th>
<th>Third form</th>
<tbody class="row">
<tr ng-show="isStage('input')">
<td ng-repeat="verb in verbs track by $index" class="col-md-3">
<p ng-show="isActive($index)">{{ verb }}</p>
<input ng-model="val[$index]" ng-hide="isActive($index)" type="text">
<tr ng-show="isStage('validation')">
<td ng-repeat="verb in verbs track by $index" class="col-md-3" ng-class="{
info: isActive($index),
success: isSuccess($index),
danger: isDanger($index)
<p ng-show="isActive($index)">{{ verb }}</p>
<p ng-hide="isActive($index)">
<span ng-show="isSuccess($index)" class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok text-success"></span>
<span ng-show="isDanger($index)" class="glyphicon glyphicon-minus text-danger"></span>
{{ val[$index] }}
<tr ng-show="isStage('validation')">
<td ng-repeat="verb in verbs track by $index" class="col-md-3">
<p>{{ verb }}</p>
<div ng-show="isStage('input')" class="row">
<a href ng-click="check()" class="btn btn-primary col-md-12">Check</a>
<div ng-show="isStage('validation')" class="row">
<a href ng-click="next()" class="btn btn-primary col-md-12">Next</a>
angular.module('IWTTester', [])
.controller('IWTTesterController', [
($http, $scope) ->
$http.get 'js/words.json'
.success (data, status, headers, config) ->
console.log data, status, config, 'good'
$scope.irregulars = data
.error (data, status, headers, config) ->
console.log data, status, config, 'bad'
$scope.isActive = (formIndex) ->
formIndex is $scope._activeForm
$scope.isStage = (value) ->
value is $scope._stage
$scope.init = ->
ROWS = $scope.irregulars.length
COLS = $scope.irregulars[0].length
create_counter = (module) ->
i = 0
-> (i++) % module
rowCounter = create_counter(ROWS)
colCounter = create_counter(COLS)
$scope.val = []
$scope._stage = 'input'
update = ->
$scope.verbs = $scope.irregulars[rowCounter()]
$scope._activeForm = colCounter()
$scope.isSuccess = (i) ->
$scope.val[i] is $scope.verbs[i]
$scope.isDanger = (i) ->
$scope.val[i] isnt $scope.verbs[i] and not $scope.isActive(i)
$scope.check = ->
$scope._stage = 'validation'
$ = ->
$scope.val = []
$scope._stage = 'input'
.directive('iwtTester', ->
restrict: 'AE'
templateUrl: 'templates/tester.html'
controller: 'IWTTesterController'