
I wrote this class to perform simple template-set operations on boost::unordered_set. These operations are part of a larger code base. Calling them will be explicit with SetUtilities::set_intersection(setA, setB).

The main reason I wanted this was to optimize intersection operations (using constant time find in the larger set). After taking to heart the comments from here, I edited the class and provided the rest of the methods.

For now I want to use Boost instead of C++11. I can always do this in the future.


#include <boost/unordered_set.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>

class SetUtilities{


    //!set OPERATION intersection for boost::unordered_set
    template<typename Type>
    static boost::unordered_set<Type>
        set_intersection(const boost::unordered_set<Type> &setA,
                         const boost::unordered_set<Type> &setB)
        //iterate the smaller set O(n)
        if(setA.size() <= setB.size()){
            boost::unordered_set<Type> intersectionSet;
            BOOST_FOREACH(const Type &element, setA){
                //find element in O(1)
            return intersectionSet;
            return set_intersection(setB,setA);

    //!set OPERATION union for boost::unordered_set
    template<typename Type>
    static boost::unordered_set<Type> 
        set_union(const boost::unordered_set<Type> &setA,
                  const boost::unordered_set<Type> &setB)
        if(setA.size() <= setB.size()){
            boost::unordered_set<Type> unionSet = setB;
            //iterate the smaller set O(n)
            BOOST_FOREACH(const Type &element, setA){
            return unionSet;
            return set_union(setB,setA);

    //!set OPERATION difference A - B
    template<typename Type>
    static bool
        set_difference(const boost::unordered_set<Type> &setA,
                       const boost::unordered_set<Type> &setB)
        boost::unordered_set<Type> differenceSet;
        //is size are not equal, sets are not equal
        BOOST_FOREACH(const Type &element,setA){
            if(set_hasElement(setB,element) == false){
        return differenceSet;

    //!set UTILITY funciton to determine if a set contains an element
    template<typename Type>
    static bool
        set_hasElement(const boost::unordered_set<Type> &mySet, 
                       Type element)
        return mySet.find(element) != mySet.end();

    //!set equality test for boost::unordered_set
    template<typename Type>
    static bool 
        are_equal(const boost::unordered_set<Type> &setA,
                  const boost::unordered_set<Type> &setB)
        //is size are not equal, sets are not equal
        if(setA.size() != setB.size()){
            return false;
            BOOST_FOREACH(const Type &element, setA){
                    return false;
            return true;

I believe that this version is very readable and explicit. I think that adding typedefs with stuff like this in a single class would create more confusion. Let me know what you think.


1 Answer 1


Fix compiler errors

Your set_difference function does not compile. You have declared it returning bool, but then return differenceSet; in the function body. This is a type mismatch: your function should return a boost::unordered_set.

Reinventing the wheel

boost::unordered_set already supports operator== for equality comparison. You don't need to implement it yourself -- your are_equal() function is unnecessary.

Additionally, your set_union can be simplified. You can replace your foreach-loop:

BOOST_FOREACH(const Type &element, setA){

with using the two-iterator overload of insert():

unionSet.insert(setA.begin(), setA.end());

This should be no less efficient than what you have already written, and is slightly more readable.

Remove irrelevant comments

set_difference() contains this comment: //is size are not equal, sets are not equal. This has no relevance to what the function actually does. This, combined with the type error listed above, leads me to believe that this is a copy-paste error. When you do that, make sure things like this don't slip through.

Boolean comparison

You don't need to explicitly compare Boolean conditions against false:

if(set_hasElement(setB,element) == false)

Can be more succinctly stated:



This is a minor nitpick, but set_hasElement combines underscore_separated and CamelCase capitalization conventions. I would rename it to set_contains() for name consistency with the rest of your functions.


Creating a class with only public static functions is very Java-esque. C++ allows namespaces, which are a way of organizing functions and classes. Your set functions might be better as free functions placed in a namespace SetUtilities instead of a class.

  • \$\begingroup\$ Good point about the last thing. With no data members, and especially everything public, a class is not needed (not even a struct). \$\endgroup\$
    – Jamal
    Commented Jul 16, 2014 at 16:57
  • \$\begingroup\$ Good points. I just wrote this today to address comments in the other questions and it lead to errors with difference which I didn't really need. It should return a set not a bool. I put it as == false to be more explicit and appease the readability nazi's. I like ! better as well. Good point about namespace. I wanted a static class like java but namespace is a better fit. \$\endgroup\$
    – pbible
    Commented Jul 16, 2014 at 17:55

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