How should I deal with ViewModel
s that are "fat"? Or should I just accept it sometimes.
Example - one of my ViewModel
s (editing image page, almost 300 lines of code) which has a lot of UI commands like cropping, quick image filters (like contrast, brightness), undo, redo etc.
public class ImageEditViewModelWinRt : Shared.ViewModel.ImageEditViewModel
private readonly FilterStorage _filterStorage;
public ImageEditViewModelWinRt(FilterStorage filterStorage, ViewServices viewServices)
: base(viewServices)
IsFadeInAnimationEnabled = true;
_filterStorage = filterStorage;
QuickFix = new QuickImageFixProperties();
private void InitializeCommands()
AddFilterCommand = new RelayCommand(() =>
string addFilterKey = ViewServices.ResourceDictionary.ImageEditPageDictionaryKeys.AddFilterPageKey;
NavigateTo(addFilterKey, FilteredImage);
}, () => !IsOperationInProgress);
UndoCommand = new RelayCommand(async () => await TryRunAsyncOperation(UndoChangesExecute), () => !IsOperationInProgress);
RedoCommand = new RelayCommand(async () => await TryRunAsyncOperation(RedoChangesExecute), () => !IsOperationInProgress);
SaveChanges = new RelayCommand(async () => await TryRunAsyncOperation(SaveChangesToCurrentFileExecute), () => !IsOperationInProgress);
SaveChangesToPickedFile = new RelayCommand(async () => await TryRunAsyncOperation(SaveChangesToPickedFileExecute), () => !IsOperationInProgress);
CancelEditing = new RelayCommand(CancelEditingExecute, () => !IsOperationInProgress);
CropImageCommand = new RelayCommand(async () => await TryRunAsyncOperation(CropImageCommandExecute), () => !IsOperationInProgress);
RotateImageCommand = new RelayCommand<double>(async (angle) => await TryRunAsyncOperation(RotateImageCommandExecute, angle));
FlipHorizontalImageCommand = new RelayCommand(async () => await TryRunAsyncOperation(FlipHorizontalImageCommandExecute));
FlipVerticalImageCommand = new RelayCommand(async () => await TryRunAsyncOperation(FlipVerticalImageCommandExecute));
ImageQuickFixCommand = new RelayCommand(async () =>
IsFadeInAnimationEnabled = false; // in case of QuickFix preview looks ugly with fade animation
await TryRunAsyncOperation(ImageQuickFixCommandExecute);
IsFadeInAnimationEnabled = true;
[SetCurrentOperationUserFriendlyMessageAspect(UserFriendlyMessage = "Undo operation is in progress...", IsCancellable = false)]
private async Task UndoChangesExecute()
if (_filterStorage.Undo())
await RefreshImageProvider();
[SetCurrentOperationUserFriendlyMessageAspect(UserFriendlyMessage = "Redo operation is in progress...", IsCancellable = false)]
private async Task RedoChangesExecute()
if (_filterStorage.Redo())
await RefreshImageProvider();
[SetCurrentOperationUserFriendlyMessageAspect(UserFriendlyMessage = "Cropping image is in progress...", IsCancellable = false)]
private async Task CropImageCommandExecute()
_filterStorage.AddFilter(new ImageCroppingFilter(SelectedCroppingArea));
await RefreshImageProvider();
[SetCurrentOperationUserFriendlyMessageAspect(UserFriendlyMessage = "Rotating image is in progress...", IsCancellable = false)]
private async Task RotateImageCommandExecute(double angle)
_filterStorage.AddFilter(new RotateFilter(angle));
await RefreshImageProvider();
[SetCurrentOperationUserFriendlyMessageAspect(UserFriendlyMessage = "Flipping image is in progress...", IsCancellable = false)]
private async Task FlipHorizontalImageCommandExecute()
_filterStorage.AddFilter(new FlipImageFilter(FlipMode.Horizontal));
await RefreshImageProvider();
[SetCurrentOperationUserFriendlyMessageAspect(UserFriendlyMessage = "Flipping image is in progress...", IsCancellable = false)]
private async Task FlipVerticalImageCommandExecute()
_filterStorage.AddFilter(new FlipImageFilter(FlipMode.Vertical));
await RefreshImageProvider();
[SetCurrentOperationUserFriendlyMessageAspect(UserFriendlyMessage = "Quick fix is in progress...", IsCancellable = false)]
private async Task ImageQuickFixCommandExecute()
bool hasImageBeenRefreshed = true;
while (QuickFix.IsQuickFixAvailable() && hasImageBeenRefreshed)
hasImageBeenRefreshed = await RefreshImageProvider();
[SetCurrentOperationUserFriendlyMessageAspect(UserFriendlyMessage = "Saving changes in progress...")]
private async Task SaveChangesToCurrentFileExecute()
await SaveImageChanges(FilteredImage.FolderImage.ImageFile);
[SetCurrentOperationUserFriendlyMessageAspect(UserFriendlyMessage = "Saving changes to new file...")]
private async Task SaveChangesToPickedFileExecute()
var savePicker = new FileSavePicker() { SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId.PicturesLibrary };
savePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add(".jpg", new[] { ".jpg" });
savePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add(".png", new[] { ".png" });
var fileToSave = await savePicker.PickSaveFileAsync();
if (fileToSave != null)
await SaveImageChanges(fileToSave);
private async Task SaveImageChanges(StorageFile toFile)
string errorMsg = "";
string errorTitle = "";
IImageSaver imageSaver = FilteredImage.GetFilteredImageSaver(toFile);
await imageSaver.SaveImage(FilteredImage.FolderImage.ImageFile, CancellationToken);
catch (FileNotFoundException)
errorMsg = "Image which you're trying to save was probably deleted in the meantime ;(\n" +
"You'll be transfered to the main page.";
errorTitle = "Image couldn't be saved ;-(";
catch (InvalidImageFileException)
errorMsg = "The image you're trying to save is not valid image file. Can't do that ;(\n" +
"You'll be transfered to the main page.";
errorTitle = "Image couldn't be saved ;-(";
catch (ImageDimensionsTooSmallException)
errorMsg = "Sorry you can't save that image.\nMinimal image dimension is 30 px width and 30 px height.";
errorTitle = "Image couldn't be saved ;-(";
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(errorTitle))
await ShowMessageAndNavigateToMainPage(errorMsg, errorTitle);
private void CancelEditingExecute()
[SetCurrentOperationUserFriendlyMessageAspect(UserFriendlyMessage = "Loading data is in progress.", IsCancellable = false)]
[StoreImageFileInRecentlyUsedListAspect(ApplyToStateMachine = true)]
public async Task LoadData(FolderImage folderImage)
string errorTitle = "";
string errorMsg = "";
await TryRunAsyncOperation(async () =>
CurrentFilters = _filterStorage.Filters;
FilteredImage = new FilteredImageFileModel(folderImage, CurrentFilters);
FilteredImageProvider = FilteredImage.GetFilteredImage();
await FilteredImageProvider.Load();
catch (FileNotFoundException)
errorTitle = "Can't load edit page chief ;-(";
errorMsg =
"The image you're trying to edit is no longer available - perhaps it was removed in the meantime. \n" +
"You'll be transfered to the main page.";
catch (InvalidImageFileException)
errorTitle = "Can't load edit page chief ;-(";
errorMsg = "The image you're trying to edit is not a valid image file.";
catch (ImageDimensionsTooSmallException)
errorMsg = "Sorry you can't edit this image.\nMinimal image dimension is 30 px width and 30 px height.";
errorTitle = "Can't load edit page chief ;-(";
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(errorTitle))
await ShowMessageAndNavigateToMainPage(errorMsg, errorTitle);
private async Task<bool> RefreshImageProvider()
string errorMsg = "";
string errorTitle = "";
await FilteredImageProvider.InvalidateImage();
CurrentFilters = new List<Filter>(_filterStorage.Filters);
catch (FileNotFoundException)
errorTitle = "Can't render image :(";
errorMsg =
"The image which you're editing is no longer available - perhaps it was removed in the meantime. \n" +
"You'll be transfered to the main page.";
catch (InvalidImageFileException)
errorTitle = "Can't render image :(";
errorMsg = "The image you're trying to edit is not a valid image file.";
catch (ImageDimensionsTooSmallException)
errorMsg = "Sorry you can't edit this image.\nMinimal image dimension is 30 px width and 30 px height.";
errorTitle = "Can't render image :(";
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(errorTitle))
await ShowMessageAndNavigateToMainPage(errorMsg, errorTitle);
return false;
return true;
private async Task ShowMessageAndNavigateToMainPage(string message, string title, bool preservePageInNavigationStack = false)
await ViewServices.MessageService.ShowMessage(title, message);
if (!preservePageInNavigationStack)
public IImageSourceProvider FilteredImageProvider { get; private set; }
public FilteredImageFileModel FilteredImage { get; private set; }
public IEnumerable<Filter> CurrentFilters { get; private set; }
public RelayCommand CropImageCommand { get; private set; }
public RelayCommand<double> RotateImageCommand { get; private set; }
public RelayCommand FlipHorizontalImageCommand { get; private set; }
public RelayCommand FlipVerticalImageCommand { get; private set; }
public RelayCommand ImageQuickFixCommand { get; private set; }
public QuickImageFixProperties QuickFix { get; private set; }
public Rect SelectedCroppingArea { get; set; }
public Rect ImageBounds { get; set; }
public bool IsFadeInAnimationEnabled { get; set; }
Most of the code is pretty straight-forward (at least for me) - except for ugly exception handling (I'd go for aspects there but with current postsharp async support it is not possible). Is there any universal solution for a "lot of commands" view models?