
I am working on a fifteen puzzle, and just got it working finally. My next step is to implement an Iterative Deepening search on the puzzle to solve it.

I assume you go column by column, row by row with a loop until the checkwin function is complete? I would really love any pointers or guidance that can be given. Does not have to be code.

(A* is included, as that is the next step of my project to implement IDA*)

Here is my Code:

#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>

enum EMove {    keUp = 'w',
                keDown = 's',
                keLeft = 'a',
                keRight = 'd'};

// Function declarations
void InitializeBoard(char[4][4]);
void PrintBoard(char[4][4]);
void LocateSpace(int&, int&, char[4][4]);
void Randomize(char[4][4]);
void Move(char[4][4], const EMove);
void InitializeTestBoard(char[4][4]);
char checkWin(char[4][4], char);

int main() {
    char fBoard[4][4];
    char mode;
    int boardStates;
    int depth;
    using namespace std;

    cout << "Would you like to do Test mode, Normal Mode, or Solve Mode? Type 't' or 'n' or 's'" << endl;
    cin >> mode;

    int counter = 0;
    char isComplete = ' ';

    if (mode == 't')  //Test Mode
        do {
            cout << endl << "w = Up, s = Down, a = Left, d = Right" << endl;
            cout << endl << "A = 10, B = 11, C = 12, D = 13, E = 14, F = 15" << endl;
            char cNextMove;
            cin >> cNextMove;
            EMove eNextMove = (EMove)cNextMove;
            Move(fBoard, eNextMove);
            cout << endl;
            checkWin(fBoard, isComplete);
        } while (isComplete == 'n');

            cout << "You Win!!" << endl;
            cout << "In " << counter << " moves"<< endl;
            cout << endl;
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    else if (mode == 'n')  //Normal Mode
        do {
            cout << endl << "w = Up, s = Down, a = Left, d = Right" << endl;
            cout << endl << "A = 10, B = 11, C = 12, D = 13, E = 14, F = 15" << endl;
            char cNextMove;
            cin >> cNextMove;
            EMove eNextMove = (EMove)cNextMove;
            Move(fBoard, eNextMove);
            cout << endl;
            checkWin(fBoard, isComplete);
        } while (isComplete == 'n');

            cout << "You Win!!" << endl;
            cout << "In " << counter << " moves" << endl;
            cout << endl;
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;

    else if (mode == 's')   //solve mode (Iterative Deepening Search)
        do {
            cout << endl << "Number of Board States: " << boardStates << endl;
            cout << endl << "Depth Level:"<< depth << endl;
            cout << endl;
            checkWin(fBoard, isComplete);
        } while (isComplete == 'n');

            cout << "Puzzle Has been solved" << endl;
            cout << "In " << boardStates << " Board States" << endl;
            cout << endl;
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;

void InitializeTestBoard(char fBoard[4][4]) {
    const char tInitial[4][4] = {
            {'1', '2', '3', '4'},
            {'5', '6', '7', '8'},
            {'9', 'A', 'B', 'C'},
            {'D', 'E', ' ', 'F'}
    for (int iRow = 0; iRow < 4; ++iRow) {
        for (int iCol = 0; iCol < 4; ++iCol) {
            fBoard[iRow][iCol] = tInitial[iRow][iCol];


void InitializeBoard(char fBoard[4][4]) {
    const char fInitial[4][4] = {
            {'1', '2', '3', '4'},
            {'5', '6', '7', '8'},
            {'9', 'A', 'B', 'C'},
            {'D', 'E', 'F', ' '}
    for (int iRow = 0; iRow < 4; ++iRow) {
        for (int iCol = 0; iCol < 4; ++iCol) {
            fBoard[iRow][iCol] = fInitial[iRow][iCol];


void PrintBoard(char fBoard[4][4]) {
    using namespace std;
    for (int iRow = 0; iRow < 4; ++iRow) {
        for (int iCol = 0; iCol < 4; ++iCol) {
            cout << fBoard[iRow][iCol];
        cout << endl;

void LocateSpace(int& irRow, int& irCol, char fBoard[4][4]) {
    for (int iRow = 0; iRow < 4; ++iRow) {
        for (int iCol = 0; iCol < 4; ++iCol) {
            if (fBoard[iRow][iCol] == ' ') {
                irRow = iRow;
                irCol = iCol;

void Randomize(char fBoard[4][4]) {
    using namespace std;
    srand((unsigned int)time(0));
    for (int iIndex = 0; iIndex < 1000000; ++iIndex) {
        const int kiNextMove = (rand() % 4);
        switch (kiNextMove) {
            case 0:
                    Move(fBoard, keUp);
            case 1:
                    Move(fBoard, keDown);
            case 2:
                    Move(fBoard, keLeft);
            case 3:
                    Move(fBoard, keRight);

void Move(char fBoard[4][4], const EMove keMove) {
    int iRowSpace;
    int iColSpace;
    LocateSpace(iRowSpace, iColSpace, fBoard);
    int iRowMove(iRowSpace);
    int iColMove(iColSpace);
    switch (keMove) {
        case keUp:
                iRowMove = iRowSpace + 1;
        case keDown:
                iRowMove = iRowSpace - 1;
        case keLeft:
                iColMove = iColSpace + 1;
        case keRight:
                iColMove = iColSpace - 1;
    // Make sure that the square to be moved is in bounds
    if (iRowMove >= 0 && iRowMove < 4 && iColMove >= 0 && iColMove < 4) {
        fBoard[iRowSpace][iColSpace]    = fBoard[iRowMove][iColMove];
        fBoard[iRowMove][iColMove]  = ' ';

char checkWin(char fBoard[4][4], char isComplete) 
        const char fInitial[4][4] = {
            {'1', '2', '3', '4'},
            {'5', '6', '7', '8'},
            {'9', 'A', 'B', 'C'},
            {'D', 'E', 'F', ' '}

        for (int i= 0; i < 5; i++)
        if (fBoard[1][i] == fInitial[1][i] || fBoard[1][i] == fInitial[1][i] || fBoard[1][i] == fInitial[1][i] || fBoard[1][i] == fInitial[1][i])
        isComplete = 'y';
        isComplete = 'n';

        if (fBoard[2][i] == fInitial[2][i] || fBoard[2][i] == fInitial[2][i] || fBoard[2][i] == fInitial[2][i] || fBoard[2][i] == fInitial[2][i])
        isComplete = 'y';
        isComplete = 'n';

        if (fBoard[3][i] == fInitial[3][i] || fBoard[3][i] == fInitial[3][i] || fBoard[3][i] == fInitial[3][i] || fBoard[3][i] == fInitial[3][i])
        isComplete = 'y';
        isComplete = 'n';

        if (fBoard[4][i] == fInitial[4][i] || fBoard[4][i] == fInitial[4][i] || fBoard[4][i] == fInitial[4][i] || fBoard[4][i] == fInitial[4][i])
        isComplete = 'y';
        isComplete = 'n';

        return isComplete;

Any help you can give would be awesome!

  • \$\begingroup\$ Can you factorize a bit the code duplicated for Test Mode and Normal Mode ? \$\endgroup\$
    – SylvainD
    Commented Jan 9, 2012 at 14:24

1 Answer 1


I see that your using system("PAUSE") it works all fine and dandy but behind the scenes it creates some extra overhead that could be avoided using standard c++ calls

read this article for more info on it...


anyway if you replace it with cin.get(); it has the same effect... it's just a matter of pressing enter to continue also if you wanted to port this application to unix or mac os x, the system pause wouldn't work: you would get one of those "this command is not recognizable" messages. so... in conclusion, changing the system('PAUSE')'s to cin.get();'s is the way to go

also the codes readability might benefit if you put the function implementations in a separate file

hope this helped

  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ IMO it doesn't matter that there will be a pause (overhead) when performing system("pause"). \$\endgroup\$
    – Abyx
    Commented Nov 29, 2011 at 11:04
  • \$\begingroup\$ Why would anybody advocate using a system call if its only to pause a program? (The answer isn't exactly related to the questions asked but still...). \$\endgroup\$
    – JayC
    Commented Feb 9, 2012 at 4:50

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