Given a binary tree, return the next right node. This question is attributed to GeeksForGeeks.
For example, consider the following Binary Tree. Output for 2 is 6, output for 4 is 5. Output for 10, 6 and 5 is NULL.
/ \
2 6
/ \ \
8 4 5
Looking for code-review, optimizations and best practices.
class TreeNodeRightMost {
TreeNodeRightMost left;
int item;
TreeNodeRightMost right;
TreeNodeRightMost(TreeNodeRightMost left, int item, TreeNodeRightMost right) {
this.left = left;
this.item = item;
this.right = right;
class BinaryTree {
private TreeNodeRightMost root;
public BinaryTree(List<Integer> items) {
private void create (List<Integer> items) {
root = new TreeNodeRightMost(null, items.get(0), null);
final Queue<TreeNodeRightMost> queue = new LinkedList<TreeNodeRightMost>();
final int half = items.size() / 2;
for (int i = 0; i < half; i++) {
if (items.get(i) != null) {
final TreeNodeRightMost current = queue.poll();
final int left = 2 * i + 1;
final int right = 2 * i + 2;
if (items.get(left) != null) {
current.left = new TreeNodeRightMost(null, items.get(left), null);
if (right < items.size() && items.get(right) != null) {
current.right = new TreeNodeRightMost(null, items.get(right), null);
public TreeNodeRightMost getRoot() {
return root;
public final class FindRightMost {
private FindRightMost() {}
* If two nodes with the same values are present then the node with least depth on the left most side
* is considered.
public static Integer findRight (BinaryTree tree, int val) {
final TreeNodeRightMost root = tree.getRoot();
if (root == null) throw new IllegalStateException(" empty tree is not permitted");
Queue<TreeNodeRightMost> queue = new LinkedList<>();
Queue<TreeNodeRightMost> queueNext = new LinkedList<>();
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
TreeNodeRightMost node = queue.poll();
if (node.item == val) {
if (queue.size() > 0) {
return queue.poll().item;
} else {
return null;
if (node.left != null) queueNext.add(node.left);
if (node.right != null) queueNext.add(node.right);
if (queue.isEmpty()) {
queue = queueNext;
queueNext = new LinkedList<>();
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Dude !! your input was not present in the tree");
public class FindRightMostTest {
public void test1() {
* Simple tree with just 1 node
BinaryTree btree1 = new BinaryTree(Arrays.asList(1));
assertNull(FindRightMost.findRight(btree1, 1));
public void test2() {
* 10
* / \
* 5 18
* / \ / \
* 4 6 17 19
BinaryTree btree2 = new BinaryTree(Arrays.asList(10, 5, 18, 4, 6, 17, 19));
assertEquals(18, (int)FindRightMost.findRight(btree2, 5));
assertNull(FindRightMost.findRight(btree2, 18));
assertEquals(6, (int)FindRightMost.findRight(btree2, 4));
assertEquals(17, (int)FindRightMost.findRight(btree2, 6));
assertEquals(19, (int)FindRightMost.findRight(btree2,17));
assertNull(FindRightMost.findRight(btree2, 19));
public void test3() {
* 1
* / \
* null 2
* / \ / \
* null null null 3
BinaryTree btree3 = new BinaryTree(Arrays.asList(1, null, 2, null, null, null, 3));
assertNull(FindRightMost.findRight(btree3, 1));
assertNull(FindRightMost.findRight(btree3, 2));
assertNull(FindRightMost.findRight(btree3, 3));
public void test4() {
* 4
* / \
* 2 null
* / \ / \
* 1 null null null
BinaryTree btree4 = new BinaryTree(Arrays.asList(4, 2, null, 1, null));
assertNull(FindRightMost.findRight(btree4, 2));
assertNull(FindRightMost.findRight(btree4, 1));
public void test5() {
* 1
* 2 3
* 4 null null 7
BinaryTree btree5 = new BinaryTree(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, null, null, 7));
assertNull(FindRightMost.findRight(btree5, 1));
assertEquals(3, (int)FindRightMost.findRight(btree5, 2));
assertNull(FindRightMost.findRight(btree5, 3));
assertEquals(7, (int)FindRightMost.findRight(btree5, 4));
assertNull(FindRightMost.findRight(btree5, 7));