After some free ASCII flowchart drawer started charging money, I decided to write my own. Salient features are that you can draw a box (mouse down, mouse move, mouse up), then ctrlB will draw a box. Copy/Paste, Undo, Redo, click anywhere and type are all working features. I pasted the main code here, and it relies on two other minor files to provide a cursor and box object, but this code should still be very reviewable.
I did run the code through JSHint and made a judgement call on the few remaining ickies. This is my first project with canvas that's not just a prototype, so any insights there are welcome. Finally, this will become a Chrome extension, so I only care about this working on Chrome. Except when I don't of course (which
/* Unidraw, because we can*/
(function IIFE(){
"use strict";
var canvas,
var model = (function()
var cells = [],
tabSize = 4;
var cursor = new Cursor();
function write( x, y, s )
//Make sure that we have an array for y
//Always assume overwrite mode
var originalX = x;
cells[y] = cells[y] || [];
for( var i = 0; i < s.length ; i++)
var c = s[i];
if( c.charCodeAt(0) > 31 )
cells[y][x++] = s[i];
else if ( c == "\n" )
cells[y] = cells[y] || [];
x = originalX;
else if ( c == '\t' )
x += tabSize;
return new Cursor( x, y );
function setCell( cursor , c )
return write( cursor.x , cursor.y , c );
function getCell( cursor )
return cells[cursor.y] ? cells[cursor.y][cursor.x] || " " : " ";
function stringify()
var s = '', x, y;
for( y = 0 ; y < cells.length ; y++ )
if( cells[y] )
for( x = 0 ; x < cells[y].length ; x++ )
s = s + ( cells[y][x] || " " );
s = s + '\n';
return s?s:" ";
function backspace()
{ //Move everything one character to the left of the cursor
if( cells[ model.cursor.y ] )
cells[ model.cursor.y ].splice( model.cursor.x-1 , 1 );
function addVersion( key )
{ //Called internally. add a version to a version array (found with `key`)
var json = localStorage[key];
var versions = json ? JSON.parse( json ) : [];
versions.push( stringify() );
localStorage[key] = JSON.stringify( versions );
function getVersion( key )
{ //Called internally, get a version (and remove it) from a version array
var json = localStorage[key];
var versions = json ? JSON.parse( json ) : [];
var version = versions.pop();
localStorage[key] = JSON.stringify( versions );
return version;
function storeVersion()
{ //Called from controller, removes all redo versions
addVersion( 'undo' , stringify() );
localStorage.removeItem( 'redo' );
function restoreVersion()
{ //Called from controller, adds a redo version
var version = getVersion( 'undo' );
addVersion( 'redo' );
cells = [];
write( 0 , 0 , version );
function redo()
{ //Called from controller, puts version back on to undo
var version = getVersion( 'redo' );
addVersion( 'undo' );
cells = [];
write( 0 , 0 , version );
function isLineCharacter( cursor, dx , dy , returnValue )
cursor = { x: cursor.x + dx , y: cursor.y + dy };
return ~'╔═╦╗║╠╬╣╚╩╝><'.indexOf( getCell( cursor ) ) ? returnValue : 0;
return {
write: write,
stringify: stringify,
setCell: setCell,
getCell: getCell,
cursor: cursor,
backspace: backspace,
storeVersion: storeVersion,
restoreVersion: restoreVersion,
redo: redo,
isLineCharacter: isLineCharacter
var ui = (function()
var fontSize = 15,
breatheDuration = 5 * 1000, //5 seconds
lightGrey = 211,
black = 0,
greyRange = lightGrey - black,
p = 20, //Padding..
magicalMultiplier = 0.8, //Dont ask
w, //Width
h, //Height
fh, //fontHeight
fw, //fontWidth
vo, //Vertical offset for writing
ho, //Horizontal offset for writing
function breathe()
{ //Set the `caret` in a grey shade that follows a breathing cycle
var rightNow = new Date(),
position = rightNow % breatheDuration,
radians = position / breatheDuration * Math.PI,
sine = Math.sin( radians ),
shade = Math.floor( lightGrey - greyRange/2 + sine * greyRange / 2 ),
cx = model.cursor.x,
cy = model.cursor.y;
context.strokeStyle = 'rgb(' + shade + ',' + shade + ',' + shade + ')';
context.lineWidth = 0.5;
context.moveTo(cx*fw + p, cy*fh + p);
context.lineTo(cx*fw + p + fw, cy*fh + p);
context.lineTo(cx*fw + p + fw, cy*fh + p + fh);
context.lineTo(cx*fw + p , cy*fh + p + fh);
context.lineTo(cx*fw + p, cy*fh + p);
function drawBox()
context.strokeStyle = 'black';
context.lineWidth = 0.5;
context.moveTo(box.from.x *fw + p, box.from.y *fh + p); //Top left
context.lineTo(( *fw + p, box.from.y *fh + p); //Top Right
context.lineTo(( *fw + p, ( *fh + p); //Bottom Right
context.lineTo(box.from.x *fw + p, ( *fh + p); //Bottom Left
context.lineTo(box.from.x *fw + p, box.from.y *fh + p); //Top Left
function setBox( cell1 , cell2 )
box = new Box( cell1 , cell2 );
function clearBox()
box = undefined;
function getBox()
return box;
function adapt()
{ //Adapt the UI to the current size of the body
//Clearly, the UI maintains it's own model
w = canvas.width = document.body.clientWidth;
h = canvas.height = window.innerHeight; = 'hidden';
context.font = fontSize + (~navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mac') ? "px Consolas" : "px Monospace"); //EVIL Mac Fix
metrics = context.measureText('A');
fh = fontSize+1;
fw = metrics.width;
vo = p+fh*magicalMultiplier;
ho = p;
function drawGrid()
context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
for (var x = 0; x < w; x += fw)
context.moveTo(x + p, 0 + p);
context.lineTo(x + p, h );
for (var y = 0; y < h; y += fh)
context.moveTo(0 + p, y + p);
context.lineTo(w , y + p);
context.lineWidth = 0.1;
context.strokeStyle = "lightgrey";
context.strokeStyle = "black";
context.fillStyle = "black";
var string = model.stringify();
if( string ){
var strings = string.split("\n");
for( var row = 0 ; row < strings.length ; row++ )
for( var col = 0 ; col < strings[row].length ; col++ )
context.fillText( strings[row][col] , ho + fw * col , vo + fh * row );
if( box )
drawBox( box.from , );
function translate( cursor )
{ //Translate screen coordinates to cell coordinates
var x = Math.floor((cursor.x - p ) / fw ),
y = Math.floor((cursor.y - p ) / fh );
//Cheat on boundaries
x = x < 0 ? 0 : x;
y = y < 0 ? 0 : y;
//Return a new cell cursor object
return new Cursor(x,y);
return {
breathe : breathe,
drawGrid : drawGrid,
adapt: adapt,
translate: translate,
setBox: setBox,
clearBox: clearBox,
getBox: getBox
var controller = (function()
var BACKSPACE = 8,
TAB = 9,
ARROW_UP = 38,
DELETE = 46,
KEY_B = 66,
KEY_C = 67,
KEY_Y = 89,
KEY_Z = 90;
var startingCell,
function normalizeEvent(e)
{ //Normalize which for key events, inspiration:SO
if ( e.which === null && (e.charCode !== null || e.keyCode !== null) ) {
e.which = e.charCode !== null ? e.charCode : e.keyCode;
function onContentLoaded()
{ //Could have been called onInit
//Set the 3 globals
canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
context = canvas.getContext ("2d");
clipboard = document.getElementById('clipboard');
//Occupy full body & draw the initial UI
//Set up listeners
window.addEventListener( "resize", ui.adapt );
canvas.addEventListener( "mouseover", onMouseOver );
canvas.addEventListener( "mousemove", onMouseOver );
canvas.addEventListener( "mousedown", onMouseDown );
canvas.addEventListener( "mouseup", onMouseUp );
canvas.addEventListener( "click", onClick );
document.addEventListener( "keypress", onKeyPress );
document.addEventListener( "keydown", onKeyDown );
document.addEventListener( "paste", onPaste );
//Make the cursor breathe
setInterval( ui.breathe , 1000/12 ); // 12 frames per second
function onPaste(e)
{ //Determine where to paste, paste, determine & set new cursor location, redraw everything
var cursor = model.cursor;
model.cursor = model.write( cursor.x , cursor.y , e.clipboardData.getData('text/plain') );
function onMouseDown(e)
//Remember where we start
startingCell = ui.translate( e );
//Clear any old boxes
//Force the UI in onMouseOver to draw the new cursor without a mouse up
currentCell = { x : -1 , y : -1 };
function onMouseUp()
ui.setBox( startingCell , currentCell );
currentCell = startingCell = undefined;
function onMouseOver(e)
{ //Are we dragging?, which cell are we on, update if we are in a different cell, and draw
var cell = ui.translate( e );
if( cell.x != currentCell.x || cell.y != currentCell.y )
currentCell = cell;
model.cursor = cell;
ui.setBox( startingCell , currentCell );
function onClick(e)
{ //Move the cursor to where the user clicked
model.cursor = ui.translate( e );
function onKeyPress(e)
{ //console.log( e , String.fromCharCode( e.charCode || 32 ) );
if( e.ctrlKey )
model.setCell( model.cursor, String.fromCharCode( e.charCode || 32 ) );
function onKeyDown(e)
{ //console.log( e , String.fromCharCode( e.charCode || 32 ) );
var box = ui.getBox();
if( e.which == BACKSPACE )
else if( e.which == TAB )
model.cursor = model.setCell( model.cursor , '\t' );
else if( e.which == ARROW_LEFT ){
else if( e.which == ARROW_RIGHT ){
else if( e.which == ARROW_UP ){
else if( e.which == ARROW_DOWN ){
else if( e.keyIdentifier == 'Home' && e.ctrlKey ){
model.cursor = new Cursor( 0, 0 );
else if( e.keyIdentifier == 'Home' )
{ //Move to complete left unless already there, in that case go top left
model.cursor.x ? model.cursor.x = 0 : model.cursor.y = 0;
else if( e.which == KEY_C && e.ctrlKey )
{ //Copy a box or a whole character
if( box )
var lines = [];
box.eachRow( function(y){ lines[ y - box.from.y ] = ''; } );
box.each( function(cursor){ lines[ cursor.y - box.from.y ] += model.getCell(cursor); } );
var line = lines.join("\n");
clipboard.value = line;
clipboard.value = model.getCell( ui.getCursor() ) || " ";
else if( e.which == KEY_B && e.ctrlKey )
/* Styles:
╔═╦═╗ ⇓
║ ║ ║ ☺☺
╚═╩═╝ */
var onLeft = 1; //Bitflag 1
var onRight = 2; //Bitflag 2
var onTop = 4; //Bitflag 3
var onBottom = 8; //Bitflag 4
var lineRules = {};
lineRules[onLeft+onRight] = '═';
lineRules[onTop+onBottom] = '║';
lineRules[onTop+onLeft] = '╝';
lineRules[onTop+onRight] = '╚';
lineRules[onBottom+onLeft] = '╗';
lineRules[onBottom+onRight] = '╔';
lineRules[onLeft+onRight+onTop+onBottom] = '╬';
lineRules[onLeft+onRight+onTop] = '╩';
lineRules[onLeft+onRight+onBottom] = '╦';
lineRules[onTop+onBottom+onLeft] = '╣';
lineRules[onTop+onBottom+onRight] = '╠';
if( box )
//Show intent
box.eachRow( function(y){ model.write( box.from.x, y, '║' ); model.write(, y , '║' ); } );
box.eachColumn( function(x){ model.write( x, box.from.y, '═' ); model.write( x, , '═' ); } );
//Line up
box.each( function lineUp( cursor )
if( !model.isLineCharacter( cursor , 0 , 0 , true ) )
var neighbourBitFlag =
model.isLineCharacter( cursor , -1 , +0 , onLeft ) +
model.isLineCharacter( cursor , +1 , +0 , onRight ) +
model.isLineCharacter( cursor , +0 , +1 , onBottom ) +
model.isLineCharacter( cursor , +0 , -1 , onTop );
if( lineRules[neighbourBitFlag] )
model.setCell( cursor , lineRules[neighbourBitFlag] );
else if ( e.which == DELETE )
if( box ){
box.each( function(cursor){ model.setCell( cursor, " " ); } );
else if ( e.which == KEY_Z && e.ctrlKey )
{ //Undo
else if ( e.which == KEY_Y && e.ctrlKey )
{ //Undo
//Clear the selection box after a key press (Control does not count)
if( e.keyIdentifier != "Control" && box )
//Draw the grid in all cases
return {
onContentLoaded: onContentLoaded,
document.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", controller.onContentLoaded, false );
A plunker can be found here.
! \$\endgroup\$don't ask
;) The ascii symbols were off, and the magical constant fixes it. Even with different font sizes, not sure why that is possible. \$\endgroup\$