I wrote this class to perform simple template-set operations on boost::unordered_set
. These operations are part of a larger code base. Calling them will be explicit with SetUtilities::set_intersection(setA, setB)
The main reason I wanted this was to optimize intersection operations (using constant time find in the larger set). After taking to heart the comments from here, I edited the class and provided the rest of the methods.
For now I want to use Boost instead of C++11. I can always do this in the future.
#include <boost/unordered_set.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
class SetUtilities{
//!set OPERATION intersection for boost::unordered_set
template<typename Type>
static boost::unordered_set<Type>
set_intersection(const boost::unordered_set<Type> &setA,
const boost::unordered_set<Type> &setB)
//iterate the smaller set O(n)
if(setA.size() <= setB.size()){
boost::unordered_set<Type> intersectionSet;
BOOST_FOREACH(const Type &element, setA){
//find element in O(1)
return intersectionSet;
return set_intersection(setB,setA);
//!set OPERATION union for boost::unordered_set
template<typename Type>
static boost::unordered_set<Type>
set_union(const boost::unordered_set<Type> &setA,
const boost::unordered_set<Type> &setB)
if(setA.size() <= setB.size()){
boost::unordered_set<Type> unionSet = setB;
//iterate the smaller set O(n)
BOOST_FOREACH(const Type &element, setA){
return unionSet;
return set_union(setB,setA);
//!set OPERATION difference A - B
template<typename Type>
static bool
set_difference(const boost::unordered_set<Type> &setA,
const boost::unordered_set<Type> &setB)
boost::unordered_set<Type> differenceSet;
//is size are not equal, sets are not equal
BOOST_FOREACH(const Type &element,setA){
if(set_hasElement(setB,element) == false){
return differenceSet;
//!set UTILITY funciton to determine if a set contains an element
template<typename Type>
static bool
set_hasElement(const boost::unordered_set<Type> &mySet,
Type element)
return mySet.find(element) != mySet.end();
//!set equality test for boost::unordered_set
template<typename Type>
static bool
are_equal(const boost::unordered_set<Type> &setA,
const boost::unordered_set<Type> &setB)
//is size are not equal, sets are not equal
if(setA.size() != setB.size()){
return false;
BOOST_FOREACH(const Type &element, setA){
return false;
return true;
I believe that this version is very readable and explicit. I think that adding typedef
s with stuff like this in a single class would create more confusion. Let me know what you think.