I am learning about HPC and code optimization. I attempt to replicate the results in Goto's seminal matrix multiplication paper. Despite my best efforts, I cannot get over ~50% maximum theoretical CPU performance.
See related issues here, including info about my hardware.
What I have attempted
This related paper has a good description of Goto's algorithmic structure. I provide my source code below.
My question
I am asking for general help. I have been working on this for far too long, have tried many different algorithms, inline assembly, inner kernels of various sizes (2x2, 4x4, 2x8, ..., mxn with m and n large), yet I cannot seem to break 50% CPU GFLOPS. This is purely for education purposes and not a homework.
Compile Options
On 32 bit GCC:
gcc -std=c99 -O3 -msse3 -ffast-math -march=nocona -mtune=nocona -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer -masm=intel
Source Code
I set up the macro structure (for
loops) as described in the 2nd paper above. I pack the matrices as discussed in either paper. My inner kernel computes 2x8 blocks, as this seems to be the optimal computation for Nehalem architecture (see GotoBLAS source code - kernels). The inner kernel is based on the concept of calculating rank-1 updates as described here.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <x86intrin.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <omp.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// define some prefetch functions
#define PREFETCHNTA(addr,nrOfBytesAhead) \
_mm_prefetch(((char *)(addr))+nrOfBytesAhead,_MM_HINT_NTA)
#define PREFETCHT0(addr,nrOfBytesAhead) \
_mm_prefetch(((char *)(addr))+nrOfBytesAhead,_MM_HINT_T0)
#define PREFETCHT1(addr,nrOfBytesAhead) \
_mm_prefetch(((char *)(addr))+nrOfBytesAhead,_MM_HINT_T1)
#define PREFETCHT2(addr,nrOfBytesAhead) \
_mm_prefetch(((char *)(addr))+nrOfBytesAhead,_MM_HINT_T2)
// define a min function
#ifndef min
#define min( a, b ) ( ((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b) )
// zero a matrix
void zeromat(double *C, int n)
int i = n;
while (i--) {
int j = n;
while (j--) {
*(C + i*n + j) = 0.0;
// compute a 2x8 block from (2 x kc) x (kc x 8) matrices
inline void
__attribute__ ((gnu_inline))
__attribute__ ((aligned(64))) dgemm_2x8_sse(
int k,
const double* restrict a1, const int cs_a,
const double* restrict b1, const int rs_b,
double* restrict c11, const int rs_c
register __m128d xmm1, xmm4, //
r8, r9, r10, r11, r12, r13, r14, r15; // accumulators
// 10 registers declared here
r8 = _mm_xor_pd(r8,r8); // ab
r9 = _mm_xor_pd(r9,r9);
r10 = _mm_xor_pd(r10,r10);
r11 = _mm_xor_pd(r11,r11);
r12 = _mm_xor_pd(r12,r12); // ab + 8
r13 = _mm_xor_pd(r13,r13);
r14 = _mm_xor_pd(r14,r14);
r15 = _mm_xor_pd(r15,r15);
// PREFETCHT2(b1,0);
// PREFETCHT2(b1,64);
//int l = k;
while (k--) {
//PREFETCHT0(a1,0); // fetch 64 bytes from a1
// i = 0
xmm1 = _mm_load1_pd(a1);
xmm4 = _mm_load_pd(b1);
xmm4 = _mm_mul_pd(xmm1,xmm4);
r8 = _mm_add_pd(r8,xmm4);
xmm4 = _mm_load_pd(b1 + 2);
xmm4 = _mm_mul_pd(xmm1,xmm4);
r9 = _mm_add_pd(r9,xmm4);
xmm4 = _mm_load_pd(b1 + 4);
xmm4 = _mm_mul_pd(xmm1,xmm4);
r10 = _mm_add_pd(r10,xmm4);
xmm4 = _mm_load_pd(b1 + 6);
xmm4 = _mm_mul_pd(xmm1,xmm4);
r11 = _mm_add_pd(r11,xmm4);
// i = 1
xmm1 = _mm_load1_pd(a1 + 1);
xmm4 = _mm_load_pd(b1);
xmm4 = _mm_mul_pd(xmm1,xmm4);
r12 = _mm_add_pd(r12,xmm4);
xmm4 = _mm_load_pd(b1 + 2);
xmm4 = _mm_mul_pd(xmm1,xmm4);
r13 = _mm_add_pd(r13,xmm4);
xmm4 = _mm_load_pd(b1 + 4);
xmm4 = _mm_mul_pd(xmm1,xmm4);
r14 = _mm_add_pd(r14,xmm4);
xmm4 = _mm_load_pd(b1 + 6);
xmm4 = _mm_mul_pd(xmm1,xmm4);
r15 = _mm_add_pd(r15,xmm4);
a1 += cs_a;
b1 += rs_b;
// copy result into C
xmm1 = _mm_load_pd(c11);
xmm1 = _mm_add_pd(xmm1,r8);
xmm1 = _mm_load_pd(c11 + 2);
xmm1 = _mm_add_pd(xmm1,r9);
_mm_store_pd(c11 + 2,xmm1);
xmm1 = _mm_load_pd(c11 + 4);
xmm1 = _mm_add_pd(xmm1,r10);
_mm_store_pd(c11 + 4,xmm1);
xmm1 = _mm_load_pd(c11 + 6);
xmm1 = _mm_add_pd(xmm1,r11);
_mm_store_pd(c11 + 6,xmm1);
c11 += rs_c;
xmm1 = _mm_load_pd(c11);
xmm1 = _mm_add_pd(xmm1,r12);
xmm1 = _mm_load_pd(c11 + 2);
xmm1 = _mm_add_pd(xmm1,r13);
_mm_store_pd(c11 + 2,xmm1);
xmm1 = _mm_load_pd(c11 + 4);
xmm1 = _mm_add_pd(xmm1,r14);
_mm_store_pd(c11 + 4,xmm1);
xmm1 = _mm_load_pd(c11 + 6);
xmm1 = _mm_add_pd(xmm1,r15);
_mm_store_pd(c11 + 6,xmm1);
// packs a matrix into rows of slivers
inline void
__attribute__ ((gnu_inline))
__attribute__ ((aligned(64))) rpack( double* restrict dst,
const double* restrict src,
const int kc, const int mc, const int mr, const int n)
double tmp[mc*kc] __attribute__ ((aligned(64)));
double* restrict ptr = &tmp[0];
for (int i = 0; i < mc; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < kc; ++j)
*ptr++ = *(src + i*n + j);
ptr = &tmp[0];
//const int inc_dst = mr*kc;
for (int k = 0; k < mc; k+=mr)
for (int j = 0; j < kc; ++j)
for (int i = 0; i < mr*kc; i+=kc)
*dst++ = *(ptr + k*kc + j + i);
// packs a matrix into columns of slivers
inline void
__attribute__ ((gnu_inline))
__attribute__ ((aligned(64))) cpack(double* restrict dst,
const double* restrict src,
const int nc,
const int kc,
const int nr,
const int n)
double tmp[kc*nc] __attribute__ ((aligned(64)));
double* restrict ptr = &tmp[0];
for (int i = 0; i < kc; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < nc; ++j)
*ptr++ = *(src + i*n + j);
ptr = &tmp[0];
// const int inc_k = nc/nr;
for (int k = 0; k < nc; k+=nr)
for (int j = 0; j < kc*nc; j+=nc)
for (int i = 0; i < nr; ++i)
*dst++ = *(ptr + k + i + j);
void blis_dgemm_ref(
const int n,
const double* restrict A,
const double* restrict B,
double* restrict C,
const int mc,
const int nc,
const int kc
int mr = 2;
int nr = 8;
double locA[mc*kc] __attribute__ ((aligned(64)));
double locB[kc*nc] __attribute__ ((aligned(64)));
int ii,jj,kk,i,j;
#pragma omp parallel num_threads(4) shared(A,B,C) private(ii,jj,kk,i,j,locA,locB)
{//use all threads in parallel
#pragma omp for
// partitions C and B into wide column panels
for ( jj = 0; jj < n; jj+=nc) {
// A and the current column of B are partitioned into col and row panels
for ( kk = 0; kk < n; kk+=kc) {
cpack(locB, B + kk*n + jj, nc, kc, nr, n);
// partition current panel of A into blocks
for ( ii = 0; ii < n; ii+=mc) {
rpack(locA, A + ii*n + kk, kc, mc, mr, n);
for ( i = 0; i < min(n-ii,mc); i+=mr) {
for ( j = 0; j < min(n-jj,nc); j+=nr) {
// inner kernel that compues 2 x 8 block
dgemm_2x8_sse( kc,
locA + i*kc , mr,
locB + j*kc , nr,
C + (i+ii)*n + (j+jj), n );
double compute_gflops(const double time, const int n)
// computes the gigaflops for a square matrix-matrix multiplication
double gflops;
gflops = (double) (2.0*n*n*n)/time/1.0e9;
// ******* MAIN ********//
void main() {
clock_t time1, time2;
double time3;
double gflops;
const int trials = 10;
int nmax = 4096;
printf("%10s %10s\n","N","Gflops/s");
int mc = 128;
int kc = 256;
int nc = 128;
for (int n = kc; n <= nmax; n+=kc) { //assuming kc is the max dim
double *A = NULL;
double *B = NULL;
double *C = NULL;
A = _mm_malloc (n*n * sizeof(*A),64);
B = _mm_malloc (n*n * sizeof(*B),64);
C = _mm_malloc (n*n * sizeof(*C),64);
// Create the matrices
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
A[i*n + j] = (double) rand()/RAND_MAX;
B[i*n + j] = (double) rand()/RAND_MAX;
//D[j*n + i] = B[i*n + j]; // Transpose
C[i*n + j] = 0.0;
// warmup
time2 = 0;
for (int count = 0; count < trials; count++){// iterations per experiment here
time1 = clock();
time2 += clock() - time1;
time3 = (double)(time2)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC/trials;
gflops = compute_gflops(time3, n);
printf("%10d %10f\n",n,gflops);
printf("tests are done\n");