I really enjoy Haskell but feel I still have a total beginner's style, and would like to move beyond that. The code below - for Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm - is a case in point. I feel as though I have ended up with a copy of the imperative pseudo code I began with, having done some small transformations, but not the sort of big ones an expert would come up with. (Perhaps it was the very fact that I had pseudo code to start with that got me into this mess - without it would I have pursued a generate and prune strategy?)
But the big decision I needed was how to store the 3 elements of state
- The results
- The Dijkstra scores of the points not yet turned into results; and
- The set of points already found (i.e. the keys of the results)
In the end I used a Vector to Dijkstra scores, and have been passing around my state variables, whereas they could probably have been put into the background with a Monad. I know that having Vector manipulations in two places is not smart (I could probably have reduced that 1 by passing the deletion request into recalc...
I'd welcome any constructive comments, on how an expert would approach the state challenge.
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.List as L
type NodeName = Int
type Dist = Int
type Edge = (NodeName, Dist)
type Edges = [Edge]
type Graph = V.Vector Edges
type Explored = [NodeName] -- IntSet?
type Results = [(NodeName, Dist)] -- need to add to randomly
type DijkstraScores = V.Vector (Maybe Dist)
-- take top from DijkList
-- add to results
-- get update DijkList
mainLoop :: Graph -> Explored -> DijkstraScores -> Results -> Results
mainLoop gr exs ds res =
minIdx = V.minIndexBy maybeOrder ds
Just minVal = ds V.! minIdx
res' = (minIdx,minVal) : res
exs' = minIdx : exs
newDists = filter (not . (`elem` exs') . fst) $ gr V.! minIdx
newDs = recalcDijkDist newDists minVal $ ds V.// [(minIdx,Nothing)] -- remove this value
in case V.all (==Nothing) newDs of
True -> res
False -> mainLoop gr exs' newDs res'
-- run over new Dists
-- change if lower
-- leave if higher
-- add if no existing data
-- recombine with all other data
recalcDijkDist :: Edges -> Dist -> DijkstraScores -> DijkstraScores
recalcDijkDist newDists distOfNewPoint ds =
comps = map process newDists
process :: Edge -> (Int, Maybe Int)
process (x,y) =
case ds V.! x of
Just z -> (x, Just $ min (y + distOfNewPoint) z)
Nothing -> (x, Just $ y + distOfNewPoint)
in ds V.// comps
getEdges :: String -> IO Graph
getEdges path = do
-- init removes a trailing '\r'
lines <- (map (init . (BS.split '\t')) . BS.lines) `fmap` BS.readFile path
let gr = V.fromList $ ([] :) $ map processLine lines
return gr
processLine :: [BS.ByteString] -> Edges
processLine (n:connections) = map splitter connections
myread = maybe (error "can't read Int") fst . BS.readInt
splitter c = let
(x,y) = (\(xx,yy) -> (xx, BS.tail yy)) $ BS.break (==',') c
in (myread x, myread y)
main = do
gr <- getEdges "dijkstra.txt"
--mloop = mainLoop gr [] (initDijkstra $ gr V.! 1) []
mloop = mainLoop gr [] (recalcDijkDist (gr V.! 1) 0 $ V.replicate 201 Nothing) []
anstoFind = [7,37,59,82,99,115,133,165,188,197]
-- maybe :: b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
answers = map (\x -> snd $ maybe (error "not found") id $ L.find ((==x).fst) mloop) anstoFind
return answers
--return gr
-- Nothing is interpreted as 0 otherwise
maybeOrder :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Ordering
maybeOrder Nothing x = GT
maybeOrder x Nothing = LT
maybeOrder (Just x) (Just y) = compare x y