
How could I improve or make this program more user friendly? I have not been programming very long, so please don't give me a task that is too complicated.

from random import randint
import time
global word
word = "a"
shield = 5
#The main function
def main():
    #This will trigger the introduction
    while TakeTurn() == False:
        if shield == 1:
            word1 = "shield"
            word1 = "shields"
        print ("You have", shield, word1,)
        if shield < 1:
            print ("Sorry! You ran out of shields! You lose!")
            print ("You win")

#This function is the introduction to the program
def intro():
    print ("You are lost in a maze, it is dark and you are lost")
    print ("Im afraid there are monsters here...")
    print ("BOO!")
    print ("You have five shields to protect you...")
    print ("Use them well!")
    print ("Okay, let's go!")

#This function is the actual 'game' and will deterine what happens to the character    
def TakeTurn():
    global word
    global shield
    #This means that when the user reaches 0 shields, they lose.
    if shield < 1:
        return True
    #Whatever the user inputs will not actually affect the outcome
    print ("You have reached", word ,"junction.\nDo you want to turn left (L), turn right (R) or go straight ahead(S)?")
    turning = input()
    #This is a simple instruction that means that the first time you come to a junction, it will say 'a junction' but the second time it will say 'another junction'
    word = "another"
    #This 'if' statement means that the program will only continue if the user has inputed the letters 'L', 'R' or 'S'
    if turning not in ["L","R","S","l","r","s"] :
        time.sleep (0.7)
        print ("Sorry, I didn't understand that")
        choice = randint (1,10)
    #This is just going to display a random message which will affect the outcome
    time.sleep (1)
    if choice == 1:
        print ("You have found the exit!")
        return True
    elif choice == 2:
        print ("You have found a shield!")
        shield = shield +1
        return False
    elif choice == 3:
        print ("You have found two shields!")
        shield = shield +2
        return False
    elif choice == 4:
        print ("You have found three shields!")
        shield = shield +3
        return False
    elif choice == 5:
        print ("A fairy has jumped into your pants!")
        print ("You lose two shields")
        shield = shield -2
        return False
    elif choice == 6:
        return False
    elif choice == 7:
        print ("You have tripped over a log!")
        print ("You lose a shield")
        shield = shield -1
        return False
    elif choice == 8:
        print ("An angry teenager is staring at you in the eye.")
        print ("He uses laziness...")
        print ("It's super effective!")
        print ("You lose three shields")
        shield = shield -3
        return False
    elif choice == 9:
        print ("You have encountered an ogre...")
        print ("He bashes you over the head with a steel bar")
        print ("You lose two shields")
        shield = shield -2
        return False
        print ("A goblin aproaches and says the following:")
        return False

def goblin():
    global shield
    print ("'Do you want to play my magical roulette?\n There are three different outcomes:'")
    print ("You lose a shield")
    time.sleep (1)
    print ("You gain a shield")
    time.sleep (1)
    print ("Nothing happens")
    goblin = 0
    while goblin == 0:
        print ("Do you want to play? Y or N?")
        choice2 = input ()
        if choice2 not in ["Y","N","y","n"]:
            print ("Sorry I didnt understand that")
        elif choice2 not in ["Y","y"]:
            print ("Okay bye")
            print ("Let's play!")
            print ("Spinning...")
            print ("Spinning...")
            print ("Spinning...")
            roulette = randint (1,3)
            if roulette == 1:
                print ("Nothing happens")
                goblin = 1
            elif roulette == 2:
                print ("Im going to have to take one of your shields")
                shield = shield -1
                goblin = 1
                print ("Here! Have a shield!")
                shield = shield +1
                goblin = 1

def treasurechest():
    global shield
    treasure = 1
    while treasure == 1:
        print ("You have found a treasure chest! Do you want to open it? Y or N?")
        chest = input()
        if chest not in ["Y","y","N","n"]:
        print ("Sorry, I didn't understand that")
        elif chest not in ["Y","y"]:
        print ("Okay Bye")
        treasure = 0
            print ("Opening...")
            print ("Opening...")
            print ("Opening...")
            chest = randint (1,6)
            if chest == 1:
                print ("You have found a shield!")
                shield = shield +1
                treasure = 0
            elif chest == 2:
                print ("You have found two shields!")
                shield = shield +2
                treasure = 0
            elif chest == 3:
                print ("A dwarf jumps out and steals one of your shields!")
                shield = shield -1
                treasure = 0
            elif chest == 4:
                print ("An evil fairy steals two of your shields!")
                shield = shield -2
                treasure = 0
            elif chest == 5:
                print ("Sorry, the chest is empty")
                treausre = 0
                print ("A goblin is in the chest and says the following...")

1 Answer 1


Welcome to programming and Python. I have a few suggestions. There are a lot of suggestions here in this answer. To improve the style of your code beyond the things I have spoken to here, have a look at the official Python style guide.

  1. This code would be simpler if you used classes. However, you said you are new to programming so I won't push this idea too hard. A simple class skeleton that could fit your needs might be:

    class Player(object):
        def __init__(self, shield, treasure):
            self.shield = shield
            self.treasure = treasure
        def take_turn(self):
            # Do stuff
  2. Try not to use global. This should only be used if you HAVE to. Implementing classes as I suggested above would help remove the use for global. Also you could pass the variables as parameters to the functions:

    def TakeTurn(word, shield):
  3. You have a lot of time.sleep(...) then print('stuff'). This is fine, however it results in a lot of repeated code. You could bring these lines into a single function:

    def print_on_a_timer(times, lines):
        for time, line in zip(times, lines):

    Using this function in your intro function for example:

    def intro():
        times = [2, 2, 1.5, 1, 2, 1]
        lines = ["You are lost in a maze, it is dark and you are lost",
                 "Im afraid there are monsters here...", "BOO!",
                 "You have five shields to protect you...","Use them well!",
                 "Okay, let's go!"]
        print_on_a_timer(times, lines)
  4. When you are getting input from the user, you are checking for both lowercase and uppercase letters. This is good, however instead of doing choice not in ["Y","N","y","n"] you could use the lower function:

    choice = input().lower()
    if choice not in ['y', 'n']:
  5. In your TakeTurn function you restart the function if the user didn't provide good input. Instead of calling the function again, you can use a while loop:

    print ("You have reached", word ,"junction.\nDo you want to turn left (L),\
            turn right (R) or go straight ahead(S)?")
    turning = input().lower()
    while turning not in ["l", "r", "s"]:
        time.sleep (0.7)
        print ("Sorry, I didn't understand that")
        turning = input().lower()
  6. Your choice if-elses could be simplified if they were placed into a dict and the results were their own functions:

    choices = {'1':lambda: update_shields(1),
               '2':lambda: update_shields(2),
               '3':lambda: update_shields(3), ...}
    choice = input()
    . . .
    # Updates the current shield count and prints an appropriate message.
    def update_shield(num_shields):
       shields += num_shields
       multiple = num_shields > 1 or num_shields < -1
       print('You have {} {} shield{}'.format('found' if num_shields > 0 else 'lost',
                                               num_shields, 's' if multiple else ''))

There are other things I can point out. However, I have already given you a lot of information. Once you have updated your code, feel free to comment and I'll update my answer with more suggestions.

  • \$\begingroup\$ #6 is incorrect: creating the dictionary will involve calling update_shield multiple times. Instead, use functools.partial or lambda. \$\endgroup\$
    – jonrsharpe
    Commented May 30, 2014 at 21:07
  • \$\begingroup\$ Good catch, my original implementation was implemented wrongly. \$\endgroup\$ Commented May 31, 2014 at 15:54

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