I did this code over one day as a part of a job application, where they wanted me to make a minimal webcrawler in any language. The purpose was to crawl a site, find all of the URLs on that page, and crawl on to other pages. The code had to be able to resume operation if shut down (that's why I saved the lists to text files). I made it in Python just for simplicity, although I have never made anything more than Project Euler stuff in Python. Commented it excessively to make it highly readable.
I did not get the job, but I am interested in getting some input on how I can make the crawler better, and if there are some major flaws/structural errors. It was a fun task.
import urllib
import re
import os
# The parameter is the url the crawler is gonna crawl.
def crawler(url):
# The crawler find links by utilizing pythons urllib and the href tag
for new_url in re.findall('''href=["'](.[^"']+)["']''', urllib.urlopen(url).read()):
new_url = re.sub('\/*$', '', new_url)
# A bit ugly, but this is to be sure that the new url is not in the urls already crawled, or scheduled for crawling, a check for if it's a HTML element that have escape the regex, or a "link" to a html class on the same page, and that the url ending is in the allowed list
if not any(new_url in word for word in urls_Crawled) and not any(new_url in word for word in urlsToCrawl_Parent)and not any(new_url in word for word in urlsToCrawl_Child) and '<' not in new_url and '#' not in new_url and any(word in new_url.split('.')[-1] for word in allowedList) and 'https://www' not in new_url and 'mailto' not in new_url:
# If the url is in the new url, f.ex http://www.telenor.com is inside http://www.telenor.com/no/personvern/feed
# the latter should be appended in the parent list as i prioritize the local urls first.
if url.replace("http://","").replace("www.","").split('/', 1)[0] in new_url:
# Another check, this is if we deal with a local link on the form /no/personvern/feed/
elif new_url.startswith('/'):
# To better store local links, f.ex /no/personvern/feed/ forward slash (/) is omitted
new_url = re.sub('\/*$', '', new_url)
url = re.sub('\/*$', '', url)
# The /no/personvern/feed/ url is stored as www.telenor.com/no/personvern/feed/
# If we are not dealing with an local URL we are dealing with a child URL
# We are done crawling this URL and thus we remove it from the list, and we add it to the list over urls crawled.
# A fast implemention of a "blind" saving of state so the program can be resumed after an error
writetofile(urls_Crawled, 'URLsCrawled')
writetofile(urlsToCrawl_Parent, 'parentURLs')
writetofile(urlsToCrawl_Child, 'childURLs')
# Here we write the list over urls crawled to a txt file
def writetofile(urls, filename):
with open(filename,'w') as file:
for item in urls:
print>>file, item
if __name__ == "__main__":
# This is the 'input' parameteres the max_url gives how many different url it's gonna crawl.
# this is implemented to give a better control of the runtime of this crawler.
starturl = ""
max_urls = 500
if not os.path.exists('parentURLs') or not os.path.getsize('parentURLs') > 0 or not os.path.exists('childURLs') or not os.path.getsize('childURLs') > 0:
# This is simple lists to hold the urls crawled, the parent urls, i.e the 'local' urls on the current page, while the
# child urls are urls for other web pages found on a parent page.
urls_Crawled = []
urlsToCrawl_Parent = []
urlsToCrawl_Child = []
# We start to append the starturl
with open('URLsCrawled', 'r') as f:
urls_Crawled = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in f]
with open('parentURLs', 'r') as f:
urlsToCrawl_Parent = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in f]
with open('childURLs', 'r') as f:
urlsToCrawl_Child = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in f]
# To avoid crawl links to pictures (.jpeg) and other files i have made an list over allowed url-endings.
allowedList = ['html', 'htm', 'php', 'jsp', 'jspx', 'asp', 'no', 'com', 'net', 'org', 'se', 'dk']
# A while loop is utilized so we crawl the next url in the list until we have sucessfully crawled the amount of
# URLs wanted, or until we have reached the depth specified.
while (len(urls_Crawled) < max_urls):
# A while loop is utilized to always crawl the parent URLs first
while urlsToCrawl_Parent and (len(urls_Crawled) < max_urls):
# An extra check if the url is already crawled, if not we crawl this url
if urlsToCrawl_Parent[0] in urls_Crawled:
elif ('http://' in urlsToCrawl_Parent[0] or 'https://' in urlsToCrawl_Parent[0]):
urlsToCrawl_Parent[0] = "http://"+urlsToCrawl_Parent[0]
# When we are done with all the URLs in the parent list, we add the first URL in the children list