I've written a table of contents parser for a FOSS wiki project I maintain in my spare time. The class takes a HTML string, injects anchor takes before each H1,H2 etc. and then generates the contents for the headers.
My main concern is boundary checks within the code. I haven't got any unit tests for it as it's a bit hard to test without a slightly contrived set of example text.
I'm after any glaring issues, or easier ways of doing the tree parsing the way I've done it. I'm reluctant to wrap the InsertToc
method in a giant try/catch but instead have all all edge cases catered for.
The source is here as well.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using HtmlAgilityPack;
public class TocParser
private Header _previousHeader;
/// <summary>
/// Replaces all {TOC} tokens with the HTML for the table of contents. This method also inserts
/// anchored name tags before each H1,H2,H3 etc. tag that the contents references.
/// </summary>
public string InsertToc(string html)
HtmlDocument document = new HtmlDocument();
HtmlNodeCollection elements = document.DocumentNode.ChildNodes;
// The headers are stored in a flat list to start with
List<Header> rootHeaders = new List<Header>();
ParseHtmlAddAnchors(document.DocumentNode, rootHeaders, "h1");
// Try parsing all H2 headers (as H1 is technically the page title).
if (rootHeaders.Count == 0)
ParseHtmlAddAnchors(document.DocumentNode, rootHeaders, "h2");
// Add a fake root for the tree
Header rootHeader = new Header("","h0");
foreach (Header header in rootHeaders)
header.Parent = rootHeader;
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.AppendLine("<div class=\"toc\">");
builder.AppendLine("<div class=\"toc-title\">Contents [<a class=\"toc-showhide\" href=\"#\">hide</a>]</div>");
builder.AppendLine("<div class=\"toc-list\">");
GenerateTocList(rootHeader, builder);
return document.DocumentNode.InnerHtml.Replace("{TOC}",builder.ToString());
/// <summary>
/// Generates the ToC contents HTML for the using the StringBuilder.
/// </summary>
private void GenerateTocList(Header parentHeader, StringBuilder htmlBuilder)
// Performs a level order traversal of the H1 (or H2) trees
foreach (Header header in parentHeader.Children)
htmlBuilder.AppendFormat(@"<a href=""#{0}"">{1} {2}</a>", header.Id, header.GetTocNumber(), header.Title);
if (header.Children.Count > 0)
GenerateTocList(header, htmlBuilder);
/// <summary>
/// Parses the HTML for H1,H2, H3 etc. elements, and adds them as Header trees, where
/// rootHeaders contains the H1 root nodes.
/// </summary>
private void ParseHtmlAddAnchors(HtmlNode parentNode, List<Header> rootHeaders, string rootTag)
foreach (HtmlNode node in parentNode.ChildNodes)
if (node.Name.StartsWith("h"))
Header header = new Header(node.InnerText,node.Name);
if (_previousHeader != null && header.Level > _previousHeader.Level)
// Add as a new child
header.Parent = _previousHeader;
else if (_previousHeader != null)
// Add as a sibling
while (_previousHeader.Parent != null && _previousHeader.Level > header.Level)
_previousHeader = _previousHeader.Parent;
header.Parent = _previousHeader.Parent;
if (header.Parent != null)
// Add an achor tag after the header as a reference
HtmlNode anchor = HtmlNode.CreateNode(string.Format(@"<a name=""{0}""></a>",header.Id));
if (node.Name == rootTag)
_previousHeader = header;
else if (node.HasChildNodes)
ParseHtmlAddAnchors(node, rootHeaders, rootTag);
/// <summary>
/// Represents a header and its child headers, a tree with many branches.
/// </summary>
private class Header
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Tag { get; set; }
public int Level { get; private set; }
public List<Header> Children { get; set; }
public Header Parent { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public Header(string title, string tag)
Children = new List<Header>();
Title = title;
Tag = tag;
int level = 0;
int.TryParse(tag.Replace("h", ""),out level); // lazy (aka hacky) way of tracking the level using HTML H number
Level = level;
ShortGuid guid = ShortGuid.NewGuid();
Id = string.Format("{0}{1}", Title.EncodeTitle(), guid);
public string GetTocNumber()
string result = SiblingNumber().ToString();
if (Parent != null && Level > 1)
Header parent = Parent;
while (parent != null && parent.Level > 0)
result += "." + parent.SiblingNumber();
parent = parent.Parent;
return new String(result.ToArray().Reverse().ToArray<char>());
public int SiblingNumber()
if (Parent != null)
for (int i = 0; i < Parent.Children.Count; i++)
if (Parent.Children[i] == this)
return i +1;
return 1;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
Header header = obj as Header;
if (header == null)
return false;
return header.Id.Equals(Id);
public override int GetHashCode()
return Id.GetHashCode();
Try parsing all H2 headers
is at best misleading. A more useful comment there would say whyh2
is parsed iff noh1
was found. \$\endgroup\$